A post by Pat

Extreme Shepherding

What do you get when you give a Shepherd a video camera, LED lights and a whole bunch of sheep? A sheeptastic experience as evidenced by the fun spot for Samsung directed by James Rouse with The Viral Factory.

After all, it seems only fitting that shepherds who gave us the great game of golf, be the first ones to usher sheep herding into the digital art age. Rouse and The Viral Factory enlist an enthusiastic group of herders known as the Baaa-Studs to make the magic happen over the hills of walls. Some amazing sights are to behold as man, machine and beasts combine to re-create the Mona Lisa, the video game Pong and an electronic fireworks display worthy of any Fourth of July.

Techies may be fascinated by the LED aspect, but I think the shepherd dogs are what’s truly amazing.

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Jack Bauer says:

    “hills of walls” — I think that should be the hills of Wales?

  2. ashleymatt says:

    That was a very sweet video about Obama supporters.

    Seriously, those sheep dogs are incredible in their choreography. We don’t let our pets reach their full potential.

  3. pat_s says:


    Yes, especially the part making a flock of sheep march as one sheep. A double indignity. I felt sorry for the sheep but then that’s why we use them as a metaphor.

  4. Thom says:

    One of the more memorable parts f a trip to Ireland about five years ago, was the border collies. (the breed in this video)I have a short movie clip of sheep being herded by two border collies, minus the LEDs.

    The sheppard, when asked by another toursit how it’s done, said that in essence, it’s about rationing out the playtime, or work time, or whatever, so that the dogs think it’s special to be working or playing.

  5. Young American says:

    Seeeeeeing is believing ( I think ) Bravo Pat 🙂

  6. pat_s says:

    Young American,

    Seeing is baaaaalieving.

  7. Paaaaang!

    How about Paaaaac-Maaaaan for an encore?

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