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Deficit forces California to issue IOUs

Urkel congratulates himself on the mess he’s making. “Not bad for 6 months.”

For some reason, Meghan McCain thinks adulterous politicians should be forgiven and can still do a darn good job representing their constituents. Because lying, cheating and betraying the ones closest to you should not at all be held against you or should make people presume you might betray complete strangers known as “constituents.” While you use tax payer money to indulge in your cheating. And while it exposes you to blackmail and other sundry stuff. Not at all. No sirree. Gee, I wonder where she gets these ideas?

“…U.S. consumer confidence took an unexpectedly steep slide in June.”

You know how Sotomayor’s decision on the firefighters has been reversed by the Supreme Court? Well Urkel and his Mob think that’s a really good thing and proves she’s a great jurist. Yeah.

The NoKo nuke ship we’ve been following around may be going back to NoKo. But no one really knows for sure. Smart Power!

FDA may put restrictions on Tylenol

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. ashleymatt says:

    Would it be possible to put your Twitter feed back up on the blog? At some people’s places of employment, twitter.com is blocked, but tammybruce.com is not 😉

    • Tammy says:

      yes, absolutely it’s coming back. I wanted a widget that provided 5 or tweets as opposed to the just one. we’re working on that widget and it will be placed in the right hand column.

  2. LoriG says:

    Hi Tammy – great to hear you filling in for Laura! Are you able to take calls during the show? Would love the opportunity to talk with you live during the show, as we can usually do with the other fill-in hosts.

  3. paboki says:

    RE: FDA Tylenol.

    Here in Finland if you want to buy more than 10 Panadol/Tylenol, and thus save money, you need a Dr prescription, or as they call it here a recipe. BTW, 10 generic Claritins are about 2.99 Euros. I used to get 300 at Costco for about 9 bucks if i remember correctly. Socialism = high taxes and high prices on EVERYTHING! Food you buy in the market is also highly taxed.

  4. LauraVW says:

    OMG, the make-over of this site, the reorganization of so much fabulous insight and information, the podcasts, the subscription, the whole 100 yards is JUST WONDERFUL. (How about a year’s subscription for $40? [Always hammering a bargain.])

    Seriously, Tammy, here you go and we were all here to watch, up-up-and-away! For those of us who still bring some of our Democratic social views with us into our fiscal conservatism you are a hero.

  5. Mary Val says:

    Meghan McCain is a gullible patsy for the MSM. If she were a conservative, she wouldn’t be of interest to them. She’s going to advise us from the vast experience and wisdom of her privileged, wealthy, sheltered 24 years? Spare me. Better yet, move to Argentina with Sanford. Get a real job and be self supporting by your own contributions, marry and have 4 children, and when your husband of many years cheats on you then discusses it publicly, come and talk to us about how we should respond.

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