A post by Pat

Journalists in Iran have been told if they cover the protests, they are breaking the law. Pictures coming out of Tehran are the efforts of brave souls. The Iranian people want the world to see what is happening, their government does not. Americans have a short attention span. For the sake of the courageous risking their lives in Tehran, let’s pray for the good health of frivolous celebrities in Hollywood.

CNN interviewed Trita Parsi, the President of the National Iranian American Council, about the importance of getting the word and the images out of Iran. After all that, I was left a little confused at the end of his interview. He said Obama’s neutral approach was correct. There is very little the United States can do to help. So getting the story out is important because…? Maybe everything is entertainment now.

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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. mmeusa says:

    What is probably most conspicuous by its absence is our Ronald Reagan moment. That Iranians are speaking through protests is healthy. That the U.S. government neither speaks strongly nor speaks softly and carries a big stick, is unhealthy. That’s but one reason why we’re becoming one very sick nation. That is, unless we decide we’re going to get well.

  2. eMVeeH says:

    As this picture attests: http://tinyurl.com/ObamaTheBehindAndSarkozy Looks like some other things are more important to the POTUS than speaking out for the Iranian martyrs or defending democracy in Honduras. Check out the impish look on Sarkozy’s face.

  3. 1elder1 says:

    IMO -Iranian protesters doggedly hang onto obama . In TWITTER they do not like when I make partisan remarks against the Democrat Socialist Party and its titular head. They do not see him as a headless boy wonder like I do.
    I still support RT IRAN tweets because they know not what they do.

  4. lawmom90 says:

    Both of the Obamas are making stunningly stupid mistakes by missing this golden opportunity for leadership, to help support the Iranian people who are crying out for freedom, and to set an example for their daughters not to tolerate the abominable human rights abuses that women face in this country. Being a strong woman herself, Michelle Obama should get on bended knee daily and thank God she and her daughters don’t live in a country in which you can be stoned to death for talking to a man who is not in your family, or other similar act that we take for granted in our free country. It is a pity that neither of them has the insight or ability to see this important opportunity and to take advantage of it. That would make Mr. Obama a true champion of women’s rights, instead of just a figurehead mouthpiece who makes empty gestures dictated to him by a teleprompter. And it would elevate Mrs. Obama to someone who really wants to make a difference, instead of someone who wants to look good while pretending to care.

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