A post by Pat

He already rescued the economy and knows how to reform health care in the next few minutes but there’s one problem Obama so far cannot solve. How to get to church. First he was busy transitioning, had to get the kids settled in and all that. He’s been looking for a “church home” but can’t figure out how to get a President to a congregation without being disruptive. I think the solution is somewhere between going out for ice cream and going to New York on a date. Other presidents managed to solve it.

In the meantime there’s the chaplain at Camp David and Obama’s sacred blackberry. His director for faith initiatives sends him a devotional message every morning. Sometimes from other religions. (I bet I know one of the other ones.)

Maybe nothing else quite compares once you’ve seen the Wright.

Something to add to the WIBST file (What if Bush Said That): Obama says he prays for guidance all the time and hopes his work is aligned with His purpose. In fact I think Bush did say something like that and his critics called him delusional.

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. jupaczyn says:

    When Bush was mocked for seeking God’s guidance, it was because he meant it. Everyone knows Barry uses “religion” as a campaign and PR device so they just let it slide like all the other politically expedient lies that drip so easily from his lips. If they believed he really sought guidance from anyone other than himself, they would give him grief. After all, he is the new messiah so he really needs no outside guidance. Right?

  2. MRFIXIT says:

    The history channel did a segment of the presidency and religeous views. They chronicled the references to god and religion, and contrasted it with presidential church attenance. Two things stood out. Reagan was not a church goer, and Clinton attended regularly. That supprised me. There were a lot of other surprises too, they just did not stand out enough to recount.

  3. barenakedislam says:

    Have you checked with the local mosques?

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