Make no mistake, this is the result of Obama’s Deathcare, and it hasn’t even passed yet, but they think it will. I’ve sounded the alarm bell for you for months now–once the gubmint is in charge of everything and paying for everything, all will be cut or rationed.

The CDC via their new Task Force on the issue has reversed what had been a clarion call for women to be vigilant with mammography screenings after 40. Now they’re saying nevermind, you really don’t need them until after 50, and then not so often.

The bottom line–sure their will be some casualties but compared to the money saved, it’ll be worth it. Make no mistake–this has nothing to do with women’s health, quite the opposite. It’s about saving money at the expense of women’s lives and women’s choice and options.

Welcome to the depravity of The Fed controlling health care.

Stop Annual Mammograms, Govt. Panel Tells Women Under 50

For the first time in 20 years, a government panel is telling women in their 40s to stop getting routine mammograms and recommending that a host of other breast cancer screenings slow down.
The United States Preventive Service Task Force announced Monday that it recommends against annual mammograms for women age 40 to 49 because, they say, the benefits of testing do not outweigh the “harms” and risks.

The task force also recommends against teaching breast self-exams for all women and said evidence was insufficient to recommend mammograms for women older than 74.

Well, we already know once you pass a certain age and not producing taxable income, why should the gubmint provide you with certain types of healthcare? Heck, you’re not gonna notice breast cancer at 74 are you?

Fox News: Doctors Divided Over New Mammogram Guidelines

And Morrissey over at Hot Air has an excellent assessment: Feds to women in their 40s: Skip the mammogram

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16 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. RuBegonia says:

    Physicians will continue to recommend mammograms – for the good, bad, and ugly reasons – prevention, diagnosis, and “CYA”. The government is trying to set an unreasonable standard of practice. YES – this is the beginning of the ROAD to RATIONING. This will be an “out of pocket” expense – expect more of this if OBAMACARE passes.

  2. Palin2012 says:

    This is really dangerous – I have two friends who were diagnosed through mammography and are alive today because of it. I also had a friend who would not get a mammogram until it was too late, she died a few years ago. At the age of 32 I had a lump removed that, thank goodness – turned out to be benign, it was discovered through mammography. A mass was found last year that my doctors are watching. The Feds are saying that mammograms are not needed or even breast self-exams! Now they have gone from just wanting to kill seniors to killing women. Who the hell is doing this? When will they want the damn burka – are we moving to a place in this country where women just don’t matter. Has Sarah Palin scared the good ole boys that bad?? Where are the doctors voices on this??

  3. CO2aintpoison says:

    Well…why would THEY care, none of those guys, including my rep Mr. Mikulski have boobs (except for Barney Frank – maybe the PD could send him a copy of her shake recipie).

    Seriously – what do we expect from these freaks? I think they know they’re on the way out – we have a female conservative leader and they want to punish us.

  4. Alain41 says:

    New recommendation is ultimately based on a view of; all money belongs to the government. If you view all money as belonging to the gov’t then the harms and risks of screening before 50 outweigh the benefits. Harm, risk, benefit are all judged with regard to the whole and not the individual. Likely what they want to say but can not bring themselves too (because of implications) is something like; we recommend that women between 40 – 49 have mammograms and pay for them themselves, women 50 and over should have at least some insurance pymt for the mammograms. So to avoid the ‘problem’ that free individuals make different decisions than government wants (eg, government does not want to pay for medicaid users to have mammograms before 50), they condemn all.

  5. Maynard says:

    How much medical attention do we need? That’s a key question, right? Personally I think a lot of people consume more medical attention than they need. I try to stay away from doctors — which either makes me wise and thrifty, or maybe one day I’ll sicken or die in what would have been avoidable circumstances. I try to listen to “experts”, but they’re often in conflict with each other, and I’m not sure who to trust. But I want the final decisions to be made by me, not by “experts”, and certainly not by the government. I know I’m foolish and unworthy, but I won’t yield. That’s what scares the hell out of me here, the loss of personal control. As the government takes control of the health care infrastructure, their “advice” will in fact become mandatory, because the government will be the only game in town. That’s the end game here; can anyone deny it? And that’s not the world I want to live in; it’s not the world of the America I know and love. What was that rallying cry of the pro-choice people? “Keep your laws off my body!” (I don’t want to have the abortion argument; I understand that some will argue the fetus is someone else’s body.) It’s time to revive that argument. The government wants your body. They can’t have it. This intrusion must end.

  6. k.nelson5047 says:

    Yes of course. Everyone should have health insurance (greedy insurance companies are keeping us from having it). Actual healthcare, well, not as important. First Urkel tells us that we need preventive care and it will save money (of course it only puts off costs until later in life when people live longer and require more care , but don’t worry, you can just take the pill), then he shepards in a health insurance scheme that takes away healthcare later in life. And now they are preparing us for the lowering of preventive services as in this bogus mammogram study. Just add it to the superb study showing that 40,000 people die annually without insurance (oh, I guess since the plan doesn’t really start until 2013, 120,000 deaths will be on Urkels watch). Gee, what will these wonderful BLUE RIBBON Government panels tell us next? I can’t wait!

    And by the way, we conservatives all just want people to die and die quickly if we dont sign on to healthcare reform as defined by the libs. Of course the media portrays this as so (how many times do you see them show the conservative response to reform – 10% of the time?).

    Thank God the American people have caught on to this game. A trillion dollar scheme (we know it will be 5 times that estimate) that will increase costs for most (taxes, fees, penalties), result in fewer doctors, will increase unemployment (would you add jobs knowing these expenses are coming), and will give the government the power to tell us what operations we can have and if we can even have them (and it only came in at 2000 pages, so far)! Utopia! Bring on immigration reform, cap and trade and card check, we almost have our dream nation!

  7. lreimers says:

    Obama Breast Health Guidelines: Don’t look, don’t feel … and hope they don’t change.

  8. Sam Joe says:

    Raising the “recommendation by 10 years” and then every other year instead of annually. Troubling, to say the least.

    Wonder what Newsweek will say now?

  9. KathyJo says:

    Whatever happened to early detection being the key to survival?? How many years has this been the mantra of The American Cancer Society, AMA, whoever had anything to do with medicine preaching early detection, testing, self examinations, find it early and you survive. Now a complete turnaround, and we’re supposed to believe that early detection doesn’t matter? So. .. tests aren’t recommended til you’re at least 50, and by then, your age and estimated years of survival post treatment won’t meet the threshold to make treating you worth it, so too bad, so sad, sucks to be you? AAAArrrrrgggggghhhh!!!!!!!!

  10. Carol says:

    Thanks for your concern about us. I suspect most TAMs hear a govt. guideline and do the opposite if possible. I too miss you on Saturdays, but the full weekend break seems to suit you well. And is probably healthier!
    One suggestion (from Monday): Keep quiet (or hit the mute button) while playing a sound bite of yourself. I couldn’t distinguish between you and you.

  11. naga5 says:

    all you TAMs in the medical field know what the heck this means. i did a little research on durable medical equipment purchase guidelines and medicaid last year at my work (i’m a PT). bona fide nightmare. the guidelines themselves are an absolute disorganized and largely unfinished and untested mess. these federal medicaid guidelines become treatment care guidelines eventually because that is what will be reimbursed-first as medicaid reimbursements only, then it filters down to what private third party payers will pay or they go broke. and if there are no private insurers (read single payer only) to at least slow down the trend, welcome to death care. everything costs more, the consumer gets less and no one is happy. geezo peazo

  12. morecowbell says:

    4 out of 5 conservatives agree that taking health advise from the Government is bad for your health. This is what I do. I went to my doctor, let him decide on a yearly physical checkup routine based on my personal and family history, and then followed his instructions. Simple. Oh yeah, I paid my bill when it came in the mail.

  13. Hannibal says:


  14. MRFIXIT says:

    This is the set-up to lower preventive care expectations. As in the U.K., where prostate cancer is treated by “watchful waiting”. In other words they wait until the tumor’s growh accellerates before you can get surgery. As a result, the risk of dying of prostate cancer is much greater in the U.K. The ministry of health says the protocal is appropriate, and the risk comes from patients missing thier followup screenings. Delays in the system, and long wait cues make followups inconveinient for patients. This lowering of expectations will permeate all aspects of preventive heath care, and will greatly increase if heathcare is nationalised.

    It will come by incrementalism. The trial lawyers think they are safe, but when hospitals are sued into bankruptsy, the state will take them over and they will be made exempt from lawsuits. The doctors will bear the brunt of suits until they all become state workers, and they then will be extended the same exemtion. Tort reform will come by a slow tortuous creeping process.

    One important fact of heathcare is that it is still a labor intensive service. We have automated many processes and systems to make everything from lightbulbs to house paint. We are never going to do bypass surgery by throwing patients on a conveyor, and having robots perform the procedure like they are welding a car chassis. People, education, and experience remain the main cost drivers of heathcare.

  15. CO2aintpoison says:

    Katie Sosillius to American Women: “You people are so cuuute! I wasn’t saying NOT to do self exams, to put off mamograms until 50 and only do them every other year! I have no idea how you all got THAT idea! No…see, we weren’t speaking about American women and um, we were, uh, um, we were speaking just in theory and uh….. Well, you know we didn’t really think any of all ya’ll were going to take us seriously! I mean, there weren’t even any OBGYNs or Oncologyists on the panel of discussion so, hah, uh – why would you guys take that as gospel? I swear…you fear mong….I mean you people are so cute. No, of course, we all know breast health is very important and we would never do anything to diminish that or to suggest to alter what we know saves hundreds of thousands of lives! Uh…thank you”

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