SatsumaTangerineA post by Maynard

I know nothing about food. So this will be an ignorant note. But maybe it will be helpful to my fellow ignoramuses.

This is the time of year when satsuma tangerines appear in groceries. Seems to me this is the perfect tangerine variant (maybe not even a real tangerine?). Aside from being delicious, the satsumas are seedless, and the skin peels off effortlessly. They’re even American-grown. This is as good as food containing neither ethanol nor caffeine can get. Don’t let the season slip by without grabbing an armful!

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. RuBegonia says:

    Maynard, yes satsuma tangerines are a treasured treat in December. There’s a bag in the fridge in my kennel right now! Oranges are a historical “stocking stuffer” in America, dating back to times when getting an orange in the cold of winter was a prized gift. Scoring a bag of satsumas at the local grocer this time of year is a most satisfying and tasty celebration of that citrus tradition. Woof!

  2. tamcat says:

    Kind of like a clementine. But bigger.

  3. Sam Joe says:

    I feel the same way about fuyu persimmons.

  4. Bastiat Fan says:

    Sam Joe:

    What YOU said! love the persimmon…

    but I like satsumas, too.

  5. theporch says:

    I have two Satsuma trees in my backyard here in LA(Lower Alabama) and we love them. I have many friends that come and do their own pick and eat. Have quite a few left since my trees were loaded again this year. They are a grafted tree made especially for the cooler climate we have here in the winter. I will have fruit on my trees probably until mid February. I picked two 5 gallon buckets from our trees last February and juiced them. Delicious.

  6. theporch says:

    One other point, I have never heard my Satsumas called “Satsumas Tangerine”. One of my trees has a tighter skin than the other. One is a Armstrong and the other is an Awari.

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