b+Today’s Tammy Radio podcast has posted for Tammy Army Members. Please visit the TAM Podcasts page for your exclusive media 🙂 If you aren’t a member of the Tammy Army, please join today!

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Shots from the Show:

Obama gives himself a B-plus — an A-minus if health care passes

Obama job approval falls to 44%

On Obama’s falling poll numbers: Like a Stone

22 million missing Bush White House e-mails found

Secret document exposes Iran’s nuclear trigger

Houston biggest US city to elect openly gay mayor

Children Services Confirms Visit to Tiger Woods

Nelson And Lieberman: No Public Option Of Any Kind

John Murtha hospitalized

Did AmeriCorps official lie about possible First Lady link to IG firing?

WWII Internees Finally Get Degrees

Because There Was More Than One Miracle On the Hudson

Reasons to Love New York 2009: Because There Was More Than One Miracle on the Hudson

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
15 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. aardvark says:

    What this tech-challenged TAM needs is a printable “F” report card to send to PrezBOW!

  2. Carol says:

    Does anyone else believe it’s possible that Urkel’s real approval rating might be lower than 44%? Some of my normal (i.e. conservative) family & friends discussed this when it first got under 50%, and believe it could be off by 10-15% based on some poll respondents fear of being branded racist by giving a negative rating. It’s analogous to what Tammy discussed last week about secret ballot vs. caucus ballot in the primaries. Obviously, we have no way to prove our theory. I don’t know how the polls are taken. If they’re somehow done totally anonymously, then I’ll have to accept the given results…. And wonder why there’s still too many people smokin’ the dope!

  3. Young American says:

    Hey Oprah,
    It’s me, the center of your universe, Obama … Hey baby.. I give myself a B+ .. No debate Oprah. Look at my smile, look at my ears. *egotistic, pompous, bumptious, imperious* .. I’d be an A + but America is a racist country. I’d be doing so much more but I’m being held back ..
    Take note department of education- 44% is the new B + .. Adjust your grading accordingly. Nuff said, Obama

  4. lord-ruler says:

    I’m always in the mood for more Tammy!! She is an awesome patriot!! Good to have her on our side.

  5. Maynard says:

    What grade for Obama? Obviously: Epic Fail.

  6. trevy says:

    I’ll give Duh One a solid F-.

    I’m grading him that high only because a Z- grade doesn’t exist.

  7. franknitti says:

    It’s funny that in regards to the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II the only major public figure who opposed it was none other than FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who is a reviled historical figure by liberals. Liberal icons Franklin D. Roosevelt and Earl Warren (governor of California during World War II) were the two main parties responsible.

  8. Leon says:

    The importance of humility and honor has been on my mind of late.
    Life seems to be all about teaching the humility.
    Some are perhaps unchanged by such lessons, perhaps being a “cracked vessel” as in the bible.

    Initial presumption of right to take by force, as a keystone philosophical precept, as is the liberal way, requires such arrogance that elitism is innate in that philosophical path, from incept.
    Abandonment of honor is a thorny one to think on. It is perhaps the excluded quality of egalitarianism, antithesis to the liberal way, that gives the key.

    The “little people” that the elite will take from, and perhaps give to, according to their whim, are subjects, perhaps unwillingly so, not peers. Was it Plato who said you can tell the masters from the slaves, according to who is armed?

    Only those who are armed can enforce any claim for the truth. There is something here I can’t quite put my finger on. It seems that honor and being truthful and being armed and being peers goes together. Those who would be masters seek constantly to disarm and deceive the subjects. Most of our political class seem to want to be a new aristocracy, masters over a disarmed populace. I say join the NRA this very moment. JFK did. God how times change.

    I say it’s everyones patriotic duty to support the right that is the ultimate infrastructural right to all others. The group that fights for it is not the ACLU, they say “we don’t do 2nd Amendment.”
    Consistent with the liberal way? Yes.
    Join the demonized, loyally defending NRA. http://home.nra.org/#/home
    Criminology Stats say more guns means less crime, so you will be supporting that way as well.
    Besides there’s SHOPPING! http://www.nrastore.com/nra/home.aspx
    And Merry Christmas! Not Xmas! Christmas!

  9. thierry says:

    in the late 80s a herd of northern gheys, goths, musicians and artsy types moved to houston. we thought they were nuts but come to find out they loved it and most never returned. it was quite the ‘ alternative whatever’ mecca of that time.

  10. CO2aintpoison says:

    Samson’s strength was taken by Delilah who cut off his hair when he was sleeping – too bad Tiger doesn’t have long locks.

  11. CO2aintpoison says:

    Obama Family Christmas day on HGTV! Whaaaat! HGTV is one channel away from Fox and is my “go to channel” when either the once, (aw)Shuckawas, Newt, or any of those other dingbats show up to pontificate. Even THEY have gone to the O-side. Geez louise. My (EX)boyfriend shot his tv once (I’m not supposed to tell anybody that; it’s a good story though especially since he decided after 7 years, a 19 year old was better than a 36 year old…); maybe I ought to give it a try…..shooting the tv thing that is. I’ve been cured of relationships.

  12. Shifra says:

    Gray is the new black. Fifty is the new forty. And B+ is the new F….

  13. Red Barr says:

    I would give the Bro in DC a solid 0-

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