And no, New York Times, it isn’t solely because we know that tyrants do, eventually, work to quash our Second Amendment rights, it’s also a reaction to losing trust in our government. Most people trusted the party system, either believing the system or career politicians would never allow a malevolent Dumb Bastard to become president. Oh sure, the American people voted for Obama, but our “choices” consist of the people the parties elevate. So when the previously trusted system not only allows an Obama to rise to the top, when he gets there they do nothing to stop the destruction. Some, in fact, eagerly help it along.

That’s why states and individuals are realizing the importance of self-reliance and individual power. It’s that simple. Yes, Americans are arming and the Obama administration should thank us, as it very well may keep him and his gestapos from crossing a bridge they should never consider.

Fearing Obama Agenda, States Push to Loosen Gun Laws

…Mr. Obama has been largely silent on the issue while states are engaged in a new and largely successful push for expanded gun rights, even passing measures that have been rejected in the past.

In Virginia, the General Assembly approved a bill last week that allows people to carry concealed weapons in bars and restaurants that serve alcohol, and the House of Delegates voted to repeal a 17-year-old ban on buying more than one handgun a month. The actions came less than three years after the shootings at Virginia Tech that claimed 33 lives and prompted a major national push for increased gun control.

Arizona and Wyoming lawmakers are considering nearly a half dozen pro-gun measures, including one that would allow residents to carry concealed weapons without a permit. And lawmakers in Montana and Tennessee passed measures last year — the first of their kind — to exempt their states from federal regulation of firearms and ammunition that are made, sold and used in state. Similar bills have been proposed in at least three other states…

“The watchword for gun owners is stay ready,” said Wayne LaPierre, chief executive of the National Rifle Association. “We have had some successes, but we know that the first chance Obama gets, he will pounce on us.”

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. mrcannon says:

    Geez, I must be living in the wrong state. The former mayor of Seattle imposed a ban of guns in public parks, a completely illegal move in violation of Washington’s constitution. a violation that the new, even loonier mayor supported. Fortunately, the ban didn’t hold up in court. Meanwhile, gang activity continues to flourish in the Emerald City. Who would have thought that those “This Is A Gun-Free Zone” signs weren’t the deterrent they were cracked up to be?

  2. franknitti says:

    Well, at least gunshops seem to be recession proof. Especially since Urkel took over in the White House. He’s been a godsend to them. They might be the biggest financial contributors to his re-election.

  3. cmoore324 says:

    Last week I joined a gun club. There must have been almost 100 people there to either renew or be new members. There is a great gun lobby in my state, and we’ve got concealed carry, for which I am licensed, and strong support for loosening laws against carry in state parks, etc. The other day Congress passed a law allowing guns in federal parks, so baby steps are there to get the 2nd amendment back. But as La Pierre notes, we have to stay vigilant, the UN is trying to impose international laws on us banning guns and ammo.

  4. MetalGirl1 says:

    Being from South Dakota where hunting is the favorite pastime, and also a predominately red state, guns have always been a part of my life. My Dad taught me how to shoot when I was 9 and taught me how to handle guns responsibly. I’ve always thought that our 2nd Amendment rights were untouchable, you know? Since it was in the Constitution it always seemed to me that it couldn’t be messed with. But I guess when we have a Pres like Obutthead the first thing they will want to do is to try to take away our rights, especially ones that help us protect ourselves against people who would do us harm. I still haven’t figured out why that is either. I am also a member of the NRA and listening to Wayne LaPierre’s speech at CPAC was a big reminder that we need to keep fighting for ALL our rights! For too long I think we as Americans got a little too comfortable, and sort of stopped paying attention. Time to wake up and smell the burnt toast and I’m glad so many Americans have begun the wake-up call! 🙂

  5. trevy says:

    Luke 22:36 He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.

    I want to get a stainless steel .38 snubbie. But, otherwise, my gun safe is full. That’s one of the many nice things about being an Okie.

  6. LJZumpano says:

    First of all, the New York Times should realize by now that BO is always atleast 6 months behind the curve. Has he ever given timely response to anything, and yes, the most famous example is the dog, which was promised to his daughters, during the campaign( a sort of bribe actually, to keep them in line until the election). Win or lose the girls would get a dog as soon as (and I emphazie as soon as) the election was over. Then there is the money from his nobel prize (I won’t dignify it by using caps) that was of course going to charity. And if you check the HCR he proposes, it doesn’t really kick with benefits until 2018 I think — anyway as the sky is falling because of HC, we can all afford to wait for years. We have been yelling it’s the economy stupid, and we need jobs for over a year, and he just wags that finger and smiles, and on and on on.
    Regarding guns, I must admit that I don’t like them and I live in a suburb of NYC where the need for self protection is not great. I do however support the 2nd Amendment and have no problem with citizens exercising that right. I had a light bulb go off in my head about a year ago, when it suddenly hit me that the 2nd Amendment really was fundamently important to protect us from a government gone wild. I had never before worried that we could have such a government. The checks and balances of the Constitition, the history of our country where swings to the extreme left or right somehow balanced out. I always had the sense that we were moving to a better world, slowly at times, but at least headed in the right direction. This administration feels more like Alice in Wonderland, where words lose their meanings, actions are not based on law, and the voice of the people falls on deaf ears. And since BO does take an awfully long time to make decisions, I anticipate some new attacks on the 2nd Amendment coming this year, and I don’t expect them to be founded in the law. And now, I will try to find C-span on the internet so I can watch the theatre of the absurd as BO tells us what we want, and wags his finger and those who don’t agree.

    • cmoore324 says:

      Yes, LJZ, you are right. the 2nd Amendment is meant to protect us from a government gone awry. That’s why every fascist/totalitarian/commie regime takes the guns away first and foremost, right before they start slaughtering those who opposed them during the election/war/revolution, whatever. It goes on in Democratic countries too. Australia banned all guns, and confiscated every single gun in the country. People had to give up their rifles, shotguns that they had inherited from their grandfathers, etc, only to see them put in the scrap heap and melted. The crime rate skyrocketed. New Orleans police confiscated guns–pinning one 60 year old woman against her stove, roughing her up to take away her .38. She came away with bruises and welts all over her, and all she was doing was trying to protect her home from looters. Even if you don’t own or don’t want to own a gun, join the NRA and help the fight.

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