Maynard seeks sense where there is none

I’m writing less about politics these days because, frankly, the political dysfunction is too obvious to dwell upon. It’s an insult to your intelligence to hold forth on how Washington is controlled by liars and fools and scoundrels; it’s like announcing the sky is blue. The Washington elite no longer even bother to pretend there’s any reason or decency to what they’re doing. They just mouth a few ridiculous rationalizations to fill the void, and nobody believes a word of it.

I sound like a naïve fool if I indignantly declare, “Our leaders are lying to us.” Yeah, of course they’re lying. They’re politicians! That’s what politicians do! What are you, Maynard, some kind of moron?

Okay, so I shouldn’t dwell on the obvious. But with the world going to hell in a handbasket, where does that leave us? Does Washington expect us to lie back and think of England? That seems a bit much to ask.

I don’t know how to proceed. But I can try to illuminate the fundamental points.

There’s a way we do things in America. We’ve got rules and structures. This is why we’re a politically stable nation; why our democratic structures have deep roots. Because we don’t make up the rules as we go along. The people believe that government isn’t entirely corrupt; we believe government responds to the people and gives us some service. Our system has been creaky, but it’s worked and it’s a known quantity. That’s not a bad arrangement by real-world standards.

The original American government under the Articles of Confederation was inadequate. The Constitution, in 1787, was our second national government. We’ve moved forward successfully under this structure, with the exception of the Civil War, where we shot each other.

You remember in Star Wars how characters keep telling each other to “trust your feelings”? Well, that’s a load of garbage! I don’t trust my feelings! Sure, I listen to my feelings. I contemplate my feelings. But I don’t trust my feelings.

Feelings lie! Feelings lead you astray. Feelings are yours alone, and can really never be shared.

That’s why we need a common structure. A nation. A Constitution. Something that is objectively defined and not squishy and touchy-feely.

Our Constitution is imperfect. In its inception, it embraced slavery. That’s why the Dred Scott decision acknowledged slaves as property: Because, under the Constitution, slaves were property. To change that, you had to change the Constitution.

Do I sound harsh, or even evil? Sorry, but that’s the way it’s done. If we don’t operate within the framework, then there are no rules. There’s only anarchy. You may argue that it was proper to abandon the structure for the purpose of abolishing slavery; otherwise we’re no better than Nazis who gave the excuse of “I was only following orders.” Yes, extreme times call for extreme deeds. However, think carefully before you reach for your “nuclear option”. You make it all that much easier for the next guy to do it again. Today we abolish slavery by mere creative interpretation of the Constitution; tomorrow someone else will follow the same path to abolish property. When we abandon the framework, we’re on that slippery slope that leads to us shooting each other.

The Civil War came when an abolitionist was elected president. The South, recognizing that the days of American slavery were numbered, bolted from the Union. Lincoln was an abolitionist, but he was also a patriot and a politician. He saw his first duty was to preserve the United States. By firing the first shots at Fort Sumter, the South invited a military solution to the dispute. The rest is history, and it’s very bloody. America lost almost as many people in the Civil War as all the rest of our wars put together.

Slavery was coming to an end, one way or another. Sometimes I wonder if it could have been allowed to perish with a whimper, rather than a bang. Is it possible that slavery might have died a natural death over the next generation, and saved half a million Americans from being butchered? Would such a deal, if it were possible, have been the best path? But maybe this line of speculation is unrealistic. Maybe it couldn’t end until we killed each other. I don’t know.

In the midst of the war, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. It freed the slaves in the rebellious states. This was technically a point of military strategy, for the purpose of depriving the South of their labor resource.

To abolish slavery in the United States required an amendment to the Constitution, the Thirteen Amendment. There was no other way.

Lincoln was an abolitionist, but he worked within the American framework. Although it’s worth mentioning that, for the purpose of prosecuting the war, he was capable of a bit of cheating. He imprisoned high Maryland officials who were advocates of secession (Maryland was one of the four slaveholding states which did not secede). He ignored court orders to free them. In justifying his illegal actions, Lincoln asked the rhetorical question: “Are all the laws, but one, to go unexecuted, and the government itself go to pieces, lest that one be violated?” (A comment which remains relevant as we struggle with the legal rights of foreign terrorists.) Would you argue with Lincoln on this point? It was a time of war, and the fate of the nation was precarious. (See Wiki for legal details.)

But the rules are not to be readily discarded; certainly not in time of peace. The original income tax was tossed out by the courts; we needed the Sixteenth Amendment before the tax could legally be levied. Likewise, Prohibition could not be enacted without the Eighteenth Amendment.

It seems that with FDR’s New Deal, the expansion of government powers no longer required that the Constitution be amended. Early in FDR’s term, the Supreme Court rejected the new laws. (See Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States.) But FDR threatened to pack the Court, and the Justices fell into place.

The days of the Depression were difficult. Maybe it’s not appropriate for me to second-guess the decisions of the day. But I lament that some hideous precedents were set.

We’re hearing how Obama and Reid and Pelosi are plotting their health control “nuclear option”. This is an entirely new thing. As we’ve discussed before, it’s a huge change of rules to be made for the purpose of ramming unwanted legislation down America’s throat. This is not the way things have ever been done in Washington.

In a sane and decent world, Democrats would hesitate at this point. Actions have consequences. If you make up new rules to get your way, then why should the other guy play by the rules? How can we remain a cohesive nation if we throw out the rulebook?

Is this health control bill a wartime scenario? Does it justify the destruction of an American lawmaking tradition?

The entire last year has been a surreal adventure. Most Americans perceive the great issues of the day to be global Islamic terrorism and the flailing economy. But Washington, after enacting a brain-dead and ineffective “stimulus” package, spent the year focused on carbon dioxide and health control. We’ve facing the two real crises, but instead President Obama has devoted himself to battling these two artificial crises. Sure, health care is a real issue…but is it the problem of the moment? Seems to any rational person that health care isn’t what we need to go crazy on. Why the insane obsession, especially when faced with a bleeding America?

This debate is no longer about health care. It’s about Obama. And not embarrassing Obama. If not for that factor, Congress would have quietly backtracked from this failed abortion months ago. But Obama insisted that Congress put it all on the line. With Pelosi and Reid in his pocket, the Democrats in Congress (probably against the better judgment of many) went along.

I believe Obama is mentally ill. I say this clinically, rather than as a pejorative. He’s obsessed with his ideology of control, to the exclusion of all else.

We’ve all got our quirks. Obama’s quirks are obvious enough. The part I don’t understand is why the Democrats of Congress are still going along with Obama. I keep thinking that at some point they’re going to break with him, and some coalition closer to the political center will form.

When the House passed its first version of health control, Michael Steele commented on the Democrat’s cheer: “They are applauding themselves out of office.” And I groaned inwardly. The fate of the nation is in peril, and the RNC chairman is looking for an opportunity to gain power. He gloats because the Democrats have done a horrible thing to America, and this will work to his advantage. Doesn’t anyone think first and foremost about the survival of the United States? Is it all just a big game to these people?

Does America still exist? Or are we just a collection of squabbling children, beating each other into submission until we’re all dead? There’s no longer a national interest; there’s only my gang against your gang.

I try not to despise all Democrats, and I certainly don’t love Republicans. I want to leave open the possibility that someone out there, of any party, will stand for America and fight for America. And that someone, whoever he or she may be, is welcome to call upon me to sacrifice my life, my fortune, my sacred honor.

I’m here. I try to do my part, to the extent that God gave me the wisdom to discern it. But it seems our earthly authority has turned against us, and we have been left alone. Alone without rules.

With a heavy heart, I arm myself and prepare to stand against whatever may come. Given the scenario that has been created, the people must be ready for the worst.

Historians will eventually be asking this question: Why, in 2009, did Washington declare war on America? We know what the Civil War was about, and we sense that maybe it was unavoidable. But what is this all about? Do we really have to do this thing?

Have I said anything that isn’t obvious?

Is anyone listening who can make a difference? Or is everyone too busy shouting?

Will we soon be shooting each other?

I’m not patient by nature. I want to know the answers to these questions right now. But life is never that simple. Seems I’m going to have to wait.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
13 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. RuBegonia says:

    [Starman is driving the car, and speeds across a recently turned red light, causing crashes for the other motorists]
    Starman: Okay?
    Jenny Hayden: Okay? Are you crazy? You almost got us killed! You said you watched me, you said you knew the rules!
    Starman: I do know the rules.
    Jenny Hayden: Oh, for your information pal, that was a *yellow* light back there!
    Starman: I watched you very carefully. Red light stop, green light go, yellow light go very fast.

  2. electricninja says:

    Consider this, Maynard: WorldNetDaily reported in 2008 that only a few states remained to meet the Article V requirement for a Constitutional Convention that would have the power to submit amendments without the political filter of Congress standing in the way. If ObamaCare passes, it is such a convention that would be the true nuclear option and Obama would have no means of fighting it. You can be certain that with Republicans in control of Congress and most of the states, a backlog of amendments long overdue like the line-item veto and congressional term limits would finally see the light of day (among other newer, relevant ones that need not include Obama’s “positive liberties”), and the states would ratify with an ugly vengeance.

    It is only our trust in the system to make things right that keeps a revolution from happening tomorrow. Well, the system prescribes this manual override panic switch when all else has failed. If ObamaCare passes, all else will have failed, and it will be up to us to pull it and cross our fingers or fold our hands.

    • sandyl says:

      Excellent point about a constitutional convention.However, gov’t -ran healthcare for all is already unconstitutional, and they are ignoring that fact, and have been since social security, medicare, medicaid, prescription drug program. We would have quite a lot to set straight, and I don’t think we have any politician with the guts to propose repealing all these things.

  3. Southrider says:

    I appreciate your disappointment with the current state of affairs. I think you’re near to the mark, but missing a key, intentional, contributor to our inability to govern.
    Consider USA today’s front page article on ‘global warming’. While it advised there is growing doubt on the topic it intentionally fails to inform that the individual responsible for much of the data – possibly most as NASA’s satellites were ‘calibrated’ on his ‘data’ – supporting the hoax has recanted in an interview with BBC and admitted there has been NO global warming – none – in the last 15 years!
    Consider the intentional cropping of a video of a Tea Party rally showing an individual’s back and focused on the unloaded firearm he has slung over his shoulder, shown while the commentator states the group is all white, and that same individual would have clearly been identified as black had the editor allowed a view with a wider perspective.
    The media is complicit and must, by some means consistent with the constitutional limits on government, be brought to account. Otherwise the socialist, ‘progressive’ narrative our children get in their schools and which is reinforced by their ‘news’ input, will overwhelm our attempts at conveying the truth to them.

    • sandyl says:

      Maynard, Wow, that was wonderful. I, and many others, feel exactly as you do. You said it so eloquently. I really haven’t slept well since election night 2008. I knew this man was an enemy of America, and I was very scared for our country. I still am. Now when I hear patriotic songs, I can’t help but cry for our once great nation. Our nation has gone through it’s dark times, but it is declining now at an alarming pace. This is happening now, because the progressives took it slow over the years, so as not to awaken the sleeping patriots. But progressives are sneaky and they learn fast. They saw people yawning, rubbing their eyes, and they knew that soon the masses would be awake. They planned, manipulated and created a plan to take total power, and once they had it they knew they had to work quickly–very quickly, or it would be too late. I have known for a long time that these people have no moral compass, or respect for rules or laws. The only creed they adhere to is “the end justifies the means.” It is in essence a game to most of them.

      However, I do believe all is not lost. I believe that everything happens for a purpose, we are all here at this time for a purpose. God has designed everything, including this great country, so that we could be the “shining city on the hill.” We are a special people in America, because we are so diverse, and different, and because we have been created with a freedom chip in our brains. We fought each other for awhile, but it didn’t rip us apart. We came through it, stronger on the other side. Because in the end we are all so gratefully aware that we are Americans, and we WILL (with God’s guidance) fight for what is right. Historians might not have to ask “Why, in 2009, did Washington declare war on America?” Because it will be self-evident to the world. They did so because the Americans had to show the world how to overcome evil.

  4. Pangborn says:

    Maynard Sir,

    A single simple Truth, like matter, can be neither created nor destroyed. Unlike matter, however, its form cannot be altered but the perception of it can be. Since every individual perceives any immutable Truth through the narrow prism of his or her personal biases, each one of us remains forever shackled to his or her own uniquely refracted view of the world. While the ever shifting storms of life’s vicissitudes may threaten to darken or damage our perspectives a single simple Truth can withstand the most violent onslaughts of both Time and Tide.

    Our beloved country was founded on such a single simple Truth. Each and every one of us has been endowed by an unseen hand with an individually crafted Soul, an original one-of-a-kind imprint that is ultimately and uniquely shaped by the unfetterable forces of chance and choice. The Founding Fathers correctly identified this simple Truth even as they used the powers of the fledgling state to factionalize and fractionalize others. Their own legacy of enslavement by a casually cruel racial bias completely obscured a clear view of this Sacred Eachness. Ironically, they wielded the blessed boon of their own God-given Free Will as a weapon with which to enslave so many others similarly designed. As a Nation, each and every single moment of suffering has been caused by a failure to ensure the Constitutionally guaranteed right of every citizen to choose the path of his or her own destiny, a sacred right dispensed not by the grasping hand of Man but by the giving hand of God.

    Sadly now, those charged with safeguarding the single simple Truth of Our Sacred Eachness are blinded by their own skewed perspectives which, when combined with tragically misguided notions and delusions of grandeur, convince them that only they can mete out some sort of divine justice through the usurpation of our God-given right to choose freely.

    Thank God so many individual voices are uniting in opposition to this enslavement of our Free Will.

  5. MRFIXIT says:

    Lincoln, who knew the constitution would have to be ammended, tromped all over the constitution when it suited him. From the southern and constitutional point of view, Lincoln deprived the the southern slave owners of legal property without compensation, which is basic to the constitution. He also printed the “greenback” which was a fiat currency, a certificate of indebtedness that is forbidden by the constitution, and STILL is forbidden. Everybody talks about limited government, but seems all too ready to end-run rather than respect the constitution. We turned the Supreme Court into the Super-Senate, that makes new law from old, and finds rights and responcibilities in the oddest places.

    I just read on the Huff post that there is a growing call to add 4 more justices to the Supremes, to “fairly balance” the court, and wrest it from the crazy radicals that believe the constitution means what it says. I believe Obama would seriously consider doing this if he does not get his way, despite the horrendous backlash it would cause. This guy would be another Castro in a heartbeat, with Rahm as his CHE. And speaking of megalomania, I wouldn’t be surprised if a series of executive orders roll out to pave the way for health control, as you so aptly put it.

    One good thing that will come out of this is that more and more of the “sleepy center” are waking up and becoming politically active. Another is that now that everybody closed their eyes and pulled the lever for the “black guy”, they won’t close their eyes this way again. I would not hesitate to vote for a real black conservative person, with a true limited government track record. I would love to see Janis Rogers Brown on the Supremes (that would really freak the left). I evaluate all candidates on their merits, and their records. POTUS is not subject to EEOC rules, and never should be.

  6. BeforeGoreKneel says:

    The national Democrat leaders have been untempered by the times since Newt’s Contract with America. What was left then were the same handful of elected and re-elected from the same welfare Meccas. Frank, Conyers, Rangel, Pelosi, Reid, Waxman, Sanders, etc — the list is as long as their incumbencies. After the Contract, they stewed and conspired — ‘What did we do wrong? We did drive Nixon out, and everyone believes us about that. So, let’s keep engineering the welfare meccas with Section 8 housing aka dispersed welfare housing right amongst the enemy, Community Reinvestment, FHA, HUD, Freddie, Fannie, SallieMae, and on and on.”

    But the true point is after Newt, the only Democrats left were really crappy politicians with safe seats. And aside from the idle few that watched CSPAN committee hearings, they grew and festered out of sight of the public at large. Clinton triangulated to middle, the Republicans were seduced by Washington and the stage was set for the FannieMae, FreddieMac collapse. (The GSE’s gutted the traditional mortgage market by actively buying sub-prime mortgages — 2005 to 2008 was a genuine race to bottom of the home buying pool where mortgage companies HAD to sell the crappiest stuff imaginable to the least responsible of all or they went out of business. Think on Countrywide’s tan guy for a while. He was facilitated by the GSE’s, run by friends of Barney and the Black Caucus.) Meanwhile Soros was putting together the great oil futures price bubble which collapsed exactly when it became clear that Teh One would not only be nominated but that he would win.

    So here’s this crew of frankly shabby thinkers and scoundrels aka most incumbent Democrats, who are suddenly thrust into a majority. Their ideas and plans are not American, have never been, and are suddenly put on full display. The public is recoiling from their ideas and they, sensing the heat of the kitchen, are staging their last stand before running back to their safe seats. Like Slugs on Salt, they are dying messily.

    The TEA Parties will likely burn as brightly in the next three years as Newt’s Contract with America. The question is will they be stout hearted enough to stay past their first success to ferret out their own idiots and fellow travelers? Or will they enable the next cycle of Democrats by letting crap slide?

    I don’t despair much but I do think that until we dismantle the welfare meccas, including their magical ivory tower universities, the pattern will persist.

    My wish is for conservatives to pick a welfare mecca: any one and buy it. Have all of your members move there. Keep moving there until you are a majority. Then remake it. Berkeley, say. All of California, say. Start small, Rhode Island, say. Drive out the welfare louts and their bleeding heart friends by buying their homes and businesses; keep at it until they are all gone. Change the status quo, make a shining city on the hill and fight to keep the parasites from retaking the reins of power. Or do it downsteam from there in the smaller markets. Pick a county with a 100K city and take it over. Make unions get out of that government. Set a small example.

  7. 1elder1 says:

    The Romney is rearing his ugly coifed head,lately
    Romeny is waiting at hell’s gate to enter and to finish us off when we get rid of Obama.
    Allow me to ask a pertinent quesiton: can you see Romney leading us through the tough fight ahead to repeal this Death Care nonsense?
    Palin in 2012

  8. thierry says:

    the civil war gave us three constitutional amendments – the so called reconstruction amendments-13th, 14th, can be argued that they didn’t work as intended so much so reconstruction was largely seen as a failure and that the promise of equality under the law for all americans was still being fought for in the 1960s. did the civil war finally end and was reconstruction finally successful when republican president johnson signed the civil rights act in 1964( after 54 days of filibuster) and the voting rights act in 1965? that’s nearly 100 years time spread.

    “the Reconstruction experiment in racial democracy failed because it began at the wrong end, emphasizing political means and civil rights acts rather than economic means and self-determination.”- booker t . washington

    it seems to me that the health care bill that barry has a death grip on is a means to wrest’ economic means and self determination’ from us all. it’s the re-introduction of slavery into america- we will be slaves of the state. booker t washington rightly saw that you can stack up law after law to give people rights and equality but it’s money and the freedom to decide the course of your life that is the pathway to the promise of this country-life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    lincoln died to keep this country together- at all costs. now obama and the democrats are willing to die politically to rip it apart again. people are talking about secession again. a wise man who understood the constitution or who had an ear to public opinion would have stopped this crazy thing months ago. i have to concur with maynard-this is insanity. but it’s also about power. obama’s administration is attempting to dissolve the branches of government and negate the constitution. it’s grounds for removal. the democrats that are all weepy now that they’re being used and abused by san fran nan and obama should have thought of that when they were voting for this crap in the summer- we wouldn’t be at point of constitutional crisis if you a holes did not pass this abomination in the first place.

    president rodham clinton would have stopped this push long ago. you’ve only yourselves to blame for the corrupt court of king barry the first. enablers.

  9. Slimfemme says:

    Maynard, I understand how you feel. We are definitely at a precipice. But the question is, how did we get to this point. As Tammy says, Obama is the outcome of what we, the American public has become. She said it perfectly, “He comes from our loins”. I hope you got a chance to read the TAM article. That is an excellent start. I’m hoping other TAM’s read it. Because it shows the intellectual destruction of our country. You say there should be some change to the Constitution. I say, HELL NO. Here’s why: in our present culture, it would morph into a quasi socialist/fascist form if we were to have a Constitutional Convention. Think about it, the Soviet Union had a “Constitution”. And what did it do for the country??? East Germany was called The German Democatic Republic. Or how about The People’s Republic of China?!??!. None of these nations were free socieies.

    In our current state, the morality of our nation has been undermined on a philosophical level. The basis of our nation is the respect of individual rights. That’s why we became so successful, even righting the wrong of slavery. Even if it took a destructive Civil War. Many of us wouldn’t be here today for it not for that war. Re-read the Ted Roosevelt article. Refences to the German philosopher Hegel are no accident. Germany pops up a lot in Roosevelt’s thought. Too bad Roosevelt died 20 years before he saw how German philosophy was put into practice.

    I would hope Tammy considers the book The Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff. I cannot recommend this book enough. It opened my eyes to how ideas influence history. We must be intellectually armed to fight this fascism in our midst.

  10. ladykrystyna says:

    I am somewhat relieved to read that others are feeling what I am feeling – a real worry, a real despair – regarding what is going on right now, especially this Slaughter Rule possibility that Mark Levin has clearly proved to be UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

    I ask, what happens if they do this? What will the response be? I don’t think armed insurrection is the answer as even though something may be signed into law, it is a statute and despite what that statute says, it’s repealable. We still have some checks and balances yet.

    But if it does pass this way, the American people need to stand up as a MAJORITY. Not just we specific Tea Partiers who openly embrace the new movement, but even those moderates and independents who are waiting on the sidelines – you must stand up. There must be regular (and peaceful) protests in the streets. The word must go out for this next election and the one in 2012 and any in between, that those that voted this way for it are OUT and that those that want in need to make their first act a REPEAL OF THIS MONSTROSITY or they will suffer the same fate at the next election. 2010, 2012, 2014, 2o16 – those will be the critical elections to clean out Congress, clean out the White House and put in people who will abide by the Constitution.

    That is the way we can make our stand now. We must do it. For if we don’t, what is the next thing they will try and push on us? And some of what they push may sound innocent – like banning salt, banning trans fats, putting Smart Meters in your home to control your heat and air conditioning. It doesn’t sound bad . . . at first. But that’s how they get in – with the small stuff like a progressvive income tax, Social Security, Medicare, etc. With things that sound nice and good because it’s for the children, or the elderly.

    BUT IT’S NOT. IT’S FOR POWER. Pure and simple. It’s always been about power.

    And first they will come for your healthcare, and then they’ll come for your salt and trans fat, and then for your heat and air, and then for . . . it will not stop.

    That’s they kind of thing we have to explain to moderates and independents, and even liberal Democrats.

    They will eventually come for you.

    They always do.

    We must make this our stand. Because if we don’t do it now, we may never get a chance to do it, or if we do have to stand up, it will have to be like the Civil War and we should do everything we can to avoid that.

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