Apple iPad Site

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9 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Kelly says:

    I particularly liked the cat’s attempt at improvisational jazz.

    Damn it, Tammy! Now I want one.

  2. thierry says:

    i play the old skool video games( downloadable to your wii!)on the big tv and the cats go crazy trying to get the mario and the flying winged turtles. we call it ‘super tortoiseshell sisters’.

    considering what the ipad can’t do although it’s cool looking as all hell, the new mac book pros are out and comparatively a bargain. faster. better graphics and a cat can still plop it’s fluffy ass on it and issue press statements and the emails and surf the interwebs.

    having gotten the first ipod( with it’s defective battery) i also think it generally takes apple a few tries to get things right-later builds are generally better bets and the price will drop.

  3. Winegirly says:

    This guy loves his cat…very sweet! And the iPad is cool, too.

  4. Chuck says:

    That’s torture: on the cat and on the iPad!! 🙂

  5. Maynard says:

    This brings to mind those funnyboys who got the clever idea of using a laser pointer to attract the attention of the family cat or dog, and then inducing the innocent creature to attack a sensitive part of the body of a napping friend or relative. Such incidents end up posted to YouTube, so the embarrassment can be enjoyed by all.

  6. ffigtree says:

    Oh no! Now my favorite cat (yes, I have a favorite out of three. . .but don’t tell the others.) demands an iPad after seeing this video.

  7. jmucciola says:

    Steve Jobs shamefully exploiting the fad-crazy 1-15 yr. old feline market.

  8. Slimfemme says:

    Tammy don’t buy this thing. I think it’s a waste of money. You have to dock it to a keyboard. Plus, it can’t play certain videos.

  9. Laura says:

    That’s just adorable!

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