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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tammy Bruce, Frank Lane and Palin Twibe, PalinPromotions. PalinPromotions said: Via @HeyTammyBruce This Week’s “Palin Report” Has Posted http://bit.ly/fPuvvX […]

  2. BostonBruin says:


    I think there is so much more to the SPAK series than helping people get to know the Palin family and to boost Alaska’s tourist business. Several times last year, Gov. Palin said our goals heading into 2012 would be the following: (1) Renew America’s pioneering spirit, (2) Revive the free markets, (3) Restore our constitutional foundation.

    I believe the SPAK series and the “America By Heart” book are fulfilling goal #1. The theme of renewing our pioneering spirit and hard-work ethic was interwoven into each SPAK show. Translation: she’s giving the entitlement mentality a “boot up the backside”. The biggest task of our next President will be to reform the entitlement programs and the mindset of Americans with respect to entitlements must be changed first. The lady has a plan.

    Love the Palin Reports!

  3. DouggieJ says:

    Valium® is made by Roche, but it’s been off patent for a long time so if you get a prescription for it you likely get a generic.

  4. tabbywabby says:

    I tried to comment on the Daily Mail’s “article” on Palin’s Long Island Q&A, (a “rare” public appearance) but my comment has yet to appear after more than 24 hours. There is only one comment the DM has allowed to appear calling it a hit piece and it has received tons clicks rating the comment negatively. So the website and its readers are anti-Palin.

    The article said that Palin made an embarrassing slip in revealing that Bristol was part of her entourage and that Palin had Bristol googling the U.S. economy for her before the event.

    What a load of crap! Do these “journalists” even go to the source, or just repeat what has been published by other biases sources? I recommended that they actually watch the interview if they wanted to be considered credible. But, my comment has not appeared.

    Here’s the article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1359068/Bristol-Googled-economy-Sarah-Palin-asks-daughter-trawl-internet-crucial-speech.html

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