Sarah Palin shot some video with her cell phone of husband Todd Palin’s sled repair efforts at the 2011 Iron Dog. (Tim Akimoff – KTUU / February 23, 2011)

I discuss these two clips at length in the Palin Report, and was remiss in not including them in the initial posting, so here they are 🙂

Ann Coulter on Hannity: Palin’s pretending to run because Newt said she’d get higher speaking fees

Gingrich: If Palin Took Obama Actions, There Would Be Calls for Impeachment

Official Iron Dog Site

Iron Dog Race: Sarah Palin: ‘I Think These Guys Are The Toughest Men On The Planet’

Pray and/or send the vibes for Todd’s safety and victory! Iron Dog set to finish at 6pm Saturday in Fairbanks

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This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
32 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. MainelyRight says:

    Well, it was worth waiting up for the Palin Report. It’s 4:36 AM here in Maine, and now I finally get to go to sleep. But I have to say this is the best Palin Report….evah!! I’ll have to listen again tomorrow…er today…just later. Sleep now. I especially love the parsing bit. Thanks, Tammy.

  2. Maynard says:

    With respect to Gingrich…I thought it was interesting that, as part of making a point about Obama, he made the contrast with a hypothetical President Palin.

    Gingrich even suggested that, if a “President Sarah Palin” had taken a similar action [as Obama], there would have been immediate calls for her impeachment.

  3. Maynard says:

    About Ann Coulter’s comments…I didn’t regard Coulter’s words as a put-down, but merely a statement of belief that the place where Palin will be most effective isn’t the presidency. I think Tammy is overly focused on that office — and it’s certainly important; a dumb bastard as president can destroy your nation. Yes, Palin is infinitely superior to Obama. But I still don’t see her as the right candidate. And I still don’t know who is the right candidate. If the “ideal” candidate should appear, I hope and expect that hypothetical person would owe Palin some big favors, and she would have his or her ear. I certainly would have liked to see Palin as VP, which would either have prepared her for the presidency or highlighted her shortcomings. That’s what I see, and I hope it’s understood that I do not speak out of negativity or misogyny. In fact, the obscene pounding that Palin is taking in the media makes me want to stand in solidarity with her out of a sense of common decency. She’s good, she’s effective, she’s savvy, she’s strong, she learns. Oh, yeah, and she’s American. She loves the country. She’s normal. She’s straightforward. She’s down-to-earth. She seems honest, as far as I can tell. She’s principled. She’s so far above Obama as to be a different species. But I’m just not convinced that she’s ripe for the presidency. I know most people here are on board, but I just can’t see it.

    • El Gordo says:

      Maynard, actually I think that it would be more properly stated that Obama is of a different species (as Tammy would say, “Of the planet ‘Dumb-Bastard’.”); whereas Sarah Palin is both Human and and a true blue patriotic American. As far as who should run against the Chicago bakayarou…Its too early for me to say at this point but the Lady Sarah is certainly the most interesting and appears to be honestly genuine; a rare characteristic these days in the political arena. I’ll keep watching her progress and development. 🙂

      • Artgal says:

        I have not seen or heard the Coulter statements, so my comments are focusing only on what Maynard posted.

        I guess what I have trouble understanding is if Palin would have been fine as a VP, then why not the presidency?

        Listen, I’m not trying to sound like I’m bashing you, Maynard – love ya dearly! – but being Vice-President means someone already holds those presidential capabilities unless they are Joe the Biden, is briefed on everything going on and can take over in a heartbeat – literally. Being a small business owner, mom, mayor then a governor were executive positions Palin held in which she was the ultimate person in charge. In fact, her decision making is far more solid and focused than the decisions of the current and last 3 presidents.

        Honestly, I think much of what bothers some about Palin is that she doesn’t sound or behave like the typical manufactured plastic president. Just as elsewhere on the site it was noted in the Noonan article and the constant state of ‘crisis’ we’ve been subjected to the point we’re numb to hearing it when it’s real (the boy crying wolf), we’ve become so used to ‘style’ that we’ve completely overlooked the ‘substance’. Palin has her own style and is someone with substance, but it’s not the same thing everyone else is doing and saying per their party chair memos. Have we become so dulled in our expectations that when we see ‘the real thing’, we shudder in disbelief and simply cannot accept something – or someone – good? It’s become almost like the cycle of an abusive relationship.

        I guess what I’d like to know, Maynard, is what you are looking for in a president – as dwbinder noted. It’s natural curiosity on my part – not a dig at all.

        • ancientwrrior says:

          I agree with you Artgal, especially about an abusive relationship. We have been bashed over the head so repeatedly that we have begun to think that a crap head at the top is normal. So when an honest to God real and good person comes along we cannot accept it in our reality. We have been fed the BIG LIE so long that we believe it to be true. 🙁

        • Maynard says:

          Thanks, Artgal, for the tactful query. I think we’re all on the same team, and I regard this entire adventure as a learning experience and a work in progress. Tammy said she’d ultimately get on board with any Republican candidate except Huckabee, and I’ll echo that sentiment. If it’s Palin, then I’m with her one thousand percent.

          I’ll mention my concerns, and I hope I’m not overly repetitive. Two categories: Can she get the job, and can she do the job?

          First of all, I’m not convinced she can win. Her negatives are too high. Yes, it’s unfair and disgusting. People hate her for nonsense reasons. The fires of hatred are fanned by the media. It’s not right, but it’s a reality we’re stuck with.

          We know the hard left will hate her, but the bigger problem is the swing vote also tilts away. She’s got to get that swing vote, and I don’t see it happening. She’s generally regarded, unreasonably and unfairly, as damaged goods. Too stupid, too flighty, whatever. This is the reaction I hear in circles of reasonably conservative people. She’s got a strong base, but support for her drops rapidly as you get away from that base. Tammy has harsh words for the “conservatives” that dismiss Palin, and you may be sympathetic to Tammy’s point, but that doesn’t eliminate the hard reality. Palin can’t win without getting those semi-RINOs (or whatever they are) on board. And I don’t see that happening.

          Now it’s possible that, by the time the election rolls around, the situation will be such a disaster that Bozo the Clown could win against Obama. But I wouldn’t count on that. I’m assuming Obama will be hard to beat. He’s got his coalition of cronies and special interests and racialists. A few swing votes will push him over the top. Running Palin will assure he gets too many swing votes.

          I could continue on this side of the question, but this is going on too long anyway.

          Now, as to whether she can do the job…dammit, I want a candidate with a longer résumé. Yeah, I know she was governor, which gives her more executive experience than Obama. She’s more qualified than Obama. But that’s not saying much. It’s still a short résumé, given the importance of the job. Oddly enough, it’s the experience of Obama that will sour the nation on Palin. We tried the young, enthusiastic candidate. It didn’t work. Don’t give us another young, enthusiastic candidate. Give us mature wisdom. That’s the attitude that will prevail.

          That’s why I wanted to see VP Palin. Let her ripen. Let the nation learn more about her. Let us form our impressions based upon what we see, not what the media tells us we saw. For that to happen, we need more direct exposure.

          Palin is also a work in progress. She’s becoming more refined as we watch her. What she says and does these days is head and shoulders above the impression she created two years ago. This is good…but again, it’s too fast for me. I’m cautious. Again, I want that track record.

          Maybe I want too much. Maybe we don’t have the luxury of time. Maybe Palin’s the only candidate. Joan of Arc was young and enthusiastic and had no résumé. Sometimes it works. Had I been in France at the time, I certainly would have been saying the same things of Ms. Arc. And history would have proved me wrong.

          In any case, I want Palin to be heard. She has a role to play in history. She says some of the things that need to be said, and she is the first to say them.

          As we see, the Left strives to shut her down and shut her up. As Tammy notes, this is because Palin is important. In some sense, I see a potential Republican strategy here. If Palin draws fire as the bogeyman (bogeywoman?), then selecting another candidate may evade the smear machine that was focused elsewhere, and thus cruise to victory. Of course, that wouldn’t do us any good if the Republican victor were a RINO. But the right candidate, who would be loosely allied with Palin, might pull it off. Yes, you’ll accuse me of grasping at unicorns here, and you may be right. I don’t have a plan, and I’m no political strategist. I’m just thinking out loud (which is usually a mistake).

          We’ll see what happens. This situation is so much bigger than you or I. I don’t have the answers, and nobody would listen to me if I did. All I can do is seek out my own role to play, and play it to the best of my abilities.

          • Artgal says:

            I truly appreciate your thoughtful response, Maynard. You are always a very reasoned voice.

            No matter who runs, whoever winds up being the GOP nominee (even if it’s another candidate the media ‘likes’ – such as McCain in 2008) will be stomped by the Obama machine and media in the weeks leading to the election. Palin has already been through it and survived – even if some think she’s damaged, she is still able to pull in people and money the GOP alone cannot. That’s the distinction here. I do not see someone like Gingrich, Romney, Pawlenty, etc. being able to overcome anything that gets set in their way by the O team. In all honesty, had Palin been a VP under McCain, I fear that would have truly damaged her because McCain would not have been a good president though he would not have done some of the things Obama has – but then again, with McCain, who knows?

            I won’t go on and on as usual, but one thing I do wish to note that ultimately sets Palin apart from the rest is in something you said, “This situation is so much bigger than you or I.”

            It most certainly is!

            It goes back to something I’ve said in the past: Palin’s rise is not an accident. God is indeed bigger than all of us. Her faith is real, and she is not on the national stage by accident. She’s performed the impossible before; she can do so again – if that’s God’s plan for her. If it is His will, He will find the way for her! It will also require work above and beyond what’s been done before by us – such as a total education effort outside our comfort zones – especially in talking to GOP women voters who cost many tea party candidates (even GOP women!) in 2012. I won’t disclose the details of that info at this time, but it will be something brought up in the near future.

            Goliath was described in the Bible as a mighty giant, a Philistine warrior who warred against the Israelites. King Saul was fearful of Goliath and offered a reward to anyone who would stand up to Goliath. A boy named David took the challenge though the king was reluctant to let him take on the giant. David did not take the king’s armor; he took a sling and five stones. He was also ruled by his faith – not his ego. His faith led him to slay Goliath and from that time, believers have taken that info as a symbol of the church up against Satan himself.

            Today, we are all ‘Davids’ up against a Goliath – and we took our sling and stone and did the unthinkable in November! It’s no surprise who else made that connection a few weeks ago.

            And hey – look! We still have four stones left! ; )

          • Maynard says:

            Had McCain been elected, the country would be in much better shape, but McCain wouldn’t be any more popular than Obama is, and maybe less. That’s because to do the right thing — that is, to control spending — would upset the people that take to the streets and make trouble when they get upset. Had McCain been elected, I doubt the Republican resurgence would have occurred.

            The world is messy. Every victory exposes a new hazard. When the Soviet Union collapsed, a new enemy arose. Our new era of peace and prosperity didn’t last long.

            My/our inability to see into the future is both disheartening and encouraging. My hopes may go unrealized, but so may my fears. Ultimately I have to shut my eyes and do my job, and the rest is in God’s hands.

            I look at the election of Obama, and I wonder how such a thing could happen. The man is so blatantly toxic. Has the world gone mad? Or maybe I’ve gone mad. Or is there some Plan at work?

            And where does Palin fit in?

            I note, with painful irony, that I expect to be able to answer these questions only in retrospect. In the meantime, these are my theories. It’s not enough, but it’s all I’ve got.

        • sandyl says:

          Maynard, I have read all your posts here, and like other TAMs I think you will be pleasantly surprised. But I wanted to add a comment.

          You stated that “She’s good, she’s effective, she’s savvy, she’s strong, she learns. Oh, yeah, and she’s American. She loves the country. She’s normal. She’s straightforward. She’s down-to-earth. She seems honest, as far as I can tell. She’s principled.” …but is not fit for the Presidency? I personally don’t think you could find a more “ideal” candidate.

          We have become so conditioned to believe that one can’t be President without a long resume’ or a law degree (so wrong Ann), that we forget those things do not make a President great. True leaders are born, not made. The traits you mentioned, are precisely what great leaders possess. In times of crisis those traits will not only sustain them, but elevate them to greatness. Sarah’s steadfastness will bring confidence (and yes, hope) to people living in a tumultuous world today.

          I don’t know you, and don’t wish to insult you, or others, but I really have to wonder about the root of your reservations, because I think that if a man possessed the traits you mentioned, they would be considered the best candidate. Not more than 10 minutes after Scott Brown and Chris Christie got elected, conservatives were screaming for them to run for President. Both had little experience and would have to become “quitters” in order to run. I apologize if this is not something with which you struggle.

          I think that sometimes it is a subconscious thing. A conditioning of our society that somehow the woman with outstanding leadership qualities, still can’t lead. There is no training for the job of President. The Vice-President is not the President-in-training. They are the 2nd in command, and should be just as capable to be the Commander in Chief, immediately upon being sworn in.

          As far as the independent voters, I think there are more in Palin’s camp than is being reported, and more will come. Sarah is the only one who will truthfully point out what Obama has been doing to this country. There will be a distinct difference between the candidates. Once she talks about being energy independent, needing to protect this country and her borders, and doing what it takes to bring back our jobs; the people will support her, because she supports them. Will it be tough, absolutely, but America is awake now, and will make the right choice once they see the real “change they can believe in.”

          • Maynard says:

            I’ll tell you, sandyl, that in my opinion, all of our political positions are to some extent expressions of our personal emotional baggage. So I’m not going to proclaim that I’m the guy that’s above all that. All I can say is that I try to figure out why I’m doing what I’m doing, and I try to sort out to what extent my motives are impure…and then I try to de-emphasize those ones.

            In my opinion, it’s ridiculous to consider a Scott Brown presidential run, because of the same newbie issue. However, unlike some conservatives, I’m not rushing to brand Brown as an enemy. He represents Massachusetts, arguably the most liberal state. Under the circumstances, he’s a good deal. He’ll vote the wrong way plenty of times, but he’ll push the Senate leadership to our side.

            Chris Christie interests me. He’s a tough guy on a tough block. That’s a skill we need. But he, too, would look flighty if he immediately jumped from Jersey to Washington.

            Palin is doing a wonderful job pointing out the destructive nature of Obama’s path. In a general way, I know she’d push us in the right direction rather than the wrong direction. But it’s that track record that would reassure me she’d know how to nail down and implement the details. And the devil is in those details.

          • sandyl says:

            Fair enough. Remember tho that a great leader surrounds themselves with great, knowledgeable people.

          • Kimj7157 says:


  4. dwbinder says:

    Hey Maynard why don’t you tell us who you think would be a better candidate for POTUS then Sarah Palin. I would be curious to see what direction you are thinking.

  5. LJZumpano says:

    Maynard is like a bride looking for a wedding dress. It has to speak to her, to cry out “THIS IS THE DRESS, THE ONLY ONE.” Maynard is waiting for something to click. I can understand that feeling because for whatever reason, something about Palin clicked for me. I fully expected to be disappointed, but haven’t been yet. I found my perfect dress, hmm, candidate. I only worry at this point is what if she chooses not to run. Maynard, regardless of his reasons, helps keep us grounded and acts as a pause which gives us time to think about why we do support Palin. He reminds us that we can’t keep preaching to the choir, but need to explore and reach out to those who don’t share our commitement. And we need to continue to vet and researh and be prepared to defend our choices.

    • Maynard says:

      Yes, LJ, aside from whatever reasoned arguments I may make, there’s that mysterious “click” thing that defies reason. Every now and then, I do get that “click”. But in the realm of politics, it’s pretty elusive. Maybe that’s because I know how remote the candidates are from me, and how little I really know about them. And because politicians, whatever team they’re on, are entirely unlike me with respect to temperament. Yeah, I’d like nothing more than a “click”. But, as with the day of the Lord, the “click” will only come “like a thief in the night”. In the meantime, I fumble.

  6. Tinker says:

    I haven’t even listened to this yet, but I did see Ann last night on Hannity and for the first time in all these years she has broken my heart. I have seen Ann’s feet of clay. 🙁 I just hope when the day comes, that she (and you Maynard) will admit you were wrong. 🙂

    • sandyl says:

      My heart has also been broken by Ann! 🙁 She showed more support for Hillary against McCain and Obama, than she now shows toward Sarah. Yet another disappointment! But even more reason why we need President Palin. She brings out people’s true colors (no pun intended). And as Tammy always says, we will save these people whether they like it or not.

  7. jeaneeinabottle says:

    I saw Ann last night too and for the first time ever she sounded kinda silly, but I’m hyper informed. She sounded like she thinks most of the country isn’t informed, I won’t say she thinks the country’s stupid because I hope she doesn’t think that but she does live in that bubble. She has been on tv a LOT lately, it is about the money now isn’t it. You see the thing is most of us don’t have any money and we have the tv on all the time and we are on the computer and we are living it so we are informed. When voting comes around again the country can change it for the better because this isn’t us at all.

  8. dennisl59 says:

    Here’s the place to be to get updates on the Irondog Race:

    Realtime updates with GPS support.

    Moving like a Meteorite!

  9. BostonBruin says:

    According to the latest GPS – Team #11 is about a mile or two behind the leaders.

  10. jeaneeinabottle says:

    People think Ann needs to eat something!

  11. HiramHawk says:

    RomneyCare: Is ObamaLite
    Huck: Supports Michelle Obama’s government enforcement of dietary rules
    Newt: Still reeks of Scozzafava
    just sayin’…

  12. Kimj7157 says:

    Outstanding stuff!! This should be made available to everyone.

    Sarah Palin takes a stand on the critical issues of the day (and is spot on in her analyses) while our president and the conservative leaders in our country sit idly by. SMART, strong and tough with YEARS of varied experience, and a GENUINE love and respect for this great Country of ours. There’s something about her that is undefinable and remarkable. I must say, it’s difficult for me to understand why some incredibly intelligent people just aren’t willing/able to give Palin her due. What is it that is really getting in the way??

    • ancientwrrior says:

      We cannot conceive of a good, honest, smart person with the values that made our nation, in a position of power. She functions completely outside of the box that the politicians have put us all in. Unless a person follows the rules of the box and slings the B.S. around, then you cannot ascend to the top of the crap pile. She just refuses to play by those smelly slime-ball rules!

  13. jeaneeinabottle says:

    What happened to Hollywood?? I just saw the Oscar commercial and good Lord it was lame. By the time the election comes around I think everyone will be ready for some inspiration and leadership…..teehee.

  14. ShArKy666 says:

    ann coulter is nothing more than the establishment….maybe even rhino…there’s NO WAY she couldn’t see how liberal christie is, and how PERFECT palin is, if she was a true conservative..palin was the FIRST ever politician in my lifetime that i actually WANTED to hear from (after that is west and a few others), and i trust completely) ..that’s a historical event!!! only thing i’m concerned about is her maybe not tough enough position on walling up the borders and stopping ALL services for illegals and making it a federal crime to cross over, in order to get them all to self deport…but other than that, she’s perfect

  15. dwbinder says:

    Gingrich had his chance and blew it. Romney has his chance and blew it. Huckabee had his chance and blew it. Jeb bush had his chance and blew it. GW had his chance and blew it. Clinton had her chance and blew it. All of these so called experienced politicos blew it. I want someone with no experience but with a true conservative heart who will not play those dumbass destructive republican and democrat games. All of that crap is over. We need a leader with guts enough to not play the stupid game at all. Read Palin’s book, watch her activities and blurbs like a hawk and come to your own conclusions. As for me I’m for the girl.

  16. Brontefan says:

    Listening to the Palin Report. . . I have to admit that I am more focused on Sarah Palin than any other person in politics. I have a “Palin 2012” bumper sticker on my frig. I am still in awe over how many people will stop at nothing to criticize Sarah Palin. When Ann compares Palin to Hannity and Limbaugh she is clearly directing the focus on Palin into another venue. What I can’t fathom is why and how the MSM and Hollywood get away time and time again at non-stop vitriol [and new TV show] at Palin–and her family–when no one says a single word against Obama’s family because he said they were off limits. How do they get away with that? I mean.. how? And so many apathetic sheeple in America will believe anything they hear or see on television: CNN [Communist News Network or Clinton News Network].

    The trouble with some Americans is that they won’t realize how horrible life will be under Marxism & ObamaCare until it is too late to save this country from them.
    Newt Gingrich should not run because he said openly on the O’Reilly Factor that he was unaware of how LEFT Obama was—and that is embarrassing since he probably has a full staff. I have no staff and did the research myself–and I knew he had a Marxist revolutionary background. And you are defined by the company you keep.

    Don’t understand Ann’s position. Basically, I believe we are at a point where if we don’t take the Presidency away from BO, our country may not survive. He is without doubt the most horrific president we’ve had and has done the most to destroy our liberty. He has even outdone FDR with ObamaCare.

  17. Kimj7157 says:

    Here’s the link to a news report following Palin’s appearance at the Long Island Assocation:

    Towards the end of the clip one man (Michael Faltischek) makes the statement that seeing her there “puts the woman in a completely new light.” Tammy made note of how impressive Sarah Palin is in person. Between now and November 2012, Palin will be seen by many, many more individuals and, I predict, that “light” will spread like a wildfire.

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