A post by Maynard.

Well, here it is. Atlas Shrugged, Part I. Look for it at your local theater. This is a limited release; if the production makes any money, it will be on DVD sales and other distribution deals and not in the theaters. You probably won’t have much opportunity to see it in on the big screen.

Will this be any good? To be honest, my expectations are guarded. I’m skeptical that the novel can be effectively translated to film. Conservative curmudgeon P.J. O’Rourke wrote this column, proclaiming the production to be bombastic rather than dramatic. This L.A. Times blurb says the movie “hews more to Rand’s ideology than the conventions of cinematic storytelling”.

Rand fans and curious readers will find this WSJ editorial worth a look for its summary and overview of Ayn Rand.

I certainly intend to see this show. I’ll hope for the best but will be prepared for the worst. Just like with everything else.

This brings to mind another film that exudes the flavor of Rand, but with vastly stronger and more satisfying drama. That would be Martin Scorsese’s The Aviator. (Here’s a trailer on YouTube.) This is a dramatized biopic based on the early life of Howard Hughes, who is portrayed as something of a Rand-class genius facing Rand-class enemies, but with the sort of human failings that render the protagonist more lifelike and believable. That’s a gripe I have with Rand’s drama: I can accept her heroes as archetypes and legends, but not quite as human beings. I appreciate the purity of the ideal, but it’s awkward to flesh out such characters in the leading roles of a movie. I’ll be curious whether a Hank Rearden character can stand up against Scorsese’s Hughes.

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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. dennisl59 says:

    Directive 10-289 has been signed, as a Secret Executive Order, by the President.

  2. Joel267 says:

    @Sailing_J & J_likesTEA going to see Atlas Shrugged today in Alexandria, VA. Will report back!

    • Joel267 says:

      I liked it. Made me want to read the book again and strangely felt like walking home after the movie so I could just talk with J_likesTEA about it. She hadn’t read the book so it was good to see her reaction to it.
      The actors were all great at their parts I thought and Ayan Rands message does come out loud and clear.
      It’s sad to think that we have to constantly fight these people and their desire to control everything, take and not give and intentionally set out to destroy those who produce.

      Anxiously awaiting part II

      • Chuck says:

        I saw the movie too. At my movie theater, the crowd exploded in applause at the end! It is a wonderful movie. There is not a dull moment and the plot keeps you glued to your seat. I haven’t read the book yet. I think I will probably read the first part of the book and wait for the second part of the movie, because I don’t want to know what happens next. I recommend it highly!!!!

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