(Mike Lester, Rome News-Tribune, Rome, GA)

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14 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. suede123 says:

    Hey Tammy, is it possible to make the cartoons a little larger, even with my reading glasses, they’re so small to read? tam mike arnold mo.

    • BostonBruin says:

      Your browser should have a zoom feature somewhere, so you can enlarge the whole webpage.

    • geezer says:


      I think the cartoons on the home page are nowadays intended to be thumbnails of the actual size cartoon which is contained in the full blog post. Kind of like a preview of the graphic in the blog post, just like the blurb on the home page only shows a preview of a longer post, and so you have to click through to read the entire post with the full size cartoon.

      It fits your observation that if you click either the Read More link or the Comments link you would come upon the blog post on its own page, which of course has the full sized graphic.

      Pretty sure that’s a change since the new design rolled out. So if it seems like you used to be able to read the cartoons and lately you can’t I think that is what’s happening.


  2. suede123 says:

    I just learned something, again. if i hit the comment button I will then see the full size image.

  3. oualdeaux says:

    Off Topic (sorry) The other day there was a discussion of the incident at Dodger Stadium. While I disagree with punishment/penalty of the Dodgers, (who had no part of it, and would only be “deep pockets” for the scumbags at the ACLU or Trial lawyers Association) and wouldn’t really do anything to dissuade such nonsense in the future, how about this? Give ’em real loooooooooooong sentences and incarcerate ’em in or near San Francisco. (San Quentin?) And to add an Arpaio touch, dress ’em in “Dodger Blue” so the San Francisco thugs can find ’em. (“Hey Blue-Boy, I got your ‘Dodger Dawg’ right over here pal”!) SLAPCHOP! Case closed. (Either that or I’m wrong.)

  4. dennisl59 says:

    Good Evening. Tammy’s presentation today should be nominated for one of this year’s “Best Of” Live Shows. Not only was it content rich and loaded with great, timely political observations, she revealed how she handles her own the ‘Medical Coverage’ dilemma that I can use as a benchmark for myself. Thanks. BUT, the really outstanding part was she blew through her usual top of the hour break, spoke continuously until time was up. TAMs, you will NOT hear any commentator, pundit, observer, advocate, or any other radio host, ‘deliver the goods’ to her listeners like Tammy. Well done T. (Can I call you “T”?) 🙂

    Take Care.


  5. ancientwrrior says:

    Great show Tammy, you just make my day. 🙂

  6. ShArKy666 says:

    tammy ryan explained to levin on his radio show that NOTHING changes for anyone 55 or older in his plan..it’s only for the younger generations to change their plans..but i DON’T WANT govt involved in ANY health care whatsoever

  7. BostonBruin says:

    I think the main objection to Ryan’s proposal for Medicaid/Medicare reform is that it hands over too much control to the states and to the private sector. Both sides of the aisle want to keep their claws in our lives as much as they can.

  8. Maynard says:

    I’ll reinforce Tammy’s take on health insurance. The free market allocates resources. Yes, in a free market, those with more money will get more health care. Some say this is unfair, and this is a foundation of their argument in favor of government control of health care. Either approach has its problems. I’d much rather take my chances with market options than I would trust a government bureaucrat to decide whether I live or die. Look at how the government handles money. It’s a game of political influence, and the losers pay and the special interests and cronies feed at the trough. That’s not the theory, but it’s sure the practice. Now we’re supposed to extend that dynamic to life and death? God save us from that evil. These are not government decisions to make. They’re private decisions. And if that means the rich get better health care than the poor — well, guess what, they’re going to do that anyways. In speaking recently, Bill Clinton used himself as the example; said he was taken care of no matter what, but the change was good for the little guy. If anybody that thinks you’re going to get Clinton-class health care under any system, then I’ve got some bridges to sell you. If you want to trade your real choice and your real chance for faux security, you’re a moron. And if you try to impose that decision on me, you’re a fascist.

    It’s possible to have an intelligent discussion about why health care costs skyrocket. The free market generally gives us better prices for common basic goods. But those rules don’t seem to apply to health care. I won’t try to solve the thing in a few words. But certainly some vital questions are self-interest in not overspending, and competition, and defensive medicine (unneeded procedures and tests) driven by fear of lawyers. None of these were addressed in the Obamacare bill, which was merely an exercise in raw power and control. My premiums with Anthem have risen 50% since the passage of the “Affordable Care Act”, and the company explanation speaks of Obamacare-mandated alterations. Yeah, not what they promised us. I know I’m not alone here. You’d think this sort of thing would be generating news reports and investigations by Congress. But our watchdogs seems to be yawning. I think that’s because the people bearing the brunt of the Obamacare burden aren’t cronies. Washington looks after its cronies.

    • angelaisms says:

      Those rules don’t apply to healthcare, Maynard, because it’s an industry in which the free market hasn’t really been allowed to operate for a long time. From what I’ve heard, Medicare reimbursement is typically 50% of the cost of care. Private insurance companies base their reimbursement rates off of Medicare, and the end result is that health care professionals and facilities are forced to jack up their prices or go bankrupt.

      Insurance premiums are a similar problem. Not only are there major problems with lack of competition and ridiculous state mandates (due largely to crony-capitalism at the state level), but there’s also the fact that most people get insurance through an employer (Thanks, FDR!), which means that insurance companies are more concerned about getting contracts with a few big companies than they are about providing affordable individual/family packages.

      The problems we have with our health care system can be boiled down to this: government, at various levels, has shoved the industry into a corner. This is why, if Medicare becomes a voucher sort of thing and nothing else changes, I would tend to side more with Pat S. But the way I see it, her objections to the plan could be obviated by simply opening the way for the health care and health insurance industries to get back into a free-market framework, since that would naturally lead to better coverage and lower costs. And in this scenario, Rep. Ryan’s plan is a good first step to getting the federal government out of the medical entitlement business entirely.

  9. ShArKy666 says:

    whats terrifying to me, is that if it was wasn’t for palin & US…we’d LOSE this country & our whole society, because the repubics can’t form a dam cohesive sentence and counter debate the liberals, who have controlled IT and the useful idiots for soo long…

  10. Cernunnos81 says:

    It isn’t that they Can’t Sharky, its that they don’t Want to. Look at the way that the GOP fought against the Tea Party backed cnadidates and then when they won the primaries, how they skimped on the political and financial backing. Its because they can’t control them and depend on them to “Cross the Aisle” when they want to jam something up our A#@e. The Tea Party candidates aren’t people that have been working their way up since dog catcher, they’re Americans who have decided that if they don’t stand up and take the reins that the GOP and Dems are just gonna use the Old Boys Club to beat us all to death. The Repubs in the GOP are those who sought/crave power. Those are the Worst people to have running things, they’ll just give themselves more power. They aren’t there for Us anymore.

  11. dogbite says:

    I had to listen to the podcast later, because I kept getting booted out of Chat besides Tammy kept BUFFERING. I spent 8 days lost at sea trying to get back in. Tired of swimming. Hope Thursday treats me better. I DID enjoy the podcast Tammy- thanks for letting us TAMs hear them later.

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