Syd says “Thanks for the prayers & vibes today! I’m feeling much better!”

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20 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. 1ntbtn says:

    Tammy, I’m happy to know that Syd is going to be alright. Take care of yourself too, and have a good day.

  2. aggedor says:

    Tammy: Nice to hear better Syd news. Be sure to take care of yourself and Snoopy as well.

    Jedediah Bila mentioned you on this morning’s, ‘Red-Eye’ while talking about how conservatives are, ‘outnumbered’ in many places.

    As for Governor Palin…NO DOUBT in my mind she’s running. Just getting antsy for the announcement. 😀

    Have a Great One!

  3. LJZumpano says:

    Glad to hear that Syd is doing well. Amazing how we can depend on Twitter, and how much we “miss” when we are not on it for a few hours. Sending prayers and good thoughts to the West Coast for you and Syd.

  4. jimbo says:

    Since I can only listen to the podcast, I’m usually a day behind. I didn’t know Syd was under the weather…sorry to hear it, but glad she’s doing better. Life is not good when our kids are sick.

  5. dennisl59 says:

    The 3rd Hour Breakfast Drive-Thru: “I’d like the #2 combo”, Thanks. (No, I don’t want cream or sugar…geez, they never get tired asking that question)

    The Free-Roaming Doggie Daycare Center: It’s not a coincidence a pet gettin’ sick after being there, in my opinion. As soon as you said that, my alarm bell/siren combo went off, red flashing lights, and then actually seeing the blood issue? Never, ever a good sign in pets or humans. And Thank God for modern medical science, the Vet was able to get results from a blood test asap. That’s amazing.

    Your reflection on introvert/extrovert regeneration mode is a completely,to me, a unique perspective. I’ve never thought of it that way. Thanks for the insight, T.

    You think your Doppelganger is a Redhead? Did I get that right? Wow,that’s a trip!

    I think Sarah is over-exposed, when we see her every other day on TV talking to either Hannity or Greta. On the other hand, last night, when she says “Planks in our Platform”. That phrase is only used during a Convention. Uses the word “Mission”. “Fire in the Belly” Listen to her complete answer: Are there any bigger hints she’s going to run? And likeyou’ve said countless times Tammy, she’s the most vetted politican in American History.

    Kick their a** under the bus!!!

    Happy to know Sidney is doing better!


  6. LJZumpano says:

    A thought just hit me!. Thinking about Gov Palin on Greta last night. In line with that notice that son Track just got married, with a “bigger ” celebration planned in September. hmmm, could it be that the families decided to have a small ceremony now, before the Gov. gets into the POTUS race, so that the couple could enjoy the early months of their new life together without the media frenzy sure to occur if they married in the middle of a POTUS campaign. With Track settling down, and Bristol establishing a good life for herself and her son, Mama Grizzly is getting her ducks in a row so once she announces, she can focus on the country, knowing her family is going to be just fine. I can feel the heat from the fire in her belly all the way over here in New York.

  7. Mutnodjmet says:

    I am so happy Sydney is on the mend. My prayers are continuing for her recovery, as well as the restoration of your peace-of-mind.

  8. otlset says:

    Why does Maynard have to “moderate” my comments? I’m on his side.

    • Shifra says:

      otlset, it happens to all of us — if you use certain words, it triggers a “moderation” thing. Did you use the four-letter “k” word for “taking a life” ? That automatically gets you into “moderation hell”…..

      • otlset says:

        It must have been “destruction”. Kind of violent rhetoric I suppose. Or perhaps my avatar is too violent.

        • dennisl59 says:

          Maybe, otlset, if you could photoshop your avatar wearing a Palin-2012 baseball cap, it might make it seem more mellow? LOL! just sayin’ :-))

          (btw-i too have had my comments moderated, several times. So, for me, I’ve made a habit(now)to proofread and if I think the ‘robot filter’ will trap, “unhelpful or negative words”, I just insert plenty of asterisks). We’re gently reminded by Tammy that this blog could be read by ‘all ages’.)


    • Maynard says:

      For the record, I don’t moderate anything. Moderating is above my pay grade. I think it’s done by a robot somewhere up the food chain. You’d have to check with Tammy’s robot department. I don’t write robots; I just hack them.

  9. Nativevoice says:

    Tammy the last few minutes of your show cutoff so I didn’t get to her your final statement on Palin. I agree, I can see that Omelett Diner. 🙂 She is going to make scramble eggs out of the whole GOP field.
    On Daniels health care deal, not only was the program like Romneycare but is how he funded that program that will hurt his chances. He raised taxes on business to cover the plan.
    Gov. Palin not only has that fire in her belly but you can see it in her eyes too. She has decided. So I say she will announce July 3rd or 4th, that’s my prediction.
    So glad Syd is okay. My Shitzu, Keyta gets sick everytime I get sick. If I am sad she is sad. I do believe our pets become an extension of us.

  10. MaryVal says:

    Tammy, Mr. Bear had identical symptoms as Syd, after playing at a public dog park. Mr. Bear was found to have a bacterial colitis i.e. doggie dysentery. There was a small pond in this dog park. It was announced not long after Mr. Bear’s illness that the water in that pond was contaminated. Probably from rainwater drainage into the pond from the surrounding fields, contaminated with dog poo. He took antibiotics, had subq IV fluid replacement, daily vet visits for several days; Mr. Bear was better pretty quickly, but VERY scary episode. My daughter’s dog got a tapeworm after a visit to a dog park. So no more dog parks for our fur babies.

  11. rosebud2186 says:

    Sydney is such a cute girl! Hope you have her “stuff” figured out!

  12. Tinker says:

    Glad Syd is feeling better!

  13. jeaneeinabottle says:

    Awwwww, Syd is so adorable, there are some dogs that just have that look and personality you can’t resist and touch your heart. Hope Syd gets well soon, we want everyone healthy and happy especially you and Syd!

  14. ShArKy666 says:

    um…how come i always miss when somethin goes on? lol…i just heard the third hour from yesterday, and my heart goes out to u and syd..i hope things will be ok tammy..

  15. LucyLadley says:

    Our four legged family members are truly family members. Glad we have great compassionate veterinarians & prayer warriors in our lives!

  16. tngrrl73 says:

    Kisses for Syd from Linkin, Sirius, Ben & Akane! aka the Preston Pack. 🙂

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