(IBD’s Michael Ramirez)

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19 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. RodneyWayne says:

    Boy that Palin not her best days but that’s okay.

    • PhilipJames says:

      You wouldn’t be talking about another attempt by the left to smear Palin, would you? One that failed miserably… its amazing how the liberals will run off at the mouth, frothing and foaming, only to be kicked in the balls

      [link to legal insurrection redacted re their Paul Revere coverage, can be seen in TAMWire]

    • Tammy says:

      Are you referring to the Paul Revere comment coverage? She has been proven correct on that, please check out the Palin Lounge post for more details and the TAM Wire.

      • Maynard says:

        It does look like a gaffe on Palin’s part to me. Off the top of my head, the essence of Revere’s mission was to warn the militias that the British were coming to seize their arsenal. The “one if by land and two if by sea” was the code indicated by lamps hung from the Old North Church in Boston, and watched for across the river. I wonder if Palin, with that church tower in mind, thought of church bells rather than lanterns. So Revere and others headed toward Lexington and Concord to spread the word. As I recall, Revere didn’t make it all the way; the British were stopping people on the road just to block this sort of thing, and they grabbed him. The “warning” is presumably a bit of song and dance to convince the Brits he was innocent and shouldn’t be detained (“Hey, I’m on your side! God save the King!”), and certainly not his mission.

        In noting a Palin gaffe, I’d still say it’s a lot more innocent and benign than “gaffes” by “intelligent” people, a recent example being Justice Breyer’s educated explanation as to why banning guns isn’t inconsistent with the right to keep and bear arms.

        • Artgal says:

          Maynard – I love ya to death, but Palin was correct on this. The quote below is from Revere’s writings of 1789 as archived at the Massachusetts Historical Society:

          (btw: this was retyped into the comment section not copy/pasted from site)

          “I observed a Wood at a Small distance, & made for that. When I got there, out Started Six officers, on Horse back,and ordered me to dismount,- one of them, who appeared to have the command, examined me, where I came from, & what my Name Was? I told him. it was Revere, he asked if it was Paul? I told him yes He asked me if I was an express? I answered him in the afirmative. He demanded what time I left Boston? I told him; and aded, that their troops had catched aground in passing the River, and that There would be five hundred Americans there in a short time, for I had alarmed the Country all the way up. He imediately rode towards those who stopped us, when all five of them came down upon a full gallop; one of them, whom I afterwards found to be Major Mitchel, of the 5th Regiment, Clapped his pistol to my head, called me by name, & told me he was going to ask me some questions, & if I did not give him true answers, he would blow my brains out. He then asked me similar questions to those above. He then ordered me to mount my horse, after searching me for arms.He then ordered them to advance, & to lead me in front. When we got to the Road, they
          turned down towards Lexington. When we had got about one Mile, the Major Rode up to the officer that was leading me, & told him to give me to the Sergeant. As soon as he took me, the Major ordered him, if I attempted to run, or any body insulted them to blow my brains out. We rode till we got near Lexington Meeting-house, when the militia fired a Voley of Guns, which appeared to alarm them very much.”

          There is more regarding this quote on Conservatives4Palin site and also by Legal Insurrection blog.

          Revere was not engaging in ‘song and dance’ to sound as though he was on their side. He indeed told them the truth and it was only after he revealed the information a pistol was placed to his head with a demand for more info.

          Palin also was correct about the church bells. Legal Insurrection cites from the book ‘Paul Revere’s Ride’ by David Hackett Fischer (Oxford University Press, 1994) the following:

          “A townsman remembered that ‘repeated gunshots’, the beating of drums and the ringing of bells filled the air…Along the North Shore of Massachusetts, church bells began to toll and the heavy beat of drums could be heard for many miles in the night air.”

          • Tinker says:

            Thanks for all that Artgal! I must admit I feel very ignorant and urgently need to rush out and get that book.

            I figured that whatever Palin was saying was what the guides and historians had told her during the tour. People just want to think she stupid. Chris Matthews called her stupid again last night and said she didn’t know anything.

          • Maynard says:

            Artgal, my comment was posted after having read that page. But this seems a technical defense. Revere’s primary goal was to obtain the information quietly and get the word to the local militias ahead of the British, and *then* the shooting would happen. The lamps in the Old North Church were flashed only momentarily. That Revere was talking to the Brits wasn’t his plan; they grabbed him and threatened him. (By the way, Revere wasn’t the only one carrying the message, and I’m not sure why his name is mentioned to the exclusion of others; maybe he had a better PR agent?) So Palin can say he warned the British, and you can argue its technically correct, but I say it’s a gaffe because it misses the point.

          • Tammy says:

            Maynard, I love you, but something’s not a gaffe because it addresses an element of the event that’s not common knowledge. A gaffe is an error, referring to a fact that may not be as well known is hardly an error.

    • otlset says:

      Much ado about nothing, relatively speaking.

    • radargeek says:

      The attacks on Gov. Palin by the sick media are going to make a school yard bully look like a harmless gnat. The real skill is to realize this and IGNORE these e coli reporters who are destroying our country. They got their guy in and what him to stay. The media are just as guilty to destroying this country as the democratic/socialism/prog/marxist. There is no real reliable media in this country, save a few.

  2. KatieSilverSpring says:

    I agree that the more voices we hear (from candidates), the better. Just as I believe that Palin’s remarks about Romney were not the criticism that Guilini’s were, Sarah Palin was warning Romney, giving him the heads up that you need to think through what you say before you speak. That method does not later get remarks thrown in your face as the Candidate List becomes shorter … and you become the Nominee that runs against the President.

    This is going to be a nasty election season, not among Republicans, but for the Republicans in play against the President, and all GOP candidates in races against the Dems 2012. Giving them fewer targets/gaffes/errors now can only benefit the GOP nominee in the final race.

    But Sarah Palin can handle herself as she gets closer to her Nov 6, 2012 victory. She will be able to legitimately place her hand on the Bible which Todd, our First Dude, will hold for her, as she takes the oath of Office Sunday, Jan 20, 2013.

  3. geezer says:

    I am ever more convinced that Palin is a brilliant strategist or at least counseled by a brilliant strategist.

    That article at legal insurrection was very enlightening. I got a sense of deja vu that made a light bulb go on for me regarding how remarkable Sarah Palin is for taking the perspective she chose on the story of Paul Revere.

    In so many cases, Sarah speaks, then comes the loud raucous media reaction that hey look Sarah’s a dummy, but oh wait some credentialed expert comes out and speaks in a softer voice that um, ya know she was really right about that. This off kilter approach of hers is jarring enough to make some people look a little closer and wonder what the heck she is really trying to say. And… Score.

    If she is doing what it now seems to me, then she is clever as a fox in her apparent “foolishness”. And she has been consistent about it even as she now brings a fresh perspective that has been long forgotten about the events, spirit and wisdom of the common people who founded our exceptional country.

    There are so many places to go with this incident on Palin’s tour that it makes my head spin.

    What if the revolution was not an act of desperation from an oppressed people (which is a message projected all over the world today on other countries in turmoil) but rather an uprising by a confident people who had finally had enough, and who believed that they could win if it ever came down to it, even though they were willing to try all other options within the system first.

    Palin herself is continually putting out a similar message to the political establishment. The story of the Tea Party movement could be summarized by the above paragraph.

    This tour will provide her with numerous opportunities to debunk shallow pop vignettes about our founding and history, and more importantly revive the spirit and hope that truly inspired our great nation.

    She doesn’t even have to do anything special, she gets an informed historically accurate briefing at each tour stop, and when she comes up for air the media are clamoring to hear — even goad her into — whatever outrageous thing she’s going to say next.

    Here’s the genius… They make such a big deal of it that it is burned into our collective consciousness. So, later when the campaign commercials begin, we will see video and images that will remind people of those messages Sarah Palin brought out during her bus tour.

    She is currently crafting the memes on this tour that she will recall later in 30-second snippets which will explode in people’s hearts and minds. (Want proof of her expertise at doing this effectively? Imagine a three-second video snippet of a roaring momma grizzly bear and how that makes you feel today versus what you would have felt five years ago watching the same clip.)

    Whether she runs or doesn’t run, whomever Palin supports also will get the benefit this remarkable collection of patriotic images, messages, and memes (courtesy of copyright owner SarahPAC), perhaps spread across a hundred or more citizen candidates in national and local elections all speaking a common message of hope and inspiration to we the people.

    I could be making this up, but I think we are witnessing something that is subtle, brilliant, and maybe divinely inspired.


    • JEN says:

      Look she would never deceive her supporters all of the necessity of effort that it will take to do this thing of putting the Gov. in 2013… Shes ben running since Mcain gave his speech after loosing the 08 election up on the stage and they would not let her speak wel… shes doing that now and will continue…

      • geezer says:

        deceive her supporters? I think Sarah Palin is the genuine article. Doing smart stuff doesn’t mean being deceptive. No quarrel here.

  4. dennisl59 says:

    Broadcasting LIVE from her Ultra-Mega RV Power Shack and the Grand Opening of the
    newest “Omelette Shop” franchise in Century City…

    “Here’s TAM-eeeeeeeeeee!…”

    My Golfing Quick Hits:
    1) Golf is a ‘sport’ or ‘game’ played, by in large, but not always, ok, by C Level Corporate Executives. And here’s the ‘deal’: You want to brown nose management? Learn to play golf. Watch ANY broadcast Golf tournament and see who the advertisers are: there’s your target audience and demographic.
    2) I challenge all TAMs to find a reference, anywhere from any source, the actual golf scores from any round of golf this Dumb Bastard has played while ‘Acting’ President. I got bupkis.
    3) Rounding out the Foursome of Duffers? Al Czervik & Carl Spackler with Tiger Woods driving the golf cart.
    4) Boehner will call the White House to ask what the DB is wearing so their outfits won’t clash. But he’ll show up anyway with the plaid pants, neon yellow shirt, wide white belt, and white shoes with tassles.

    Other Breakfast Quick Hits:

    Romney’s Book?-you can get it, paperback, for 3.97 used at you know where. What you do with it is your business.

    Tammy’s Fun Phrase: “stick in your craw” definition: if a situation or someone’s behaviour sticks in your craw, it annoys you, usually because you think it is wrong.

    I believe in nothing, therefore you must believe in nothing; by court order, of course.

    If Sony hasn’t already, they need to crush, shred and then melt, every piece of hardware they have and dump into the ocean. Or they’ll never fix the security problem. Ever. IMHO.

    Why should A.Sullivan give a d*** about the Palin’s? Really Mr. Sullivan? Mind your own business. Pissant.

    Maybe Mooochelle aka Thing-2 should take a trip to Detroit if she wants a vacation in an exotic place.

    And as always, I’ll take a side of grits with my western omelette.


    posted 6/4 @950am central

  5. Pat_S says:

    Palin’s supporters see her as unconventional. This was certainly an unconventional way to explain Paul Revere’s ride. Of course Maynard is absolutely correct that Revere’s mission was to warn the Americans. Anyone asked the same question Palin was asked would give that answer.

    I never knew about Revere chancing upon the British. Apparently it is not common knowledge. If Sarah Palin knew it because she is so well-versed in American history then hats off to her. If she wanted to bring out this little known fact, she went about it poorly. One would think she would first acknowledge what Revere’s true mission was and then add on, “Did you know that….”

    Even Henry Wadsworth Longfellow missed the part about warning the British.

    He said to his friend, “If the British march
    By land or sea from the town to-night,
    Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry arch
    Of the North Church tower as a signal light,–
    One if by land, and two if by sea;
    And I on the opposite shore will be,
    Ready to ride and spread the alarm
    Through every Middlesex village and farm,
    For the country folk to be up and to arm.”

    So through the night rode Paul Revere;
    And so through the night went his cry of alarm
    To every Middlesex village and farm,—
    A cry of defiance, and not of fear,
    A voice in the darkness, a knock at the door,
    And a word that shall echo for evermore!
    For, borne on the night-wind of the Past,
    Through all our history, to the last,
    In the hour of darkness and peril and need,
    The people will waken and listen to hear
    The hurrying hoof-beats of that steed,
    And the midnight message of Paul Revere.

    Then there’s the story about George Washington crossing the Delaware because he had a notion to go on a boat ride.

    Palinistas look at Palin through loving eyes and see genius. The rest of us see quirky goofiness.

    • Maynard says:

      To put it in metaphor, Palin managed to describe a tree without mentioning there was a forest. This doesn’t make her evil or stupid; you can give her the benefit of the doubt and figure she skipped over the forest because the tree was of particular interest to her, and Americans should already know about the forest but they ought to know about the tree. If you want to defend her, acknowledge that she could have been clearer in this bit of history, and meanwhile Obama spent another $2 trillion to pay off his cronies, sticking our children with a vast and ever-growing debt. Put it in perspective. But to say Palin got it right and handled this well is pushing beyond a reasonable interpretation of events.

  6. Artgal says:

    Since there seems to be many getting wee-wee’d up over Palin and Paul Revere, I thought it best to take the info straight from the Paul Revere Heritage Project.

    “He (Revere) was asked about the plans of the militia and where they kept their ammunition. When asked where the Patriots were hiding he told them the truth and replied that they had 500 militiamen in Concord protecting them and 1500 coming…

    Half a mile before they reached the Meeting House they heard guns being fired, the British apparently believed what Revere had told them in the interrogation and fearing for their lives released him. They took his horse and gave him a tired one.”

    I’ve also seen on some blogs those reporting Palin was wrong in saying the Brits were going to take arms away. Again, she was correct.

    What was so wrong with her statement? Again, this is what’s getting everyone upset: ‘He who warned the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms by ringing those bells and making sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free.’

    I fail to see the error and there was no revision on her part. What is wrong, then? Oh -that’s right – Palin said it.

    Revere’s information to the British was not him playing both sides or merely trying to save his own skin by trying to act in good favor with the British; his answers during the interrogation served as a warning of what was in store for them.

    Revere was indeed a Patriot and, as the Paul Revere Heritage Project notes, he was the creator of the first Patriot intelligence network – a credit bestowed upon him by the CIA.

    With that in mind, consider Paul Revere’s capture/encounter with the British as a clever mind-tease (to put it nicely) on the British – sort of like what Palin’s doing to the media & many of her detractors now.

    • Artgal says:

      Just to clarify in the last sentence: Paul Revere did not intentionally set out to be captured. He certainly knew there was risk in his work and did what he could to avoid it at all costs; however, I am a firm believer in Divine Intervention and even when good people are met with life-threatening events/encounters, something good can come from it. Revere was tested and we are the beneficiaries of the work in which he and many others engaged.

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