Okay everyone I’m off to Pella, IA for the premiere of “Undefeated.” This means I’ll be out of the loop most of the morning and afternoon. There will no doubt be news today so if you TAMs could keep each other posted here in this Open Thread that would be great. The “no links” rule is suspended for this thread considering the unique circumstances 🙂

Due to my flying schedule there will be no Tammy Radio live today but I will have a Special Report podcast update tonight when I settle in Pella. As I’ve mentioned, while the live show will depend on bandwith in Pella, I will have a series of Special Report podcasts for TAMs and I’m sure a public podcast or two 🙂

Thanks everyone, Ill add to this thread whenever possible today. So let’s start this Open Thread up with news of Bachmann’s announcement.

Michele Bachmann makes it official in Waterloo

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
39 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Palin2012 says:

    Have a great trip Tammy – can’t wait for your reports!

    Here’s a must read – hopefully this is more crap that can be stopped. Billionaire George Soros Trying To Stack the Courts, Critics Say


    Also, here a great interview from GMA with Bristol. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/bristol-palin-absolutely-mom-sarah-palin-run-president/story?id=13937099

    • JuanitaDugas says:

      Excellent interview of Bristol on GMA by Robin Roberts…..and said so to Robin in a tweet….thnx Palin2012!! Isn’t amazing how shocked but grateful we are when journalists act responsible and professional?

  2. larrygeary says:

    Tammy, I have a sneaking feeling that Gov. Palin may fly into Iowa tonight and spend time walking around Pella tomorrow doing the retail politics thing. Just a hunch, but you may want to be on the lookout.

  3. Tinker says:

    So glad you’re going Tammy! Be safe and have a great time. We know you’ll represent all TAM-Palinistas very well. And I have to say I’m not sorry at all that God’s little coincidence machine is at work again, with the film squashing the buzz of Bachmann’s THIRD announcement. As if we needed more proof. 🙂

    Since we won’t hear from Bristol on the show today here she in on GMA this morning. She did a great job! http://tinyurl.com/3klq5xm

  4. Shifra says:

    So, Palin announces tomorrow, Tammy is picked for top campaign spot. “Where in the World is Tammy?” becomes daily inquiry. Palin wins presidency, Tammy is picked to be Press Secretary. (Tammy to Wapo reporter: “Are you freakin’ kidding me with that question?”) Sydney and Snoopy adjust to life on East Coast. Tammy complains about Washington DC weather (I grew up in DC so I know how awful it can be). And what happens to Daily Tammy Radio? What about chatroom? No more “open threads?”

    OK, TAMS, honestly speaking, you *know* you are thinking the same thoughts 🙂

    • ShArKy666 says:

      shiffra i had hoped sarah would choose tammy for SOMETHING…maybe campaign manager 🙂

    • JuanitaDugas says:

      Uhhh, you read my mind Shifra. 🙂 When Sarah’s elected we can kiss our comfy TAM world buh bye. I saw this coming and said so a long time ago. Everyone willing to sacrifice our TAM world to see Sarah in the oval office and Tammy on her team, RAISE YOUR HAND …..me too!!! ;JD

    • Jeffrey says:

      Shirfra- Yes, you’re a mind reader! When this all kicks in to high gear, I’m feeling there will be some MAJOR changes… At least I’ll have my podcasts and Mojitos to comfort me during the storm!

    • Pathman says:

      LOL. Yeah shifra, I went to high school in the DC burbs. I know.. ;-D

    • otlset says:

      If Tammy does become Press Secretary, I hereby offer my services in the “odd facts and snappy one-liners” department of her staff. Or would that be in another part of the administration?

    • _CarrieP says:

      Shifra – I grew up in the DC suburbs of Maryland (and currently live near Annapolis, Maryland) so I’m *feeling* you on the DC weather 🙂

      How funny is it that you’ve voiced the same thoughts & concerns it seems many of us have regarding the fate of our beloved TAM world once President Palin takes office?

      The only thing keeping my spirits up & keeping me going is this: due to my close proximity to DC, I’m hoping to put in an application to become Tammy’s “DC Gina” – ha! Very selfish on my part I know, but a girl can dream, right?.

    • naga5 says:

      from your lips to g-d’s ears!
      i think a great thread would be what would a tammy white house briefing sound like?
      WaPo: what are president palin’s new rules of engagement in the middle east?
      tammy: its $3 an hour with no validation. its a big freaking parking lot now. next question. jake tapper?

  5. ShArKy666 says:

    hey have a GREAT trip tammy and we can’t wait to hear from u when u get there! 🙂

  6. jap81 says:

    Tammy, what day is Bristol scheduled to be on the show now?

  7. Tinker says:


    The Wrong John Wayne– http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/inside-politics/2011/jun/27/the-wrong-john-wayne/

    Mrs. Bachmann grew up in Waterloo, and used the town as the backdrop for her campaign announcement, where she told Fox News: “Well what I want them to know is just like, John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That’s the kind of spirit that I have, too.”

  8. 3livesleft says:

    I just read that Obama, along with Palin and Tammy, will also be in Iowa on Tuesday (in Bettendorf). Interesting…

  9. k0rhv says:

    Damn! I live in Griswold & just now heard the show! (Insert very bad word here) Wish I’d have known. Miss ya already Tam!

  10. Reb says:

    Robin Roberts is very much a professional – her interview with Gov Palin was equally is good as this one with Bristol. Thanks for posting the link Palin2012. I’d love for bho to have to speak in Iowa without his trusty teleprompter….now, that would be fun. Wonder who really decides what gets put on there. I tend to see him as the puppet for the masters – just curious who ‘they’ are.

    Wish I could be in Pella……look forward to Tammy’s reports from there and that of others – like Jedadiah (sp?) and others who will be there. Ought to be a great confab. Hope the citizens of Pella have a great time.

  11. Maynard says:

    Heard lately on Leno…

    At CVS, they have a whole area of Father’s Day cards just for Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    Congressman Weiner resigned from Congress at a senior citizens’ center in Queens. It was smart, because they had no idea what Twitter is.

    After John Edwards, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and father-to-be Anthony Weiner, who would have thought Charlie Sheen would be dad of the year?

    The team of Obama and Boehner beat the team of Vice President Joe Biden and Ohio Gov. John Kasich. When they tallied up the score, they were 14 trillion over par.

    President Obama announced this week that he is going to start sending out his own messages personally on Twitter. And today Anthony Weiner said, “It’s a trap, don’t do it!” But President Obama’s tweets are a little different than Anthony Weiner’s. When Obama sends out pictures of something obscene, it’s the unemployment numbers.

    According to new polls, 66 percent of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. But the good news is, gas is so expensive and traffic is so bad that we won’t get there for a long time.

    A little information for the folks watching at home: Our entire studio audience tonight is all people who used to work for Newt Gingrich.

    President Obama announced the beginning of withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. He said last night, “We can’t stay there indefinitely.” You think our troops in Korea are going, “HELLO, we’ve been here for 60 years.”

    Today President Obama has released 30 million barrels of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve. He said it was in response to what he called a real emergency: his poll numbers.

  12. Maynard says:

    Quote for our times:

    The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking; he can ruin himself with gambling. If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.
    —G.K. Chesterton

  13. dennisl59 says:

    Sarah Palin is ‘conditioning the political battlespace’ in Iowa and elsewhere, by using the Democrat-Media Complex own biases and assumptions tell their version of what the narrative should be for her. But she’s playing them all for fools they’ve been proven to be, because she has loyal people with her that will not leak a single piece of information that could be used to reveal a single hint of her ‘surprise announcement’ on Labor Day.

    GAME ON!

    posted 6/27 830pm texas time

  14. jphilarnold says:


    I will be in Pella tomorrow and hope to get to meet you. I even signed up at Twitter as @JPhilArnold so I could try to contact you that way, but so far I haven’t had any luck. Maybe I did not do something correctly.

    I’m so glad that you will be there along with Sarah & Todd and others.

  15. rtthorne says:

    We’ll need a new BFF/Dogwalker chick for Syd in DC. Minor details.

  16. Shifra says:

    Naga5 – LOL!
    Pathman and _CarrieP – Maybe we should *not* tell Tammy about the “humid/hotter-than-Hell” summers and “city paralysis” w/ two inches of snow in Washington DC.
    JuanitaDugas and intbrn – OK, raise your hands *now* but, at some point, trust me, you will be slugging down those Mojitos with Jeffrey. And rrthorne – there will be *so* many Dems out of work, there should be people lining up to get job of Syd’s dogwalker! 🙂

    Prayers/good vibes for Tammy to get her bag. (saw on Twitter that her bag did not make it out of Dallas 🙁 )

  17. Artgal says:

    I love Ramirez’s cartoons but take particular glee with the one posted for today. Is that just wrong of me?

  18. Shifra says:

    Artgal, you and me, both! 🙂

  19. Maynard says:

    Oh, I’d like to hear Tammy comment on the Blagojevich conviction. This seems likely to vanish without a ripple, and I haven’t cared to follow the story in detail, but there’s one underlying question that merits some digging and discussion: Where was Obama when this was going down? I’m not saying Obama broke any laws; it’s highly unlikely that he would have played along with a scheme for personal gain here. But this was Obama’s Senate seat that was being sold, and the selling came out of the team from which Obama emerged. There’s no way Obama was uninterested in where his old seat went; it defies credibility that he wasn’t in touch with Blagojevich on this point. Presumably he had some notion of what was happening, even though I’d assume it wasn’t his doing. But the connection seems uncomfortable nevertheless. If the media disliked Obama as they disliked Bush, they’d certainly be hyping up the proximity between the president and high corruption. But aside from our disgust with Obama, I’d like to hear an objective comment and reasonable speculation about Obama’s situation, and what he did or probably did, and whether he did what an honest leader should do.

  20. Maynard says:

    Should Egypt take responsibility for the Gaza Strip? This comment in the liberal Israeli Haaretz news service advocates that course. I’m not claiming enough expertise to endorse or reject the notion, but it does seem interesting to an ignorant outsider like me. As it stands, Gaza is isolated and lawless and violent, and thus the darling of victim-loving leftists. Make it Egypt’s problem, and the accountability increases, and with Egyptian responsibility comes Egyptian supply lines, so Israel (that is, Jews) can’t be as easily blamed for the ills of the region.

  21. Maynard says:

    Senators Lieberman and Coburn are working together on a plan to render Medicare solvent. Is it possible that these guys are trying to do something sane and practical? Some members of Congress are hopeless, but these two might do something good.

  22. ecu22331963 says:

    Were just glad your home Tammy!

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