
As a sneak peak, here’s about 30 minutes of today’s Tammy Radio podcast featuring my interview with columnist and author Jedediah Bila discussing Palin’s decision to not run. If you enjoy media such as this, please do subscribe–members make all my work possible. In addition to the daily live show being available On-Demand, subscribers get a variety of exclusive media including the daily TAM Briefing podcast, TAM Chat room, the Weekend Update, and other exclusive media. Thanks 🙂

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19 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. sodakhic says:

    Yes, I hope Sarah calls both you gals and thanks you for your fierce loyalty this last year or two. You both deserve gold stars and cookies It is so sad to see the person that could turn this primary upside down sitting on the sidelines.She said on Hannity that she and Todd were headed to MO, VA, and S Korea this evening Interesting to see how she’s accepted

  2. Palin had 3 years to think about how this would affect her family. Sure she could have had enough right about the time she announced. But I feel the odds are that she was confronted with the reality of what it would take to run and win, and the ducks where just not lined up. And it would not be good for her to run and most likely lose. I really hope the Family excuse was just a political half truth, as it would also be bad for her to say that she did not think she could win. The idea that she used our support in order to help build her profile is very unnerving, and I hope my doubts about her subside in some days. But even if that was the case, she really stuck it to the establishment and helped get a lot of Tea Party in the house and senate. Maybe that’s why she talked about her considerations for what has been accomplished over the past year. Maybe that was her underlying subconscious theme and driving force… -revenge against the GOP for the treatment during and after the election. I just hope she can bowl us all over again during the campaign and win our hearts back 10 times as much. Having doubts is a very essential part of the faith building process… working through those doubts until you prove them wrong. It would be really nice if that happened. If anyone could do it, Palin is the one!
    he he I already miss that feeling of admiration for Palin and dreaming about how she would save our nation from socialism, and kick the ass of the GOP and Dems. I would love that old fashioned Palin feeling back;) he he I need help! LOL!

    • of course, it was really great to hear Tammy and Jededia tonight! How lucky we still are to have these intelligent warriors on our side:) I have a good mind to push Tammy to run against the GOP for Pres as soon as feasible!

  3. El Gordo says:

    Just a thought here:

    Could Gov. Palin’s fateful decision be in response to the incident between Bristol and the nutcase in that bar? Perhaps she was concerned for her family about another occurrence escalating in the future to a violent outcome if she did announce her candidacy…so this may be to defuse that prospect. If she was to be elected president, no amount of secret service personnel can prevent a crazy person from acting against her or her family…case in point: Ronald Reagan being surrounded by security forces and still was shot by determined John Hinckley.

    • jiaconis says:

      I have given that issue some thought, every person who has ever run for political office has had their share of unstable people with malice in their
      hearts that is what the secret service is for. Re: The Reagan situation, he
      (Reagan) was put in an accessible position, for some reason. Also, some of the blame has to go to Bristol, when your mother is Sarah Palin, there are unfortunately some places that you probably should not be going to. It’s a sad
      commentary on our society, however, there are solutions to these problems.
      Bottom line this country needed Sarah Palin, now more than ever. Say what you will about Tpaw, Perry, Romney, Bachmann…etc at least they put forth an attempt get this country back on course. Final thought, if you think the Palin family has heard the last of these type situations, I am afraid that this type behavior just does not stop and go away, the only thing now is that there will be no secret service around to protect Sarah and family, they are now in fact more vulnerable then if she had been running, and if Bristol continues to go to bars…etc she will no doubt run into the same type of unbalanced person. The left is full of loons, who do not forget. Just because Palin lost in “08” did the attacks stop. No, they continued for the next three years, and I do not think they will stop right now either.

      Finally, It makes me sick to think that one ass***e in some bar could derail
      the one person that could have all the difference in the world, getting this
      dumb bastard out the hell out of the White House, and to save our Country. And
      that is the saddest commentary of them all…

  4. srrchl says:

    At this point, still despairing because we are left holding the bag — the vomit bag that is, and the Pepto Bismol. The remaining choices suck so bad. Is Palin really letting this go to Romney? Barf….

  5. PhilipJames says:

    If you listen to the Bob & Mark interview, Sarah does say she almost said yes at some point, and then recently she wnet the other way. What it was that moved her from yes to no, we may never know. But for anyone who thinks she was not serious about running, please listen to that part of the interview. She was ready to say yes publicly… but did not jump and because of something or a culmination of things, changed her mind.

    And, after some reflection, I think Sarah Palin will do the country more good by getting more Conservatives elected than running for the Presidency. And, as usual, we will not see the results of that work for at least a year. Just remember that when she resigned, almost everyone said it was over for her… she was finished. And look what happened in the next two years. I trust her instincts and in two years, I hope we look back and kick ourselves for being so stupid in not realizing what she was up to.

  6. niner says:

    After yesterdays dissapointment that still lingers ,Sarahs voice in the Hannity interview today, had relief in her voice. I think big things are around the corner for Sarah in this Conservative movement,she is going to be even a stronger leader, there are many scenarios that will unfold, but I think Sarah is going to be even bigger than she is now, and is going to lead something big. I think we should all wait and be patient.As for the Presidency, she is young she can wait up to 2 or 3 cycles if she wanted. In 2020 if she ran she would be the same age Michelle Bachmann is now, and Michelle has plenty of energy and is still attractive.

  7. mediachristian says:

    Good sentiments, good energy here and also in Chat – we had a high of 77 today and it’s not even a debate or a Mystery Science Theatre 3000 where we heard over and over again to pass a bill that didn’t exist (and still doesn’t)…but I digress…

    I suggested, in response to those whose feelings and emotion range from hurt to disappointed to “Winning The Future”…and those commenting on our guest therapist (Jedediah Bila), we go through grief cycles. Mourn if you have to…cry your eyes out, if it will help. Go to the gym and take it out on a punching bag, or a kickbag, if you need. Light a candle, if that will help you cope.

    And then…fight. Fight harder. And then, FIGHT HARDER STILL.

    I put in a clip from the last Rocky movie (Rocky Balboa, 2006), where Rocky talked to his grown son:

    “Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows…it’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care who you are, it will drive you to your knees and keep you there permanent, if you let it. You, me, or anybody, are gonna hit as hard as life. But it’s not about how hard ya hit…it’s about how hard you can GET hit, and keep moving forward…how much you can TAKE, and keep…moving…forward…that’s how WINNING is done!

    “Now if ya know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth…but ya gotta be willing to take the hits…and not say that you’re not where ya wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and THAT AIN’T YOU! You’re BETTER THAN THAT!”

    Let’s stay together. Heal together. Keep working together. Snowflakes are frail…but enough of them together…can stop traffic.

    • blogchick says:

      what a beautiful post…thank you for the reminder of the Rocky Balboa quote.

      I am also hopeful that we will look back, a year from now, and KNOW that what she did was right…though I just don’t see where we are headed as of today.=)

    • ffigtree says:

      Just trying to process all this, put things into perspective and sort through a full range of emotions (grief). This announcement was such a huge blow ~ knocked the wind right out of my sails!

      The difficulty for me will be facing all those who assured me Palin will not run when I so passionately and definitively defended her asserting that Sarah will, indeed, run.

    • Kimj7157 says:

      Terrific post. Blizzard’s coming. 🙂

    • Tinker says:

      Aye! MC—great post. As as lifelong Rocky fan I thank you. 🙂

      Palin 2016! 2020! or 2024!

  8. kmsimchak says:

    Thank you Jedediah for sharing your insight today. You put it into perspective. It meant alot to us TAMS.

    I am with MediaChristian. This does not have to be an end, it can be a beginning, of what I am not sure yet, but with all the great TAMS we will stay strong and keep fighting the current administration and the crazy liberalism.

  9. otlset says:

    ORC/CNN poll fudger to to CBS/WSJ poll fudger: “We did it! She backed down! How bout a drink…”

  10. NancyB says:

    Just a thought; Cain has a 20 pt. lead today,these must clearly be Sarah supporters that have now switched to Cain. Could it be that this was Sarah’s unselfish plan;sacrifice a run for the presidency to make sure no rino’s won in 2012?Maybe she felt that there was a big possiblity she wouldn’t win with all the negative attacks on her & this was her way of at least getting a non-establishment republican in office.

    • sharon says:

      I have thought of that myself. She certainly knows the political winds better than I. I have been uneasy the last couple of days. I am not happy with the current field at all. Perhaps Cain, but he has a lot of work to do.

      I respect her decision and believe she will remain a strong force. My main disappointment is that she specifically stated that she would run if there were not a candidate that was conservative enough for her to support. What changed exactly?

  11. karenfromny says:

    Glad someone sent me a link to the podcast.I have to agree with Tammy. “When was the Governor ever shackled when she had a title”. It was a sad day when she announced. But lets see what the future hold..

  12. karenfromny says:

    Tammy, can you get an interview with RAM. that would interesting to hear her perspective?.

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