Tonight’s convention was quite different from last night. Actually rather bizarre with how different–as though someone else fromt he last century decided it needed to be an homage to the boring GOP of the past compared to the inspiring events of last night. I write this opening, however, prior to Paul Ryan’s speech which I’m guessing will indeed bring the house down. As soon as he’s done speaking and the video is available, we’ll have that posted as well.

The full Paul Ryan speech:

Here’s the Rand Paul speech and some various other linkage.

WaPo: Ryan’s night in convention spotlight: Says Romney ‘will not duck’ nation’s tough econ issues

Fox News: McCain hails Romney as best to lead country, hits Obama on foreign policy

The Wrap: Clint Eastwood to Speak on Final Night at RNC?

Drudge: Text of Condi’s Speech

Bush 41 And 43 Send Video Message To GOP Convention

Condi Rice, Full Speech:

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
15 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Maynard says:

    Ryan was great. He’s the winner.

    Tammy tweeted his finest lines. But somehow she missed the note about his musical shelf running the gamut from AC/DC to Zeppelin. For my money, he won the election right there.

  2. Maynard says:

    When it looked like the event might be scuttled due to Isaac, Democrat ex-gov of Michigan, Jennifer Ganholm, tweeted: “R convention delay due to Isaac: I guess God has ways to shut that whole thing down”

    But Isaac instead heads over to New Orleans. Rather than acknowledging God as a Republican, instead they switch from the God card to the race card. David Chalian of Yahoo News said on an ABC Webcast that Romney is “happy to have a party when black people drown.” Yahoo is shocked, just shocked, that one of their people could say such a thing.

    The strange thing is these are the people that look at the conservatives and see hatred, racism, fascism, etc. And they are not stupid people.

    Please, God, grant us the wisdom and insight to see our own demons.

    • strider says:

      Kind of not stupid ( they can probably do math and read and write, etc. ) – but it’s as if they bet everything on a flawed ideology and if that tide goes out they fear being stuck on some unpleasant fetid shore line.

  3. Larry says:

    I know that I may be swimming upstream with this opinion here, given everybody’s disdain for Condi Rice on this site, but I thought her speech was great! I thought that she was insightful, well spoken, and that her words were delivered with a gravitas that was lacking by everyone else with the exception of Paul Ryan himself. I do believe that our country will be missing out if we do not find a way to get her involved in the Romney administration. Sorry Tammy, I like you a lot but I think you are wrong on this one…

    • Kimj7157 says:

      Larry–TOTALLY agree with you. Rice’s speech was outstanding!! I know she has had some disappointing moments in the past, but…nobody’s perfect and people CAN learn from mistakes and be better for it. She came through here. Hit all the right notes. “Peace-really-does-come-through-strength.” Period. And what she said starting at 10:40–great stuff. The whole thing was terrific. She owned what she said. This was a grand slam homer.

    • Maynard says:

      Ditto. Aside from the substance of Rice’s speech, I think her presence was highly important as part of highlighting that “big tent” thing. Romney and Ryan are pounding on the economy, on the state of the heartland. And that’s exactly as it should be; if we fail at home, then nothing else matters. But there’s more to the presidency than the homeland. Someone should be speaking of America’s place in the world, and integrating this into the vision of the Romney presidency. Rice may not be your favorite person, but maybe that’s exactly the point. Her vision, her priorities, represent others with whom we quibble, but with whom we share common ground. If we remember that common ground and pull together, we’ll win this thing. If we sneer at each other and emphasize our differences, we’ll lose. Did Rice get it wrong in 2008? I don’t know and I don’t care. I’m glad we’re in the same boat today.

    • ancientwrrior says:

      Larry, I totally agree with you. This is one very eloquent lady, who is intelligent and can speak with the best of them. She makes the big ‘0’ sound like a dumb stupid punk from da hood.

  4. _CarrieP says:

    Ryan knocked it out of the park tonight and I truly enjoyed watching his speech.

    I hope you’ll indulge an ‘all about me’ moment – It was such a strange feeling watching this because as I’ve recently learned Paul Ryan and I have many things in common: we were both born in January, 1970 – although I’m 3 weeks older than he; my father also died when I was 16 yrs old so, I know what that’s like; we’re both Catholic; I also grew up & bought my first house in the same small town in which I grew up, so I’ve lived that small-town, everybody knows your name kind of life. And this man is going to be our next vp!

    The vp is reserved for some old guy, right? When the heck did I get all grown up to where my peer, who’s shared many of the same life experiences at the same time I did only 1/2 way across the country and for the past 42 years get to be the person who will be our next vp?

    It certainly can’t be because 42 is considered old…it’s because only in America could that happen! We live in the greatest country on earth.

  5. ancientwrrior says:

    Now this man IS a leader. He has that roaring fire in his belly to keep this engine going right through to the end. He speaks from the heart and is very inspiring, something that has been sadly lacking for almost 4 years. This is the kind of leader who picks up a sword and says FOLLOW ME, as he leads his army against the forces of darkness.

  6. teemahn says:

    Thanks for putting these up, Tammy. Condi and Ryan are back to back home run hitters.

  7. rosebud2186 says:

    I live 15 miles south of Janesville, WI….so Paul Ryan has been on my political radar for years. I think that it’s very important to note that he is a Republican Representative from a very “blue” district. The UAW has been VERY strong in Southern WI, yet they have consistently voted him into office. This explains some of his voting record that may seem to contradict his Conservatism. He was representing his constituents…it’s what they wanted. I have to admit, I wanted him to stay in Congress in order to facilitate the “takeover”, but if he is the one who can put Romney’s campaign over the top, so be it. He & his family are just so darn cute!

  8. dennisl59 says:

    So…I go down the road to the local Starbucks(you know the one, where there was zero protests that day?)…Anyway, I walk in, and had to wait(OMG!) for my Large Plain Black Iced Coffee(Of the course the barista asked if I wanted anything in it, right?…geez) So, I said, ‘No problem, it’s not like I have a job interview or anything'(sarc)…and Lo and Behold, what do I see? An actual hard copy of, wait for it…

    The New York Times! Here in Round Rock! WOW!(sarc again…)

    Check out the Front Page Photograph of(barely)Paul Ryan.

    Now, I have my own opinion(that I’m keeping to myself for now) of what they(The Editors)are saying here. But I’m interested in what the TAMs think about it…Thanks!

    posted 8/30 330pm Texas[Got ID?]Time

  9. Maynard says:

    Wow, I just checkout out that Drudge-linked report that Obama is whining that he didn’t explain the stimulus well enough. It’s an echo of Ryan’s comment on Obama’s earlier lament that he didn’t tell a good enough story. Right, Obama failed because he didn’t talk enough, and we weren’t good enough listeners.

    But the part that really got me is that Obama made an analogy between his getting reelected and the popping of a blister. Really! “My expectation is that there will be some popping of the blister after this election.” Such a lovely metaphor! Imagine it! Pop! goes the blister, and the pus splatters everywhere! Yum! That’s how he’s gonna transform us! Yeah, Barack, your storytelling is improving by the minute!

  10. Maynard says:

    An interesting post at Breitbart. “Romney to Admit Racism, Hatred of Women in Address to RNC”.

    Sources inside the Romney campaign indicate that the Republican nominee will drop all pretense in his address tonight to his party’s convention, and admit the truth of several allegations that the mainstream media has been pressing him to concede. These include plans to revoke the 13th Amendment, eliminating the first obstacle to returning blacks to slavery. Romney will also detain all women present at the speech as prisoners-of-war.

    In a nod to increased media speculation about Romney’s Mormon faith–even though Obama’s participation in the racist church of Jeremiah Wright was not a focus at the Democratic National Convention four years ago–Romney plans to re-introduce Ann Romney as the second of his three wives. Sources indicate that her refusal to describe her marriage as “storybook” earlier this week was, in fact, a coded Mormon message.

    Romney also plans to release his tax returns in their entirety, going back more than two decades. Convention organizers also confirmed to Breitbart News that the red, white, and blue balloons that traditionally rain down upon the nominee will be replaced by the 237,456 pages of Romney’s tax returns accompanied by combined financial statements from Bain Capital. Dozens of journalists are already jockeying for the scramble to follow…

    Compelling stuff. Click through to read the rest.

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