Elfin Eminent Domain

Do Not.. build an Icelandic road on top of an elves' magic stone.

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Vintageport says:

    I’m a big fan of cultural fables and unfounded beliefs, like Dems care about the well-being of the black community and, oh yes, if you like your doctor…

  2. Alain41 says:

    Speaking of Eminent Domain (no longer), remember the bad grammar Mayor’s letter of a few weeks ago. He was/is the Mayor of Petersburg VA. Well, 9/6/16 WaPo front page story is on the Petersburg VA interim city manager, a 38 yr old single Black woman trying to save her hometown from its horrible financial situation. Article has allusions to the problem started in the past, Whites ran the town, etc. No detailed analysis of how problem occurred, one or two political partys, other than it wasn’t clear until now. Oh and the Republican led State legislature doesn’t have procedure for a bankrupt city you know. The interim city manager sounds good but the rest of the article is bad.

  3. Alain41 says:

    Relative to Iran payments, specifically the $99,999,999.99 transfers. 9/9/16 NY Post had blurb that The Automated Clearing House (electronic transfer system that the gov’t uses) only allows for 10 digits.

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