Michael Savage:Don’t trust Feds on Flu shot

The vaccine, he pointed out, contains formaldehyde and thimerosal – an organic compound containing mercury, which impairs the neurological and immune systems – along with detergents, antibiotics and allergens that cause infertility.
I believe the risks outweigh any benefit,” Savage said.

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Shifra says:

    IMO, Michael Weiner, er, Savage, is a disturbed human being. Although he can be charming, I have heard him verbally abuse callers. And during a TV appearance years ago, I think it was MSNBC, he stated that he hoped someone, a gay man, would get AIDS and die. (And he wonders why Fox will not have him on?)

    However, he seems to know alot about nutrition. We regularly see a naturopath in New Hampshire who believe that no one should ever take a flu shot, since it weakens the immune system. So I would go with Weiner, er, Savage, on this one.

    • tamcat says:

      I agree with your take on Savage. However, he does know about health. It has been stated that the flu shot is only 65% effective anyway. Also the vaccine changes year to year. Like Tammy has said…when the US had less vaccine available, flu cases were down!

  2. midget says:

    As a nurse in a hospital, I was required to get a flu shot every year and every year I got the flu.I have refused the vaccine for 3 years now and I have been flu free. I just use some cut onions placed about and the old wives tale works.

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