Taylor Swift Flirts With The Feminist Dark Side

Oh dear, what could go wrong? As the author says, Swift is a role model for many young women. And, I must ask, what is wrong with these young women? Wallowing in victim-hood, drinking their cups of sorrow, pouring ashes on their heads as they rend their garments. Poor babies!
I was in a twitter conversation with a man this morning (a new follower wanting to know what a TAM is – I'm trying to recruit) he was telling me that he was to be reprimanded at work for a comment he had said to a woman (he told me what it was) should he have said it? Probably not. Should he be reprimanded for this? Probably not. Sounds like he was trying to be funny in an awkward, male sort of way and she was offended. Reading through his time line he seems like a nice enough fellow with a quick wit and a “broken filter”.
Comment from my husband after reading this exchange with him – “a lot of women dress with everything hanging out and are offended when a man even looks at them! We're not supposed to look!” Such confused messed up minds sending mixed messages.
I feel sorry for men.

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