When Urim and Thummim Collide

Yale's motto, Light and Truth, is on its seal in both Latin, Lux et Veritas, and in Hebrew, Urim and Thummim.

The speech cupcakes demand their safe space. Prior to Halloween, the Intercultural Affairs Committee sent out to students, an offer you can't refuse email, saying be thoughtful in your choice of costume. A professor at the school after hearing from several students that the email bothered them, replied and said she thought the tone was too harsh and shouldn't we let students be themselves even if that is minor exploratory mistakes. Well, Yale's Divinity School must be on overload because Hell has broken loose. Students have called for the professor's firing and when her husband, a college master, defended her, they called for his firing too. I think part of this idiocy is that when the price of something gets too high such that either someone else is paying for it or you're taking out loans that you know you'll likely never be able to pay back, then you can't value the value that you are getting. Liberals eating their own would be fun to watch except it's our and our children's freedom also. https://reason.com/blog/2015/11/06/watch-students-tell-yale-to-fire-a-staff

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2 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Alain41 says:

    In his comment on this, Breitbart London’s Milo Y. has a funny and insightful line; he reminds that Yale has a Secret Society, Skull & Bones, and he writes that the offended students want to change it to Milk & Cookies.

  2. Piquerish says:

    Interesting aside – The Urim and Thummim in Mormonism are the instruments used by Joseph Smith to see and translate the golden plates dug up near Palmyra, New York, that became the Book of Mormon. It’s Urim move.

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