
We have 72 hours left to save our country. Here’s the latest update on where things stand. Johnny Phillips is my special guest for a segment. And yes, Johnny is an Eeyore, yes, he’s been wrong, and I disagree with him heartily. We’ll prove him wrong on Tuesday 🙂 That and lots more in this special hour podcast. Enjoy!

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. ancientwrrior says:

    Kin-A Tammy, you were smoking today. Keep them coming, you’re right on target, fire for effect. You’d make one hell of a fire team leader. 🙂

  2. rickh says:

    Raise your hand…How many people still have a landline? Now, how many people answer their cell when they don’t recognize the #? Especially an out-of-town #?……

    Now you see the problem with ALL polls.

    End of story.

  3. Dave says:

    Off topic but interesting fact….NFL football decides elections? Read on…

    The Washington Redskins are playing home today vs the Carolina Panthers.

    The last 9 times the Washington Redskins were home b4 election, and WON their game?
    the incumbent president stayed in. That record is a perfect and staggering 9-0.

    THE ONE TIME the Redskins LOST their last home game before the Election, the INCUMBENT PRESIDENT WAS UNSEATED.
    That Record is 1-0

    Sooo. I’m thinkin’……


    • NeverSurrender says:

      Panthers win! Panthers win!

      • Dave says:


        If History holds true, Romney WINS!!!!

        ( wasn’t the DB’s big speech held in Charlotte, in the Panther’s Stadium?, or was it moved to a smaller venue?)

        Thank You Sports fans!!! ( I think Tammy would LOVE the NFL , don’t you Tams?)

  4. elleb says:

    John is 100% WRONG on obamacare needing 60 votes to repeal. It was determined by the court that it is a TAX therefore, it only needs a majority to repeal.

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