Well, sort of 🙂 Still in Southern California, but I’m not at home. I’m actually taking the next couple of days off, from all my work, including the radio show. My radio techies may use “Best of Tammy” which they will be playing today and Saturday. There’s a slight chance they may use someone to fill-in. They know who we like, so I left it up to them.

In the meatime, my day will consist of getting a massage and, get this, playing croquet! I know, sounds like a funky blast.

I will be blogging, but at odd intervals. Just because I’m on vacation doesn’t mean the world comes to a stop or the bad guys stop causing trouble. Actually, when I think of it, I always blog at odd intervals, so nothing much will change 🙂

Hope you’re enjoying the lead-up to Christmas and Hanukkah. We now have 36 listeners to Tammy Radio and it looks like we have about 45 Tammy Blog readers. I need all of you, so if this was Hill Street Blues, I would say to you, be careful out there!


Yeah, okay, re those Radio and Blog numbers you could add a few zeros 😉

And the hotel I’m in, let me just put it this way, I’m impressed, which is not an easy thing to accomplish in a day when “service” is going rapidly out of style.

The hotel has a “give blood” set up for the local blood bank, so I just gave. And as I was giving my interview (boy, the questions they ask!) a guy giving passed out. Apparently it affected my pulse. First, they couldn’t get my temperature with the little tongue-thingy they use, and then she looked at me funny when she took my pulse (a rather speedy 98). She said,

“Uh, are you nervous?”

“Well, yes,” I said, “the guy passing out sorta got me all worked up, or since I have no temperature, maybe I’m nervous because I’m dead?”

“No, I don’t think that’s it,” adding a little nervous laughter.

My hemoglobin is 14.2. More than you ever needed to know. One of my friends has O blood with a negative of a certain virus making her blood “baby blood,”–what they need for the little ones in trouble. So, it was good thing to do.

No working out for me they say, but croquet is still on the list. The massage I’m getting is from TWO people. I will say no more than that.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
18 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Lt,E126 says:

    Tammy, are you ever going to set up a stream?

  2. Not sure if you’ve counted me as one of the ‘elite 45’ or not… I don’t comment as much as I’d like, but you’re in my BlogLines (which counts 3 other users who read you).

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year (that should cover it)


  3. Asher Abrams says:

    Enjoy your vacation, Tammy!

  4. Bachbone says:

    Since I live near a city of ~60,000 with a high murder rate, “be careful out there” is a way of life for the wise. To that I would add, “Get a Concealed Carry Permit!” Merry Christmas!

  5. TamNDFan says:

    Stumbled across your web blog and just wanted to say I enjoy reading your site.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

  6. chase says:

    Merry Christmas Tammy!

  7. LesbianNeoCon says:

    **In the meatime, my day will consist of getting a massage and, get this, playing croquet! I know, sounds like a funky blast.**

    I LOVE chicken croquets!! hehehe!!

    Have a Merry Christmas, Goddess of the Blogosphere!!! My life has improved 1000% ever since I began visiting your site! Am I shameless in my flirting and butt-kissing? Yea…so!!??

    Actually, I’m just giddy from the fact that I am leaving my place of employment, in less than 45 minutes, for an early Happy Hour and long weekend!! Yaaayyyy!!

    Enjoy a happy & safe Christmas, Tammy (and also to all those who may read this!!)

  8. political_junkie says:

    Only 45 readers? I don’t buy it.This blog is way to slick to be supported by 45 readers.

  9. Stonemason says:

    I am not sure if you will run this whole post, so if not, Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah to all of you. Thanks for your inspiration througout the year Tammy!


    Unto us this day a savior is born
    ‘Hey, it’s been eight days, and those lamps are still lit’
    ‘Go to sleep, or he won’t come’

    In the hearts of us all
    In the smile of a friend
    In the dreams of the young
    In the eyes of the old

    It’s all we have
    When it gets dark
    When the tunnel is long
    And the light so
    Very far

    For something better
    For what we have
    For more to be showered
    On those that have less

    It’s what we live for
    It’s what drives us
    To hold out our hands to that unknown
    Who slips on the winter ice

    Allows us to let go
    When the time has come
    For a loved one to cross

    It is a future
    Based on a birth
    So long ago

  10. casey says:

    Tammy, I am probably not counted among your readers, but I a always do. I’ve just never commented. Keep up the good work!

  11. SoCal Gal 13 says:

    Wish I were a masseuse so I could get my hands on you, in a strictly professional way, of course! 😉

    Merry Christmas to all!

  12. Talkin Horse says:

    I dunno. Seems to me it won’t be the listeners who’re getting “Best of Tammy”. Seems to me it’ll be the masseuse who’s getting “Best of Tammy”. 🙂

  13. LesbianNeoCon says:

    I’m about to watch the Seinfeld episode where Elaine does that spasdic dance at an office party! What a riot!

  14. NotPC says:

    Tammy….enjoy your time off…it is well deserved. Just received your latest book as an early Christmas gift – my family knows I am such a fan. Your first two books have made the rounds of many friends, as will this latest book. But for the time being, this new book is mine, and I plan to tuck myself away in a quite corner….and get down to business.

    Only 45 readers?? I find that hard to believe. Have been a reader from the beginning, but never commented until now…..count me in as a “new” voice.

    Merry Christmas!

  15. gull says:

    I have a massage gift certificate under the tree (hope that rings politically correct) and can hardly wait! Croquet on the lawn …. sounds so — so — so — festively quaint …. a close second to pitching horseshoes on the 4th of July!

    Oh well — Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone!

  16. Dave J says:

    I LOVE chicken croquets!! hehehe!!

    “That’s a joke, son, chicken croquette! You’re supposed to laugh!”
    –Foghorn Leghorn

  17. L.B. says:


    !Have A Very Merry Christmas!

    You have more than 45 people reading this blog. they just don’t comment.

  18. LesbianNeoCon says:

    **I LOVE chicken croquets!! hehehe!!

    “That’s a joke, son, chicken croquette! You’re supposed to laugh!”
    –Foghorn Leghorn**


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