Deadspin has the scoop, including video clips, on the latest thing Simpson is doing instead of looking for the real killers–he’s got his own TV show called “Juiced.” But I suppose once you’ve killed two people and have ostensibly gotten away with it, the pit becomes truly bottomless.

OJ Simpson, Unplugged (HT Defamer)

…Not only is OJ not out looking for the real killers … he’s kind of just spending his time getting lap dances…The show, perhaps not surprisingly, is constructed in a shoddy fashion. Essentially, it’s different pranks played by OJ and his cohorts, with segments from OJ’s music video and naked women dancing interspersed throughout…

The look on the faces of each victim — and we use the term “victim” in a different way than we usually use it with O.J. — is an amazing amalgam of confusion, horror and just about every emotion other than relief. Imagine if, after the joke was revealed on “Candid Camera,” the prankee looked at Allen Funt and thought, “Uh, this guy isn’t going to kill me, right?”…

We can’t imagine what it must be like for the Goldman and Brown families to watch a video like this, with O.J. laughing and drinking and slapping women’s asses, and we’re just going to assume they have enough self-preservation instincts to skip it.

Absolutely mindnumbingly pathetic.

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2 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Canadian Infidel says:

    That video is just plain creepy. I know the families can’t touch his NFL pension, but that source of income should be grab-able as it was made in California not Florida. Now please excuse me while I go brush down the hairs that are still standing on end.

  2. Canadian Infidel says:

    For more on the O.J. depravity and stupidness check out this video from the Abrams report, where it is declared that O.J. received no money for the distribution of this DVD. If you listen to O.J’s lawyer you can see there was money there at one time, but as to where it is now….
    I hope the Juice gets Juiced himself by the IRS as something here doesn’t add up and justice certainly is not being served.

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