First of all, I want to say Welcome Aboard to all the Newbies who have found Tammy Blog after watching the C-Span “On Depth” program this weekend.

Well, I’m finally home from my trip back east. I must say, it was an eventful trip. After my C-Span appearance yesterday, Tammy Blog traffic has gone through the roof, and I’ve seen all of your comments here. I just want to say thanks to everyone for taking the time to find me on the web, and for the wonderful comments.

In addition the comments here on the blog, the webmaster says he’s only now catching up with all the emails that have arrived as well. While I can’t promise to get back to everyone, I want you to know I’ll read your letters and can’t thank you enough for the support.

I also want to mention, for those of you who missed part of the program, or can spread the word for more to see it, BookTV will repeat my “In Depth” Saturday, September 9th at 9am ET.

My trip consisted of first presenting my show live from the Maryland State Fair. Held in Baltimore, it was a great opportunity to connect with all the great Tammy Radio fans who listen t the show on WVIE, The V 1370. It was great meet all of you.

One of the more surprising events for me was finally meeting someone whose work I admire greatly, and with whom I’ve had a number of conversations. As I was signing my books after the broadcast, and meeting listeners, we were getting to the end of the line and I look up and there was Michelle Malkin, out of the blue. It took me a second to recognize her because she was a little incognito, with a baseball cap on. She must have noticed a little confused look on my face, because she whispered, “It’s Michelle.”


Michelle Malkin, cognito

I then immediately blow her cover by shouting, “Hey everyone! Look! It’s Michelle Malkin!” I think she forgave me 😉

Well, let me just say, she was gracious and thoughtful, and truly kind to have taken the time to not only come to the little area where we were broadcasting, but it tells you something about someone like that–who could have easily just moved around past the line of people to someone in the back and asked to see me–but she stood in the line. I know that seems like an insignificant thing, but there’s no one else I know in her position who would have done that. It just illustrates how much she’s ‘regular people.’

Thanks Michelle. And it was great meeting you!

After the broadcast, the crew from WVIE and I went over to the Swifty Swine Pig Races. Part of the radio show and my visit with Swifty, the Diving Pig, is now memorialized as “TammyTV.” Sure, I look a little funny dressed in my doing-the-show-from-a-state-fair shirt, but the clips are fun and you can get them here. Sometimes I tell people who like talk radio that seeing it done in person is a little like watching sausage get made–you like the end result but the getting it done isn’t necessarily as fun to watch. But you can make that call.

Now here are just a few pictures of my favorite animals from the fair. The pics are from my trusty Razr phone so the quality isn’t great, but you’ll still be able to enjoy them. For a city girl like me, the fair was great fun, and meeting the animals was just terrific.


Yours Truly with the cutest little ducky ever


And a very impressive, but shy, donkey


A mom and her award-winning piglets

After Baltimore, I visited DC for the C-Span program, and went right from the studio to the airport. I have to say, it’s nice to be home. I have Sydney back from the friend who was dog-sitting her, but Sadie, because of the holiday, is stuck with the vet until tomorrow. But then all the Bruce girls will be together.

For you Tammy Radio fans, you know I took Saturday and today off from the show, but I’ll be back tomorrow. And for all of you who are new, if you don’t have a Tammy Radio affiliate in your area, you can listen to the free radio stream during live show hours at Talk Radio Network. Just click on my picture and you’ll get your stream options.

And thanks agan to everyone.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. gull says:

    I caught most of your C-SPAN program. You were exceptional — articulate, knowledgable, poised and personable. I expected nothing less, of course.

    While you’re not “forgiven” for recent Condi Rice put-down’s — it’s always refreshing to witness a class act LIVE and lively.

    Well done. May your book sales soar and your life-goals be fulfilled!

  2. ConnecticutBruce says:

    The “Tammycrat” party adds new members.

    What is a Tammycrat?
    A “Tammycrat” used to be a Democrat, but has become concerned (if not repelled) by the extreme leftward drift of the Dem party.

    A “Tammycrat” is pro-choice.

    A “Tammycrat” is pro “legal” immigration, but is repulsed by massive rallies demanding “rights” for illegal aliens in this country.

    A “Tammycrat” doesn’t love war, but believes there are times you simply must stand and fight.

    A “Tammycrat” believes that the actions of people like John Murtha and John Kerry are cynical in the extreme and “malignantly narcissistic.”

    A “Tammycrat” agrees that former US President Jimmy Carter is “The Midwife of Islamofascism” and should keep his mouth shut on affairs of foreign policy.

    A “Tammycrat” believes that George W. Bush may be flawed in certain ways, but that he is a man of honor who is not afraid to put it all on the line for a just cause.

  3. Saucy says:

    Good morning Tammy,

    I watched your In Depth i-view while visiting with my parents over the weekend. We absolutely loved you!!

    I had never heard of you before Sunday. I found you to be extremely enlightening, articulate and very intelligent and most of all courageous to confront and explain your experiences with the socialist left.

    I’m a middle of the road conservative female who practically agreed with everything you said. It was wonderful to hear you discuss things that I have always felt in my heart, but could never find a way to express them.

    You, along with Michelle Malkin are my heros of the conservative movement.

    I look forward to checking out your blog daily.

    Best of luck with your book.

  4. ConnecticutBruce says:

    Tammy … it was great speaking to you on the air. Connecticut is the home base of the Tammycrat party.

    Joe Lieberman just joined 🙂

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