**With the scum of the Earth trolling around New York courtesy of the U.N. and allowed because of our apparent spinelessness, spewing lies about Israel and dreaming of another holocaust, I thought it appropriate to bump up this particular post with some historical facts about Israel. Please feel free to copy and send around to your friends and post on any other message boards you have access to**


1. Israel became a state in 1312 B.C., two millennia before Islam;

2. Arab refugees from Israel began calling themselves “Palestinians” in 1967, two decades after (modern) Israeli statehood;

3. After conquering the land in 1272 B.C., Jews rules it for a thousand years and maintained a continuous presence there for 3,300 years;

4. The only Arab rule following conquest in 633 A.D. lasted just 22 years;

5. For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem was the Jewish capital. It was never the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Even under Jordanian rule, (east) Jerusalem was not made the capital, and no Arab leader came to visit it;

6. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in the bible, but not once is it mentioned in the Koran.

7. King David founded Jerusalem; Mohammad never set foot in it;

8. Jews pray facing Jerusalem; Muslims face Mecca. if they are between the two cities, Muslims pray facing Mecca, with their backs to Jerusalem.

9. In 1948 Arab leaders urged their people to leave, promising to cleanse the land of Jewish presence. 68% of them fled without ever setting eyes on an Israeli soldier.

10. Virtually the entire Jewish population of Muslim countries had to flee as the result of violence and pogroms;

11. Some 630,000 Arabs left Israel in 1948, while close to a million Jews were forced to leave the Muslim countries;

12. In spite of the vast territories at their disposal, Arab refugees were deliberately prevented from assimilating into their host countries. Of 100 million refugees following World War 2, they are the only group to have never integrated with their coreligionists. Most of the Jewish refugees from Europe and Arab lands were settled in Israel, a country no larger than New Jersey;

13. There are 22 Muslim countries, not counting so-called Palestine. There is only one Jewish state. Arabs started all five wars against Israel and lost every single one of them;

14. Fatah and Hamas constitutions still call for the destruction of Israel. Israel ceded most of the West Bank and all of Gaza t the Palestinian Authority, and even provided it with arms;

15. During the Jordanian occupation, Jewish holy sites were vandalized and were off limits to Jews. Under Israeli rule, all Muslim and Christian holy sites are accessible to all faiths;

16. Out of 175 United Nations Security Council resolutions up to 1990, 97 were against Israel; Out of 690 general Assembly resolutions, 429 were against Israel;

17. The U.N. was silent when the Jordanians destroyed 58 synagogues in the old city of Jerusalem. It remained silent while Jordan systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives, and it remained silent when Jordan enforced apartheid laws preventing jews from accessing the Temple Mount and Western Wall.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
19 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Goob says:

    None of this really matters. They won the war, the land is theirs. Much like we won the war(s) with Mexico, so Texas and the west are ours. Whining about Israel keeping land that they won in battle should be met with a metallic slap.

    I’m really sick of all this justification for ownership of that speck of desert. I wish the muslims would just give it up. That land is not part of their caliphate any more. EOS.

  2. Rod says:

    Either Janet is wrong(which I know she is not) or the MSM/DNC are a pack of liars. The “facts” they have been giving us about the “ROP” (President Bush’s term of 4 years ago) and Palestianians are in fact lies. Propaganda put out by the fascists; similar to the propaganda put out 70 years ago by the Socialist Labor Party. Its Rathergate all over again. Lies but accurate!

  3. Talkin Horse says:

    With respect to item #16 about UN resolutions against Israel: If Martians came down to earth and we showed them the history of the UN so they would see the unified voice of the planet, they would conclude that Israel was by far the most evil nation on earth. That says a lot about either Israel or the UN, depending upon your perspective.

    P.S. Tammy, please tell your friend Janet Levy THAT SHE DOESN’T HAVE TO SHOUT.

  4. hud says:

    I might add that the name “Palestine” was given to the land by the Romans when they looted and pillaged Judea in an effort to punish the Jews for the second rebellion against their rule. They destroyed the temple on the mount and renamed the country Palestine after the Philistines, the enemies of the Jews. They also made it illegal for any Jew to set foot in their capital city, which was renamed and made into a Pagan city.

    The Jews stayed in the land, though many were dispersed as we know. But they never left entirely. And it’s really the Arabs who decided they owned the place (kind of like the Imperialistic Mexicans in the 19th century claimed to own the southwest).

    What makes the UN and the Euro-Israel haters so repugnant, is they aren’t standing up for the rule of law they created and recognized. The UN was responsible for the laws establishing Israel. And we all know what happened in Europe that lead to its founding. Yet they have consistantly tried to hinder and oppose Israel since that time. Now they are defacto Hezbollah partners.

  5. tesla333 says:

    I heard you for a few minutes on the radio today for the first time and I liked what I heard. You were commenting on our apparent inability to recognize that a war is being waged against us and we have not yet either recognized it, nor have we taken any real steps to fight back. Your are right, Israel is the ‘canary in the coal mine’ on the Front Line of this battle and we all need to wake up before it is too late. Your list of facts about Israel will help at least some of us to catch up on the truth. I am not a political person but I can recognize important issues that affect us all and the War against Islam (sorry for not pulling punches, but!) and the war against global warming are the two major battles of our time that will determine whether or not we will survive on planet Earth.

    I have read some of your other comments as well and I hope I can convince you that if we keep fighting each other (Left vs Right) we will lose BOTH battles without even knowing we were in these two battles for our existance. You may have many valid points, but the Left or the extreme Right are not your enemies. We all need to re-focus on the real enemy, NOW! Too bad, when the alarm went off on 911, we all just hit the snooze button.

    I have a lot more on the Islamic Terrorists and the issues with Islam. If you are interested, let me know.

  6. steve says:

    The UN (United Nimcumpoops) is always silent about Israel. They Are silent about all the suicide Bombings That attack Israel. They are silent to call a terrorist by their name ! They are silent to condem any horrible attack against Israel or the west. They sure know how to run their lips and complain loud and clear when Israel steps up and defends her self. Israel has always owned that land Biblically and Historically. The Islamic Radicals and the Left are never happy with the True Facts. They always try to rewrite history to push thier flawed agenda. Well, I better stop here. I could go on for days about The Facts !! God Job Israel ! Kick some Butt !!

  7. Mr. G says:

    True, the establishment of a place for the Jews came from Europe (search ‘The Palestine Mandate of the League of Nations’ to learn more). Basically the Arabs hated the idea and there has been conflicts ever since.
    But in recent years they have been close to peace on a few occasions, but it seems the islamic radical extremist groups just won’t let it happen. They don’t want peace with Israel, they want them elliminated. Hence the current problem, there is no room for negotiations in that mentality. It’s time for the international community to step in and – as you say – face the current problem make good on their original intention. Sometimes peace has to be enforced (and the ones doing it are not the bad guys).

  8. Vicki says:

    The Arab-Palestinians need responsible and moderate leadership. I think that Arafat, for example, was a very irresponsible leader who was mainly successful only in helping to radicalize his people, so much so that eventually even he could not control them. He was such a poor leader and, sadly, it’s all many of the people know.

    Also, that while there are extremists on both sides, radical Jews are not the ones negotiating or in charge on Israel’s side. Israel has, in recent years, made some concessions for the sake of peace in the region.

    It seems groups like Hamas and Hezbollah exert tremendous influence with Arab concerns and there has been very little accountability or a willingness to compromise. Even if an international force comes into play on an interim basis, it is vital that moderate Arab forces step up to exert maturity and leadership on behalf of their people and for the sake of the entire region.

    As to Jerusalem, I really don’t understand the Muslim religious claim. Probably revealing my ignorance in such matters, but I understand that Muslims pray toward Mecca with their backs away from Jerusalem. This is what makes me think that for the Arab-Palestinian, it is a matter of land, mistrust and hard feelings, not religion.

  9. Elenna says:

    Walid Shoebat, a former Palestinian terrorist turned Christian Zionist said recently that the question was posed to an Arab concerning the ongoing war with Israel, “If the Jews converted to Islam, would there still be a war?” The answer the Arab gave was “No, of course not!” Such a response is proof this struggle is not about land but about ideology and religion. Queen Noor is a liar. It was her husband who stated that what the Arab leaders did to the Palestinians in urging them to leave Israael and keeping them stateless pariahs in every Arab land they went to was indeed “criminal”.

    Concerning the life of the Jews in Arab lands, it is a history of degradation and persecution. It was in Arabia that Jews first had to wear yellow badges on their right arms to identify themselves. That was where Hitler got the idea! And this was during the “Goldern Age” of Islam! Jews throughout their history in Arab Moslem lands were constantly subjected to violent persecution, head taxes, ghettos and pogroms. Two hundred years ago, if a Jew put up his hand to shield himself from the spittle of a Moslem, he was arrested for raising his hand to a Moslem. The punishment for this “crime” was that the Jew had his hand nailed to a door and his face painted with honey to attract bees which would sting him to death. If the poor man’s family tried to interfere by even so much as giving him water, they received the same punishment.

    This current struggle is not about land. It is about the racism and hatred of the Arab Moslem world towards the infidel, particularly the Jews!

  10. St. Thor says:

    Notwithstanding history, if Israel is not seen to have smashed Hezbollah completely in this current flare-up, it is likely to end up as the hapless US ally did in Allen Drury’s 1995 book, A Thing of State.

  11. Gettysburg says:

    It is somewhat obvious which side of the political aisle you sit on since you believe that we are in a “war” against global warming. It is also somewhat obvious that you are not aware of the high stakes involved in the current debate between Conservatives and Liberals.

    The first thing you need to do is read Tammy”s book The Death of Right and Wrong. Conservatives are fighting against the immorality that Tammy writes about in this book. Bible believing Conservatives believe that there is an absolute right and absolute wrong. What we are fighting against secular humanisim that states that the individual has a right to determine what is right and what is wrong. It has been shoved down our throats for years, and when we speak out against it, we are labeled as racists, homophobes, sexists, Nazi’s fascists, etc. But what has been the results of this secular nonsense liberals have given us? Divorce, HIV, STD’S, 40,000,000 abortions, broken homes, fatherless homes, drug and alcohol abuse, high school graduates who cannot identify on a map what State they live in or fill out an employment application. The list is endless.

    We have been down this road before. Remember slavery? That immorality was deemed to be acceptable because the thought was that African-Americans were sub-human, had no rights, and were nothing but property. It was justified because people believed African-Americans could not be educated and were better off in bondage. This is what happens when humanity makes up their own rules, throws out the concept of right and wrong, and attempts to find anything to justify it. It took 4 years of Civil War and the deaths of 640,000 men and women to end it.

    We are in a cultural fight for the presevation of this nation. We cannot continue to go down the path that Tammy outlines in her book. Abraham Lincoln believed that the Civil War was God’s wrath against slavery, and he is correct. Conservatives are trying to stop what is in store for us if this country does not go back to the Christian principles it was founded on. There is no compromise.

  12. Andy from Beaverton says:

    What Palestinians? The Gaza Strip belonged to Egypt until 1967, so everyone there was an Egyptian. The West Bank belonged to Jordon until 1967, so everyone there was a Jordanian.The Golan Heights belonged to Syria until 1973, so everyone there was a Syrian. So where Palestinians are there that everyone keeps talking about??? They’re called Jordanians!!!

  13. Adam says:

    Tammy you were fantastic filling in for Laura Ingraham this morning. Thanks for an entertaining and thoughtful show. I name you my new #2 favorite Democrat (behind Zell Miller).

    As for Gaza and the West Bank, if memory serves, they were part of Israel in the 1947 design. Egyptian forces advanced as far north as the Gaza Strip, and Jordanian forces were stopped in the area known as the West Bank during the War for Independence in 1948. These “occupied” territories are actually occupied by Arabs who were not permitted to flee from Israel (after being told to get out or die, at the hands of their Arab brethern) in refugee camps. Jordan did permit the educated and wealthy to enter their territory and settle, but the not-so-priviledged were stopped at the Jordan River and put into camps. And there they have remained since.

    I highly recommend two books for those interested in the story of Israel’s formation, both by Leon Uris. “Exodus” is the story from the Jewish side, and “The Haj” is the same story from the Arab view. Each features fictional characters mixed in the historical events of the first half of the 20th Century. Enjoy!

  14. FrankCham says:

    Never forget this fact about Israel:

    Once, after his [Truman’s] retirement, he was introduced as the man who helped create the state of Israel. Without a moment’s hesitation, Truman shot back, “What do you mean, helped create? It was Cyrus, it was Cyrus” – referring to the Persian monarch who enabled the Jewish exiles to return to Jerusalem after the first dispersion.

  15. sgtcarter says:

    When the Jews first entered Cannan, the Holy Land, the people they found there, the ancestors of the current arab people, were worshiping the god molech which required them to burn their children alive; (pass through the fire). Is it any wonder that the decendants of those people are still sacrificing their children to their god, even though he now goes by the name Allah?
    The comparisons between Islam and Christianity are totally bogus. In Islam, their god says send your sons to die for me, but in Christianity, our God says he sent his son to die for us! So that we would not have to.
    There is no such thing as an innocent Lebanese civililian living in Lebanon today. They have all left. The only Lebanese still anywhere around are aiding, feeding, clothing, housing, and caring for the Islamic facists. Just because they don’t wear uniforms, as if any of them do, doesn’t make them innocent. I say carpet bomb the whole place, and Faluja while your at it! And why can’t napalm find its way onto one of those facist marches in the streets?
    They will never respect us until we show them who is their daddy.
    And will someone please tell W that they are not our friends? We need to round up all of the non-US Citizen muslims, and some citizens too, and expell all of them. Most should be tried for sedition and/or treason.
    If they attack us again here, no muslim will be safe in our streets!

  16. Right Truth says:

    Jews vs Muslims

    The United Nations reached an agreement today on a cease fire between Lebanon Hezbollah and Israel. We all know what that’s worth. Did someone inform Hezbollah? I guess Israel won’t be needing these: Israel has asked the Bush administration to

  17. ls_night says:

    Thanks for filling in for Laura and thanks for the great list of facts about Israel and Jerusalem. In all fairness I must point out an error in your list. Jewish Jerusalem is only 3000 years old, not 3300. The Jews received the Torah at Mt. Sinai 3300 years ago. King David conquered Jerusalem in 1000 BCE and made it the capital. So the Israeli claim is a little more recent….

    For a great timeline of Jerusalem visit: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Peace/jerutime.html

  18. Trinity says:

    This is one of the most important items you have ever posted on your blog, truly. I have passed this list out to a number of ‘doubters’ and thankfully have changed a few minds. As usual, today on Laura’s show you were fantastic. Laura fans can not thank you enough for filling in for our Miss Laura. Although we missed her, you did a fantastic job, once again.

    Thank you again..and this list? Priceless.

  19. History Buff says:

    There’s a very enlightening book concerning the origin of Israel back in the time before the Roman Empire. It’s a book that combines info from the Archaeological dig sites (in the locations of modern day Israel, also Sinai & the area once called Canaan) with historical research. The book is titled “Out of the Desert? Archaeology and the Conquest Narratives” by William H. Stiebing, Jr. Published by Prometheus Books, New York, 1989. See especially pages 197, and 200-202. Fascinating!

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