After a four-year renovation closing, Los Angeles’ Griffith Park Observatory is set to reopen on Friday, November 3rd. Whether you’re a local or plan on visiting my hometown, this, in addition to Disneyland, is a must-see, but “by reservation only.”

If you see me there, I’ll probably be looking up at the Moon and Mars, reminding myself that there is a plan bigger than all of us, and hoping to God that our feet get there before the Chinese and the Russians.

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  1. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    Forget it Tammy. The US is not going back to the moon, let alone Mars or anywhere else. Where is the political leadership? Republicans are too busy hanging onto power, and Democrats have a terminal case of impeachment fever.

    Russia or China might make it to the moon, but just long enough to claim that they are first and that the American space program of the 1960s was a capitalist fraud run by Richard Nixon.

    My money is on the Islamofascists getting to Mars first. Someday, one of their ayatollahs will come across a copy of Edgar Rice Burrough’s “A Princess of Mars” with its depictions of the lovely (and scantily-clad) Deejah Thoris and other Martian babes. He will conclude that Mars is chock-full of Jews, Christians and other infidels and call for jihad against the Martians.

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