First, I’m sorry for the light blogging over the past few days. I have, once again, been jammed with various projects, which is a good thing, actually. I did want to check in with you so you’ll know I haven’t been carted away to Shanghai or something. I have a full list of items I want to share with you, and will indeed be chiming in here shortly. In the meantime, I want to thank Maynard for great posts (as always) and keeping the discussion going.

Also, just as a relatively early heads up, I will be filling in for Laura Ingraham’s radio program tomorrow, Tuesday. Always a fortunate opportunity, I’m especially looking forward to it with the president’s State of the Union tomorrow night and the reported tax hike he’ll be announcing. More on that in a post dedicated to that lovely bit of news.

I’m off again to a meeting and then a crack at my genius chiropractor. When I return, I shall be in great shape, and raring to blog.


Well, as Rosanne Roseannadanna would say, “Nevermind.” Laura apparently had jury duty tomorrow, but now that has been cancelled. So, alas, I will not be filling in for her. The good news is you get your Laura. The bad news is we’ll have to wait until next time for me to expand my dreams of world domination.

Or, as Scarlett O’Hara would say (clearly moving up the chic foodchain from Ms. Rosannadanna), “Tomorrow is another day.” Yes, indeed it is.

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. lnthomp says:

    The final item of Paul Harvey’s noon report today (you can hear it at, Monday noon, jump ahead to 14:08 in the windows media file): “Now for what its worth, the ninth circuit panel in San Francisco has been reversed. The Internal Revenue Service — the IRS — has ruled that Valerie and Robert McKee owed the government $31,000 in unpaid taxes until Valerie and Robert demonstrated in court that the tax law is so complex nobody can understand it. The court had to agree that the law was indeed so complex that nobody could understand it and the court reversed itself and the IRS gets the bill. The government also sought and got a s… (laughs) — your government also tried to get stipulation that this verdict would not be made public, but it just was. Paul Harvey — good day!”

    I haven’t found any other sources about this or any further information.

  2. SteveOk says:

    I really enjoyed your show Saturday night and the way you went after Hillary. The funniest line was when you said she has spent her whole life trying to keep his pants on. Since the MSM refuses to discuss the real Hillary Clinton it will be up to Talk Radio, the blogs, Fox News, and anyone else with an ounce of common sense to expose Hillary for what she really is and tell the truth to the American people. I don’t know if she can keep up the schtick until 2008 but the MSM will do everything it can to protect and promote Hillary.

  3. Kimj7157 says:

    Laura’s great, but I can’t say I’m not a little disappointed you won’t be filling in. All I know is–the sooner you dominate the world, the better. :^)

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