Once again, Claudia Rosett offers an excellent investigative piece, this time explaning exactly how the UN became the problem it is today. A major culprit/player is a man named Maurice Strong. You don’t know his name? That’s exactly the point. This is your must-read of the day.

At the United Nations, the Curious Career of Maurice Strong

Maurice Strong, the man who may have had the most to do with what the U.N. has become today, and still sparks controversy even after he claims to have cut his ties to the world organization.

From Oil for Food to the latest scandals involving U.N. funding in North Korea, Maurice Strong appears as a shadowy and often critically important figure.

Strong, now 77, is best known as the godfather of the environmental movement, who served from 1973-1975 as the founding director of the U.N. Environment Program (UNEP) in Nairobi. UNEP is now a globe-girdling organization with a yearly budget of $136 million, which claims to act as the world’s environmental conscience. Strong consolidated his eco-credentials as the organizer of the U.N.’s 1992 environmental summit in Rio de Janeiro, which in turn paved the way for the controversial 1997 Kyoto Treaty on controlling greenhouse gas emissions.

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2 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Kimj7157 says:

    What a corrupt pig of a man. It is disheartening to see the dishonest prosper so. And the U.N. is a lost cause. There is no way it can be fully purged. In spite of all this evidence, I doubt Strong will ever meet justice on this earth which is a rotten shame. But oh, for the day, when he meets his Maker.

  2. RedBrained says:

    What disturbs me most about this piece is that I’m not at all surprised. The UN in no longer a solution but rather a problem.

    This is not my own idea, (forgot whose) I would like to see the US pull out of the UN all together and start a new organization: United Democracies(the UD) – with oversight, audits, no immunities, limited roles, revokable membership, high standards. The UD can use the UN as a negative example.

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