So when is the president going to rename the Axis of Evil to the evil Axis of Ménage à Trois? Was if Ahmadinejad’s Members Only jacket from 1973 that was so appealing, or Kim Jong Il looking like a lost little pot bellied pig? One thing I do know is this–under Condi Rice and President Bush’s apparent acquiescence to her approach, we are now legitimizing and negotiating with countries that how vowed to, or have been, murdering millions of people.

And I have been saying over and over again, here and here and on my radio program, but here it is again: Condi Rice should resign immediately before any further damage can be done. At this point ,however, I don’t know how it can get any worse.

Today it is announced that on March 5-6, we will be meeting in New York with a representative from North Korea to “normalize” relations with them. In other words, the policy of the State department under Condi Rice is to reward genocidal regimes who lie and cheat their way to a nuclear bomb. Not only are they not punished, they are rewarded with normalized relations and international legitimacy.

U.S., N. Korea to normalize ties

SEOUL — North Korea’s top nuclear negotiator was on his way to the United States yesterday for talks on issues that a State Department official said would include the first steps toward the normalization of diplomatic relations.

The trip, which coincides with the first high-level talks between North Korea and South Korea in more than four months, reflects the rapid easing of tensions with President Kim Jong-il’s regime since North Korea agreed this month to freeze its nuclear program in exchange for heavy fuel oil and other concessions.

Which, of course, is very much like the agreement they had with the Clinton administration, which they immediately cheated on and lied about for years. Which is what they’ve done with every agreement they’ve had with everyone else. Oh, and this Nork freak is also going to tour around New York and San Francisco, one of the mainland’s cities the Norks are believed to be targeted with their nukes.

And what does this say to tyrants around the world? Lying and cheating on every treaty that ever existed will have big payoffs. Get the bomb and you win. Not only will there be no repercussions, you will be rewarded handsomely. No matter how many people you kill, no matter how many other nations you threaten, and no matter how many times you have lied and cheated in the past on other “agreements.”

Oh, and what got them this astounded reward? They “agreed” in the six-party talk, to eventually dismantle their nuclear reactor.

Next up for Condi and Friends: Implement the Iraq Surrender Group’s suggestion that we put on our nicest negligee and hop right into bed with Iran and Syria. Yes, we’ve agreed to sit at the table with Iran to discuss Iraq’s security with the nation responsible for the chaos, murder and death squad terror reigning through the Middle East. Iran finances, guides and supports Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Hezbollah, in Lebanon, and al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army in Iraq. Right now, Iran is harboring several of bin Laden’s sons, al-Sadr, who “escaped” to Iran over a week ago, and numerous other al-Qaida figures. Lee Hamilton and James Baker love the idea, as it reflects “the realities” of the world. Well, al-Qaida is a world “reality” too. Should we start negotiations with them, too?

U.S. decision to meet with Iran and Syria about Iraq is praised

A co-chairman of the Iraq Study Group on Wednesday welcomed the U.S. decision to attend meetings on Iraq that will include Iran and Syria, saying that it reflected a “huge change” in the Bush administration’s approach but that American diplomats would need patience to sustain the new effort.

The announcement was seen as marking a reversal of the Bush administration’s previously skeptical approach to direct talks with Iran and Syria. But in making it, Rice noted that the bilateral Iraq Study Group had recommended such U.S. diplomatic contacts, and that lawmakers had joined the call.

“It’s a very positive step,” said Hamilton, who co-chaired the study group with the former secretary of state James Baker. “There’s a recognition that a comprehensive approach is needed.”..

Referring as well to the recent nuclear agreement with North Korea, Hamilton said, “These are not just modest changes — these are enormous changes. It’s a recognition of the realities of the world.”

The administration, which had long conditioned any direct talks with Iran to its suspension of uranium-enrichment work, on Wednesday played down the notion that it had undergone a shift.

“A number of people have been characterizing U.S. participation in a regional meeting as a change in policy,” said Tony Snow, the White House spokesman. “It is nothing of the sort. We are not engaging in diplomatic recognition of Iran.”

Oh, please, talk about semantics. I hope Tony Snow is happy repeating this tripe. Bottom line, Condi Rice’s State Department thinks it’s just fine to sit at a table with Iran, a nation which has repeated threatened Israel with annihilation, to discuss how they can assist with the security process. Genius. Their answer up until now has been and will continue to be, Kill everyone who doesn’t agree with them. Voila, no more insecurity.

This is like inviting Ted Bundy to the morning police briefing and asking him, the suspect, how best the police can keep him from killing more people. Or, the even more relevant historical example–Chamberlain meeting Hitler and getting an agreement in which Hitler promises not to invade any more countries or hurt England specifically. Just like Hitler’s agreement with Stalin to not invade Russia. Yeah, I guess we shouldn’t expect our State Department to know their history.

I realize Rice is a Russian expert, not a scholar if history. But could someone please just ask her to watch a little but of the History Channel. Even doing that would expose her to what happens when one signs a deal with the devil. Or in our case, with two of them. Or three.

The obvious right thing to do here is for Rice to resign immediately. The Bush administration policy of not dealing with terrorists and the appropriately named “Axis of Evil” fell apart when Rice gained more power.

I ask, as a supporter of the invasion of Iraq, exactly how does it look for us to have taken out Saddam, and now not work for regime change in Iran or North Korea, but to actually reward and strengthen two equally or even more dangerous countries? Absolute and complete hypocrisy.

You know who I’d like to see as Secretary of State? General Franks or Schwarzkopf. At the very least, it’s time we get the academic from Stanford out of DC.

Related Post:

This Is What Being a Lunatic, Genocidal Rogue Nation Gets You

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. ltlme says:

    I guess this means that Kim Jong il will get get his hands on an ipod after all.

  2. SLABBOTT says:

    As much as I’d like to see Condi go, I fear the policies that she is pursuing are those of this administration…meaning President Bush fully understands and supports them…sigh!

  3. ashleymatt says:

    Thank you for addressing this issue with the needed directness and outrage it deserves. I literally yelled out “WHAT?!” when I heard we were going to sit in the same room with a couple of terrorist cells with flags in addition to having tea time with our new buddy, the communist dictator, who’s standing on the backs of his starving people just to see over the top of the table.

    On a lighter but related note, Tammy, may I point out that you and Bill O’Reilly have something in common: you’re both kind of sexy when you get really mad. Ok, not “kind of.”

  4. brutepcm says:

    Need I remind anyone that Japan had negotiators in D.C. on December 7, 1941?

  5. pat_s says:

    Help! I’ve fallen down a rabbit hole and can’t get out! From here it looks like Bush is making nice to Syria and Iran while Carl Levin is pressuring for action against those countries for supplying weapons killing our troops in Iraqi.

    Levin: We should take action on all fronts.

  6. Tink says:

    Bush could’ve had it all after 9-11. We would’ve supported him to the end of time if he had exercised moral courage beyond those first emotional months. Initially I supported the Iraq war, but now it’s come to this?

    Only God truly knows what is going on. Does Bush really believe in all these failed yellow-belly policies and decisions or is he just a horrible leader without proper vigilance who let’s his “people” wield the power.

    From where I’m sitting it just looks like he is getting on board with his father’s and James Baker’s anti-Israel movement. I’ve often wondered what would’ve happened if Bush 41 had defeated Clinton and continued with the Baker push against Israel.

  7. bill says:

    I am not sure I agree with you on Iraq, NK is a different matter and doing what we are doing appears at first blush to be insane. But, those 6 party talks may have more going on than meets the eye. For instance, China may have grabbed lil kim by the throat and won’t let go. Japan would likely think that is a good idea.

    Back to Iraq. Iraq cannot afford to isolate themselves from neighboring countries, so it’s an entirely different thing. As I understand it, the Saudis, especially Prince Bandar, are behind the moves towards the neighbors. With good reason, the Saudis see the sectarian violence getting out of hand and stepped into the fray. Recently in Lebanon, the Saudis got Iran to back out of the overthrow of the democratic government, throttling Nashraylla. Maliki got the Iraq parliament to agree to the oil revenue sharing proposal off dead center and approved. Both very positive wins for the U.S. The oil revenue sharing diffuses a major point of contention with the Sunnis in Iraq.

    All flying below the MSM radar as they fixate on defeat.

    I don’t think the Saudis are too happy with Iran wanting to take over the Middle East, so it’s about time some of our “ostensibly friends” stepped up and began helping out.

    BTW, as far back as December, we stated we would take part in regional talks, IF IRAQ WERE TO INITIATE THEM. So Iraq has and what are we supposed to do, not attend — But I doubt Iran’s nukes are on the table.

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