
A note by Maynard: Worth checking out is Lauren Green’s FOXNews column, in which she relates the connection between Passover and Easter. (The Last Supper is generally considered to have been a Passover Seder; however some interpret the Gospel as indicating that the Supper preceded Passover.)

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Thank you, Tammy, for this poignant, gentle reminder of what this season is about. We all have SO MUCH to be thankful for, this Easter: take a look at responses from our men/women in uniform, at America Supports You, if you doubt. Be sure to leave a message of thanks to our American heroes there, too!
    The Localmalcontent wishes each of you a happy and peaceful Easter, and so much more!

  2. botg says:

    and a Happy Easter to all

  3. ashleymatt says:


    I was sorry to hear that this is the anniversary of the death of your lover. God bless you. We all love you and are so proud of how far you’ve come and how much good work you have done since that terrible day.

    On a lighter note, I hope the Easter Bunny brings you lots of Godiva and maybe a baked ham or a rack of lamb.

    Happy Easter, Tammy Bruce!

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