Well, I have to say I was very surprised, and pleased with the response to my question. I have read all the comments and have to say I learned a lot about you and the nature of my readers. I always hoped my work would attract a diversity of people who share a thoughtful, passionate intelligence, combined with curiosity and a love for our country and the future. From your comments, it looks like that’s exactly who you are. I’m honored that you all took the time to chime in here, via email and on MySpace.

Honestly, no singular argument prevailed on whether we should keep Carmen or send her into the corn field. There was, however, an alternative many suggested–compromising by sending her to MySpace. Because the comments and votes were really split, I decided to ask a few people who are regular contributors, researchers and writers to the site to give me their honest opion about what to do. Maynard and Pat S. essentially said the same thing–I could address everyone’s concerns as well as my own desire to maintain an honest image my keeping Carmen, but moving her to MySpace, and this is what I have decided to do.

And while, yes, this is my blog and I can do what I want, the truth of the matter is, what you think does matter to me. I’m not doing this for myself. I already know what I think about things. I’m doing this to have a relationship and dialog with you, so what you think as my ‘clients’ if you will, does matter to me. It may not always dictate my direction or choices, but in this instance your comments were invaluable for me to get a sense of how you feel about something like this.

Overall, I was really appreciative of all your support and comments. I noted before that writing is a lonely business and sometimes it’s difficult to know the impact you have, so this feedback has been invaluable to me.

So, you will now see another icon as the link to the IGF–the incomparable Garbo. Perhaps, yes, a perfect image to link to a forum dedicated to independent opinion and commentary by gay men and lesbians. Garbo, of course, is singularly unique, the epitome of individualism in impact and legacy. Independent, moderate and conservative homosexuals also represent true individualism. I think it’s a good fit. I’m sure, too, a one point or another Garbo danced around for someone in lingerie. This, alas, will be left to our imaginations. 🙂

How do you feel about this? A good compromise. I hope so. You can get Carmen now on MySpace page, which can be accessed via the link in the right hand column.

Thanks everyone.


Oh, I know there’s Imus, and the Duke case, and a lot of other news (some of which I’ll indulge in soon), but let’s get right down to what’s on my mind this very moment. 🙂

As many of you perhaps have noticed, I have added a gif icon in the right hand sidebar which links to the Independent Gay Forum. When I chose the gif I made a conscious decision to use it because a) I like it, and b) it is a little racy, which I think can add some fun spiciness to the site. The IGF is by no means racy–it’s a news site which links to politically centrist and populist opinion pieces and articles by gay men and women.

I have, however, received another, less appreciative opinion from one reader. Bev reads my site with her grand kids around and has asked that I remove the icon.

I suppose the raciest we’ve been here has been with my Babes for the Weekend feature. This site is also very personal for me, and, as you can probably guess, the blazered look is less sported by me than the jeans-and-leather-jacket look. So, in part, I’m interested in having this site reflect the many aspects of who I am, and who we all are.

At the same time, Bev’s point is a salient one. So, I’m asking to hear from more of you–is the dancing woman icon too racy? Should it go or should it stay? Let me know what you think in comments for this post. Or, you can also email me at the address also in the right hand column.

UPDATE 12:45pm PT:

The comments here and on email combined are actually running about 50-50 to keep versus to remove. I still haven’t decided what to do. If I do remove it, it will be moved to my MySpace page, but again, I put it up for a reason, but your arguments for removal are also making their point. So keep chiming in.

BTW, I’m also pleased to see a lot of first-time Commenters chiming in on this one. Great to hear from you. And to Ugly American who was disappointed that I watch the L Word–actually, I don’t. Interesting how it doesn’t even really matter where that clip comes from though, huh? 😉

As soon as I decide what to do I’ll note it here. Frankly, there is an extra benefit to this question–I’m getting to know many of you a lot better, so I’m really pleased this issue arose. Thanks 🙂

1:50pm PT:

Along with a few others, Pat S. has also chimed in over at the MySpace page with, while a thoughtful gesture, not exactly what I would call an equal exchange. But absolutely politically astute! Here’s her suggestion:

“OK then, here’s some more women’s underwear for you”


Uh, hmmm.

5:50pm PT:

Just got home and see a bunch more comments. There’s lots of email, too. I have to say, just because the the stir she has caused, it makes me want to keep her 🙂

I also want to address something I’ve already noticed a few commenters have brought up–the rules template about making comments, including the phrase, “Remember, this is a family blog. Presume a young person will read your comment and post accordingly.” In all honesty, I had asked my techie web master guy to remove that phrase ages ago. Not that I intended to have this blog change into a blogging version of a pole dance, but I thought it ultimately too restrictive. The truth of the matter is, while some of you note that you have kids or grandkids who may se the screen, young children are not reading this blog. I also felt that the depth of our discussion would benefit if adults felt free to truly speak their minds.

I found it also restricted me in some of the things I wanted to post about, and I that ultimately it put an constrictive atmosphere in place. As I get to know all of you, I’m finding you’re all a pretty decent bunch of people in general and I think we natural hold ourselves to a pretty good standard. So, that phrase will not be deleted, by me. It is an excellent point, however, to remind me of that. I did put up the icon, however, believing that warning had been deleted.

So, now I will go and read the rest of the comment and emails and make a decision. Thanks 🙂

And btw, why has no one complained about the icon right below Carmen? Here I have a depiction of Mohammad (which alone is enough for a fatwa!) with pigs flying into his mouth while he waves an Israeli flag, and no one says smack. What’s up with that? 😉 Oh, I think this post now has the most number of comments ever for a Tammy Blog post. All hail Carmen.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
74 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. cryptoknight16 says:

    Personally, I don’t think the dancing girl is too racy. No worse than want you see in catalogs, TV, at the beach or at the pool. Its a fun picture. We all have different aspects of ourselves and how we choose to share that with other is a matter for each individual. I think for the most part, people are afraid to show too much of ourselves to the world, afraid of being thought of as this or that or being labeled. One of the things I admire most about Tammy is that what you see is what you get, and she will tell it like it is. Tammy is an intelligent, beautiful woman, with a wicked sense of humor and I think the picture should stay.

  2. LibertyRep says:

    Please don’t remove it. It really isn’t all that racy compared to the full length scene in the show. Indeed thanks for posting it, I’ll follow the link from the PC at home.

  3. Todd says:

    I like the gif, but since you’re less inclined to gravitate towards the blazered look can we get you on the gif?

    Just a thought.

  4. Kimj7157 says:

    Comes with the Tammy Territory. A little spice fits in quite nicely. 🙂

    As for Bev, a cupped hand covers the gif completely if you feel so inclined.

    Don’t move the icon very far if you decide to do so. (A good spot might be just above the delightful animated Mohammed gif.)

    I feel safe in saying that the vast majority of your listeners and readers love all of your varied “aspects” and trust your taste and judgement.
    You know my vote. 🙂

  5. BILLY says:

    There is nothing wrong with it. Kids see more during previews before the movie begins

  6. LibertyRep says:

    Please don’t remove it. It is not all that racy and a very nice visual. Hope to follow the link from the home PC.

  7. pat_s says:

    I can see Bev’s point. If she’s a person with grandchildren, then she’s probably about my age, so maybe it’s a generational thing. Maybe we’re both just prudes. I know it’s there in a light-hearted sense, but its presence is a bit over to the inappropriate side in my opinion. I wish it wasn’t there, but it’s your website. I respect your individuality.

  8. bnkpet says:

    Ok, let’s get to the real business question: do you think you need this gif to bring more readers to your blog? I was pleased when I saw your Weblog Finalist 2006 stamp and I think this gif detracts from this. Perhaps you could put it on the MySpace site, that would be appropriate, more personal. Please don’t follow the Bill O’Reilly and Neil Cavuto video loop.

  9. Kimj7157 says:


    On the other hand, the “Gripper Jam” has GOT to go. (What the …?)

  10. Tink says:

    That is pretty racy. But if you want your site to be completely family friendly it probably would be better suited for your myspace page.

    The only problem I have with it is the Post Traumatic Stress it causes me.

  11. Pat Berry says:

    You may also want to consider whether you want your site to be workplace-safe. That graphic is the sort of thing that a lot of bosses would find objectionable. I’m not comfortable having it on my screen if my coworkers can see it.

  12. Davschob says:

    Hi Tammy,

    I’ve been a fan for a long time and hardly a prude. I check your site multiple times a day..it’s a must read for me. I do enjoy the pics you post from time to time and “get it.” However, I think the gif should go. I like it, but it degrades your site a bit. You have a reputation of being a thoughtful and serioius student of what’s going in the world. This looks like something that one would find on a soft porn site. I was so surprise to see it at first I wondered if I’d blundered into another site. Those of us that know you and have followed you may understand, but newbies might not.

    In closing, as I look at “Tammy Blog Posting Rules” above you require the following of a poster:
    “No profanity.
    No personal attacks.
    Remember, this is a family blog. Presume a young person will read your comment and post accordingly.

    Obscene and abusive remarks will be deleted. Silly or annoying remarks may be deleted, depending on the moderator’s mood.”

    While I don’t think this gets to obscene, some may. But beyond that, the real point, “Presume a young person will read….” sort of says it all, don’t you think?

  13. peladoace says:

    Okay, this from a new Tammy watcher: Come on, although sexy & attractive this is not a dancing girl, it is a striptease girl. Also, the excuse that there is much worse to compare it to is totally lame as far as reasoning goes. I say put the icon in a different place, perhaps a more personal place, not so in-your-face. As an older woman I also don’t like to be reminded that I am no longer of striptease abilities – at least not reminded constantly. A great website!

  14. TeaSaki says:

    Hell, you have a book called Pimp, Hos, and Welfare Brats on here.

  15. Frankly, I’m more disturbed that you watch The L Word.

    I could never make it through an entire episode without retching….or laughing….or both.


  16. Hell, you have a book called Pimp, Hos, and Welfare Brats on here.

    HAAAAA!!! : DDDD

    But to answer your question blogmistress, I like it.

  17. That’s an excellent book, btw…

  18. pjhluke says:

    yes it’s too racy. It changes the tone of the site.

  19. ashleymatt says:

    When I commented in Maynard’s post, “what’s with the stripper?”, it wasn’t because I was *shocked* to see it. (I know it’s Carmen stripping for Shane.) But, last night when I first saw the pic, there did not seem to be any link to go with it when I hovered the mouse over it, just a random picture of a half-naked faux-lesbian.

    I appreciate you asking our opinion, Tammy, but this is your site. You can put whatever the hell you want on it.

    I do think it’s a little strange discussing this, however, since we commenters are given a rules briefing every time we post about how this is a “family blog” and we should imagine “a young person” reading what we write before expressing ourselves. So if this is no longer going to be a family site, you should at least let us be racy too 😉 But again, this is not a democracy (thank God).

  20. PeteRFNY says:

    I have no complaints. Not that you’re shocked by THAT late-breaking bulletin, I’m sure!

    Of course, the only thing *I* have to worry about when it comes to little ones peeking at the PC is cats. They’re just likely to try and figure out why that is moving! 😉

  21. gritster says:

    I thought about sending you the bill for the new screen I need, when I saw it….I spit my coffee all over my screen. I vote to keep it,who needs coffee to wake up when you have provided me with that?

  22. Marie says:

    My first question would be, how old are the grandkids? if they watch videos on VH1 or even the country station they are a lot racier than the gif…doesn’t bother me one bit…it should stay…I love the pigs out of Mohammed…that is my personal favorite…any chance of sending that to Osama?

  23. Nadine says:

    As I note your rules for posting comments, you say “Remember, this is a family blog.” Your stripper violates this blog’s rules.

    I think the stripper is too racy. I read your blog daily and have small children that walk by my computer. Leaving it up will mean I will have to check in with you and Maynard in the evenings only which will be a deprivation but I will have no choice as your site will no longer be fit for family viewing.

    However, as others have said, this is your blog and this is a free country (thank you, God) so the decision is yours.

    Thank you for the excellent commentary!

  24. DennyinOC says:

    Well, Carmen is hot…so leave it. I agree with The Ugly American…The L word is really bad writing…okay acting and of course EVERYONE is beautiful. It certainly is not representative of my community. Being a retired Army SGM, I love the Army guy with the canteen. I have a different version of that poster that says…”How about a nice cup of shut the F*** up.” I’d like to see that at the DNC this year.
    You can thank me for staying on point. Bottom line…it’s your site Miss Tammy…

  25. Talkin Horse says:

    I think a compromise is in order. Instead of removing the entire graphic, you can leave the dancing girl in place but just remove her clothes.

  26. utron says:

    I’ll second the commenter who pointed out that this is your site, and you determine the content. I don’t agree with every opinion here, but I like the individual mix of politics, humor, and a little spice. Regardless of whether Carmen and Shane stay or go, I doubt the question is a make-or-break issue for many readers.

    P.S. I vote to let them stay on the island. 😉

  27. The Doorman says:

    I agree with Talkin Horse

  28. NeoWayland says:

    It caught my eye, I wasn’t quite sure what it was doing on your site. Granted, my idea of family fare probably doesn’t match the mainstream, but I didn’t see anything wrong with it either. Compared to what is on the average beach, it was pretty calm.

    On the other hand, I am seriously considering the IGF to my own blogroll as a news source, and I probably wouldn’t have done that if I hadn’t noticed the graphic and checked out the site.

  29. artgal says:

    Tammy, she’s definitely a keeper!

    With all due respect for the person who had a complaint: make sure the grandkids are not around when accessing the site if you feel the icon is not appropriate for them to see.

    I know some are kind of bothered by it and see it as ‘in your face’. Ultimately, it’s your site, Tammy, and you can fix it up however you wish. Frankly, I appreciate your honesty & willingness to share such gems!

  30. Aileron says:

    The dancing woman is such a straight man thing. I don’t understand why gay women want to act like straight men. I’m a gay woman and I’d rather see a woman in a tuxedo.

  31. Dave J says:

    Don’t listen to any of us. This is your blog and it should be totally up to you.

  32. I’m a gay woman and I’d rather see a woman in a tuxedo.

    I couldn’t agree more

  33. Steven W says:

    I say lose her Tammy. Your professionalism is what attracted me to you in the first place. It just doesn’t fit well on the page.

  34. ashleymatt says:

    “I’m a gay woman and I’d rather see a woman in a tuxedo.”
    Wow, Tammy, you really are learning a lot about your readers!

    Aileron reminded me that the straight men on this post might not be using their above-the-waist brains to help you with your decision. Therefore, they should be disenfranchised immediately as voters on this issue.

    So I guess the “this is a family blog” rule now will now only be applied in reference to whether commenters are “family.” Also, I had a suspicion that Carmen may be an illegal alien Mexican and may be taking jobs away from hardworking American hos. But then I remembered that “family” values do not stop at the Rio Grande.

  35. I’m a little late to the party, and I was too lazy to read every post, so if this has been said just overlook it.

    Tammy, I have to say, I can’t see anything any more explicit than any commercial that appears during prime time on regular tv.

    And it’s not like it’s a clip of Hillary or Nancy P performing. Now THAT would be obscenity!!

    If it looks good to you, and it definitely looks good to me, I find it surprising anyone finds it offensive.

    There are serious things out there to be more concerned about after all.

  36. Carpediem says:

    I’ve never seen or read anything on your blog that would make me hide it from my kids , if they were younger. You have always shown good taste and I love your blog because it is something that I can read and not be offended by obscene material or four letter words which are all over some others blogs.
    There’s a difference between racy and raunchy and the dancing chick is a bit racy but hey…it leaves plenty to the imagination. I have seen commercials for tv shows that push it further than the dancing chick.
    I don’t know how old Bev’s grandkids are but I think there are other things to do with grandchildren other than having them reading the Tammy blog with you. Do what you will Tammy, I’m sure it will be the right choice. Teri

  37. HutSutRaw says:

    Yay, you’re keeping the animated gif! Also, I wanted to let you know that I like the picture you are using for the link to the NRA site. Love it! :o)

  38. ltlme says:

    Keep Carmen!!!! The eye-candy is what keeps me sane….halfway sane!!!

  39. Smocoal says:

    The gif just seems totally out of place for your website. I’d be concerned that it will distract your readers, whether in a good or bad way, from the very serious issues you often raise. Wouldn’t it seem a little odd to be potentially reading about a horrific terrorist attack, or something else equally alarming, while the little dance is going on next to the article? It just seems inappropriate. Besides, your unique perspective is more than enough “fun spicyness” for anyone. And, as far as wanting to keep her around for the “stir she has caused”, I think Barbara Walters would agree with you.


  40. ChicagoGal says:

    Tammy, the subtitle of your own book “The Death of Right and Wrong” is “how you can fight the tyranny of the left’s cultural and moral decay”. I think things like your dancing stripper icon also contribute to the moral decay. Call me a prude, but I’m old enough to remember what a huge deal it was to show bras in tv commercials. My point is, the line of decency keeps moving. Where will it stop?

  41. auspatriotman says:

    Sorry Tammy. I’ve looked on both sides and see no icon of which you’ve mentioned. (?)

  42. bnkpet says:

    Voila. C’est vrai–Or should I do Spanish?– No, French is more dramatic.

  43. ChicagoGal says:

    Oops…I got the title of the book I referenced wrong. My point’s the same.

  44. auspatriotman says:

    OK Tammy. I found out I came to your comment page instead of your main page. I don’t find anything racy or offensive about the ICON and I’m no sex prevert either. Seing that it links to the site it does maybe a ICON that would intro that might be a better directional. Especially considering the target market of the site.

    I think your Mohamed is a screemer too. Don’t ever take that one down until the whole religion is overhauled.

  45. Maxine Weiss says:

    Hi Tammy:

    You definitely should remove it.

    (Granted I love her hairstyle, and am jealous of her flat torso….) but still—

    The Litmus test is….does the image reflect a certain elegance and taste? No matter how attractive that gal is….she’s a bit more on the trashy side, and not elegant.

    It also undercuts what you’re trying to do, here, and that’s intellectually enlighten people. I don’t think people are enlightened with potentially trashy images. Yes there’s a strong connection between blood to the brain, and blood flowing to other parts of the body—-bloodflow—any bloodflow is healthy….but so is forcing people to use their imagination. Imagination really gets the blood flowing!

    Whatever happened to mystery and leaving something to the imagination? If you go to my site, I’ve got sexy women on my site too……however before I put anything up, I always ask the question….Is it elegant? And, is it in good taste? I also try to stay away from body shots, and just show a woman’s sexy face….again, there’s nothing more powerful than the imagination.

    I think forcing people to use more imagination, not less, is a good idea. What’s sexy is mystery and elegance. Trashy….? No no no—That’s better left for your private moments and a well-developed imagination.

    Don’t rob people of having to use their brains—their imagination. Your image shows just a little too much.

    Peace, Maxine

  46. artgal says:

    OK Tammy – I’ve got to add one more thing.

    Some have referred to your ‘professionalism’ being in question or insinuating that ‘The Death of Right & Wrong’ becomes somehow hypocritical/pushed aside due to the ‘controversy’ stirred by Ms. Carmen Icon. But I wish to point out how Ms. Dancing Queen relates entirely to the more serious topics.

    Just think for a moment: Carmen represents the women of the free world. She’s an ethnically diverse lesbian character who would not survive five minutes on the streets of Tehran; she is free of a burka, free from the subjugation of Islamofascists, and free to control her own body. She’s also capable of expressing herself and speaking her own mind – even if it’s through body language.

    With those poinst in mind, why in the world should this icon be so upsetting? I find much of what is going on in reality – like our ‘leadership’ – far more harmful to children and families than Carmen dancing for her lover.

  47. YankeeWanker says:

    I vote yea. It’s much better than anything the prudes at Sports Illustrated put into the ‘Swimsuit’ issue I thumbed through at Walgreens.

  48. JW says:

    I like it Tammy. I’d like it even better if that was you! 😉

  49. Ferdy says:

    Boy, there’s a lot of stuff in that sidebar that I never noticed before.

    I think the “Snuffy Bruce” picture may be causing people to think twice about flaming out over the Mohammed graphic.

  50. sdutton says:

    I think you should remove it. As has already been stated, one, it takes away from the professional of your site, and two, it would alarm my wife and kids if they saw it–same is true with my coworkers.

    I have no problem with the fact that you want to link this other site, please just choose an image that isn’t so provocative.

  51. dante says:

    I love your dancing woman icon.
    It is your site have fun with it.

  52. pat_s says:

    Gee, judging by the interest in this topic, maybe what should be removed from your website is the political/social commentary. 🙂

  53. Kimj7157 says:

    Maybe not political, but I think there is plenty of social commentary to be had on this topic.
    And I’m guessin’ we’ll eventually have it.

    Nobody does it better.:)

  54. TammyBruceFan says:

    Yes it’s too racy. You both need a good spanking! Call me: 555-555-4567

  55. Tink says:

    Every dancing girl needs some music.
    Anything from Karyn White’s “Superwoman” CD (1989)would be just fine.
    I know, it’s old… but the good things only get better with age.

  56. michaelD says:

    hi, Beautiful! looks great to me! keep it on please! :0)

  57. Melissa says:

    If children are voluntarily visiting your site and enjoy it because they are engaged in social and political issues, then they are old enough to have been exposed to as much or worse in other venues.

    As for degrading the essence of your website, I disagree with that. Anyone familiar with you via your radio show, books, or this site knows that you do not fit the stereotypical commentator mold. You are one of a few who can discuss issues in a tongue-in-cheek style and still be insightful and intelligent.

    You are where you are because you have not been afraid to be yourself, so if the video helps express part of your personality, then keep it. It’s a small part of the whole, so those of us who enjoy seeing it can watch it and those who don’t can ignore it and keep their eyes focused on the commentary.

  58. Maxine Weiss says:

    BOTTOM LINE: What’s appropriate for the bedroom, isn’t necessarily appropriate for the living room.

    Think of this particular site as Tammy’s living room, and the MySpace is the bedroom.

    Would you put Hustler and Penthouse out on the coffee table of your living room? Not if Phyllis Schlafly is coming to visit.

    And yet, that type of thing might be perfectly acceptable for the bedroom.

    That’s my main problem in today’s society….people trotting out their bedroom in public, instead of leaving it where it belongs—in the bedroom.

    Tammy, I understand your need for personal expression, and the need to express a personal identity. We all want to be unique and have individuality, creativity….which seems to be sadly lacking in today’s society.

    Ask yourself, do you really think featuring a scantily clad woman is making a unique creative statement? Or, isn’t that the same thing all the other sites do to get attention?

    I’m all for artistic expression. But I think, Tammy, you are creative enough, and imaginative enough to find a better way to express yourself than those salacious images….which are better left for the privacy of one’s bedroom.

    Peace, Maxine

  59. steevo says:

    Tammy, luv the blog. I actually like dancing Carmen…:) Seriously, this is your blog and you should put on it what you want. Rock on. SY

  60. XWL says:

    I don’t think dancing Carmen is too racy. I think she’s too skinny, but that’s a different subject.

  61. zbaraz says:

    Love the dancing woman. Love you. Love the blog.

  62. Davschob says:

    Hi Tammy,

    Just one more to ask you to remove lovely Carmen. I agree that the IGF site is a serious thoughtful site. That’s one reason I find it a bit odd that this gif is the teaser to take you there. While I’m not gay, if I were I might find it a shallow, bad stereotype. (i.e. gays only think about sex, not serious issues)

    Another reason I’d prefer the Carmen to go is that I dialog via email regularly with my relatives and some conservative friends. We’ll have discussions and email links to each other. To be pefectly honest, I’d probably no longer send them links here. No matter what I said about you, that image would be too much for them to get past and I’m not sure I could explain it.

    While I understand your desire to let us know you better, and that you’re more than just pure political discussions, I just feel it’s an unnecessary distraction.

    You’re great…I love what you do and the way you think. Truly one of the best!

    Just my 4 cents.

  63. Lib85 says:

    I don’t mind the Mohammed cartoon, but now worry about your safety.

    The dancing hottie is a nice touch, but to be consistent, you do need to get the webmaster to remove the line about it being a family web site. A bit racy is fine. Perceived hypocrisy is not.

  64. WebDiva says:

    Hmmmm . . . the gal in back is smoking. (Come on — I mean a cigarette!) Will kids that stare too long start associating smoking with sexy?

  65. Stonemason says:

    I know I am late, but I wanted to chime in…KEEP HER. Admittedly ’cause she’s hot. I enjoy that you are less afraid then others to be honest about what you like to see, and why. Admiring beauty, in its many forms, is wonderful!

  66. botg says:

    Tammy, Lots for you to consider here, points on both sides of the issue. I don’t have much to say as far as Carmen goes: I’m only here to be part of the record for most comments ;^)

  67. Signal32X says:


    This issue actually motivated me to get a TypeKey account because I feel strongly not about the racy image or the gay community, but about how it seams like every aspect of American culture is being ridiculed and censored. The idea that a child might see it is ridiculous. If grandma is that concerned with it — send her an email that explains how to turn off image preferences in her browser. Keep the image if not for any other reason than its your web site and you can do with it as you please.

    PS: I just order your book The New Thought Police on Amazon — can’t wait to read it.

  68. Carpediem says:

    How do we feel about this ? After reading over the comments again I think your compromise was a mighty fine decision. I’ve also found Tammy that you have got to have the best fans out there who contribute to your blog with such insight and individuality that yours is second to none. And the fact that you care what we think makes us and you even more *special*. I think we all learned a bit more about you also 🙂 … Teri

  69. jeweytunes says:

    I now know what puts the “tease” in striptease: I was out of town again when this all hit; usually when I’m away, I check the website via my cellphone internet service, but it has reduced viewing capabilities. So as I read your original post from it I began desperately trying to SEE the gif, and of course could not. So I’ve been miserable for 3 days to see what the ruckus is about. Thx a lot!

    You’ve made your decision by now, but I wanted to vote that it was a good one. All the comments were great. It’s right for you to keep it somewhere, b/c it’s part of YOU, and we’re here because we love who you are — the wild parts are like the fuse that fires up the whole package. But this page is basically an e-CV you put out there as a professional. Discerning what best serves your overall goal is not censorship. We all have to decide what balance to strike in any of our professions, while remaining authentic. In a very public (and often controversial) life and profession among packs of wild dogs always seeking to trip you up, I imagine it must be a constant process to scan for inconsistencies (and the dreaded narcissisms!) yet not live in a 24/7 what-will-people-say mentality.

    Not to worry, there isn’t one ounce of prudishness on this whole site, nor on your show. Believe me, honey, we get it! I’m not sure how much more heat we can take, anyway. J

  70. jeweytunes says:

    p.s. — the Garbo gif is exquisite!

  71. pjhluke says:

    i always wondered what that imam guy with the flying pigs and the flag meant. I have been studying it on and off for a long time and am wondering why I can’t “figure it out” so maybe it’s time I asked!

    What does it mean?

    Good move with Carmen. I like the Garbo replacement. It’s sexy without being distracting.

  72. pjhluke says:

    oh ok…I’m beginning to get through conversations with friends that that “Imam” guy is possibly Mohammed. I also noticed the caption about irritating the opponent. One friend made the comment that he thought it was “Islam supporting Israel the day that pigs fly” which is saying this would happen the day hell freezes over. I thought that was interesting. After all it could be bacon flying into his mouth. Either way it’s very funny.

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