Looks like we’re back to the usual 7:20am PT segment after last week’s surprise change. Right now, they say the subject will be Hillary’s massive fundraising, and you already know what I think about that.

Hope you can tune in. 🙂

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  1. pat_s says:

    Great, as usual. Bob Beckel looks defeated before you even get started.

    About Hillary’s money. I’d like to know where it’s coming from. She really doesn’t care.

    IPA (International Profit Associates) was a major contributor to her Senate campaign in 2000. This company and it’s founder, Mr. Burgess, have a RICO indictment for scamming small businesses. Mr. Burgess has a past that Bill probably finds charming. He has a criminal record for patronizing a 16-year old prostitute and a sexual harrassment lawsuit filed by 113 female former employees.

    IPA donated to both Republicans and Democrats, heavily favoring Democrats. Most have returned the money, but not Mrs. Clinton.

    The Hillary Project. Educate yourself about the most corrupt politician in history.

    NYT Rubbing shoulders with trouble and Presidents

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