Just a heads-up that Raw Story, a left-leaning website, and the Colbert Report, which is somewhat difficult to characterize which is why I like it, both did pieces on my Fox News Live segment from last Monday. After the fact, I somehow knew my calling the president a ‘tool’ would get some attention.

I’m a bit late posting on this, but considering the number of emails I’ve received about this, I think a lot of you already know about this. At the very least for many of you, a snippet of me being on Comedy Central’s “Colbert Report” indicates I have finally arrived. Whew!

It seems to me both Raw and Colbert portrayed the segment fairly, with Colbert noting that he was confused because Fox was supposed to be “fair and balanced, on the side of the President…” Both struck a tone that Fox suddenly may not be in the pocket of the Repubs or Bush.

The Raw Story link has the Fox segment itself, and here’s the link to Comedy Central’s clip of what Colbert did (you’ll have to watch their :30 sec commercial before the segment).

I was mad at the president last Monday, still am, and will continue to be. I think it’s safe to say the romance is over.

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. lnthomp says:

    It figures Colbert would be confused about Fox News, since the rest of the networks are totally objective on the side of the Democrats.

  2. Skeptic says:

    I watched your interaction with Bob last week and found it hilarious that Bob was trying to figure out what to say as he was essentially defending President Bush. 🙂

    Glad to see you got some air time on Colbert (I don’t watch him, but my nieces and nephews do). Of course Tammy you do cause Colbert to have bees in his head!!

    Keep up the good work Tammy!

  3. ltlme says:

    I enjoyed watching this snippet on Colbert Report. I suppose the next level is to be spoofed on SNL.

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