Sorry about the ‘Best Of’ program today but I seem to be battling a bit of a chest cold. It’s been creeping up on me as what felt like fatigue but early this morning it was obviously an effort at a chest cold. Whenever I feel a head cold or throat issue or something else knock on my door, I’m lucky in that if I lay low even for a day and sleep whenever my body tells me to I’m able to keep it from gaining hold, ruining several days instead of just one. So, that’s my plan for today.

So I’m curled up on the Tammy Couch in the Power Shack, with my java. Sydney and Snoopy are staring at me, having no clue why we’re hanging out and it’s not Sunday, but then Snoopy jumps on Syd’s head and they’re back to the chase game.

Consider this your Open Thread in the meantime, as I will now take a gander at the news that’s worthy of pontificating about. Or…what I would have spouted off on during Tammy Radio.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. predoc says:

    Miss you, Tammy. Feel better —

  2. pat_s says:

    Hope you’re feeling better soon. Hot tea laced with gin is one of my preferred cold remedies. Sniff, KERCHOO!

  3. artgal says:

    Take care, Tammy. Hope you’re back on your feet soon ’cause no one gives the baby shake to the bad guys as effectively as you!

  4. N_Campbell says:

    Hey Tammy, just to bump an old idea. If you had a subscription service, so we could download Tammy Radio and listen to it in our iPods, I would be first in line.

  5. wilson says:

    I have these three books…I want autographed…any pr stuff in Cinci??

  6. PeteRFNY says:

    The Missus has been battling the very same chest cold for over a week now. Hope you are more successful fighting it off! Feel better…

  7. mrfixit says:

    Yes Please, I too would become a premium member of a Tammy Bruce online media site, just to get the podcasts, since it is hard for me to listen live. (Not really supposed to have a radio on at work, but having an office allows me to shut the door and listen clandestinely.)

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