
Looks like I’ll be getting my coffee at the Coffee Bean, at least until September 3rd, which is how long their great promotion in support of our troops will be running. SondraK has the details, with a HT to The Ugly American. Buying coffee for the troops is a top priority and this is an easy and smart way to do it. Visit the following link for additional information and details. It is important to support businesses who make decisions like this. Stabucks has yet to make any special effort to support our heroes. Perhaps I can get to like the Coffee Bean coffee during this period of time.

coffee, tea or SondraK???

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf is currently running a wonderful promotion at all of their in-store locations.

Donate a purchased pound of Coffee Bean coffee or tea to Soldiers’ Angels and in turn they will take 10% off your entire order.

The promotion runs through the end of Monday, September 3rd.

I myself ponyed up a pound of eye-opening Sumatra while purchasing my usual Friday morning iced latte.

Speaking as someone who suffered through 8 years of Navy coffee, I think this is a really awesome way to say “Thank You” to all of our brave men and women currently serving overseas : )

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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. theendisnear says:

    Great job, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf! Also please note Boca Java’s “5 Million Cup” campaign, where they now stand at about 3.3 million “cups” served to our troops overseas. Great coffee, too (!

    Hey, Starbucks (not that we expect any such generosity from you “progressives,” who mouth such platitudes each and every day, but live your lives the exact opposite way) — time to wake up and smell the coffee (or whatever it is that you brew). “We support the troops, but not their mission,” my ass!

  2. N_Campbell says:

    On a similar note, there’s an outfit here in Vacaville called Green Bean Worldcafe. They also have a note on their cups about how their profits go towards supporting the troops. I’m not sure how widespread they are, though.

  3. kreeves2526 says:

    I am always glad to see corporations stepping up and putting out for our Brave Military. If anyone thinks Starbucks would put anyone ahead of money all you have to look at is Starbucks “Jim Crow” policies in Saudi Arabia. I hope everyone who buys a coffee at Starbucks thinks about the women who have to enter through the back door of the Middle Eastern Starbucks. When I asked Starbucks if it was true they have made women use a rear door to enter the store, Starbucks customer relations stated:

    ” In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Starbucks and its local operator, M.H. Alshaya Co. W.L.L, comply with local law and custom by providing separate entrances, service and seating areas for families and single men.”

    I guess separate but unequal is still alive and chasing the almighty dinar.

  4. Dave J says:

    “coffee, tea or SondraK???”

    Not even a close call, there, and I’m sure you’d agree, Tammy. 😉

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