While we did nothing to Yemen (OBL’s birth country) after the attack on the USS Cole, it’s nice to see God finally got to that item on his list. Hey, he’s busy.

Volcanic Eruption Reported Off of Yemen

A volcano has erupted on a tiny island off the coast of Yemen, spewing lava and ash hundreds of feet into the air, a Canadian naval vessel near the island in the Red Sea reported Sunday. There were no immediate reports of deaths, but at least eight people were missing.

The Yemeni government asked NATO to assist in searching for survivors on Jabal al-Tair island, which lacks a settled population but includes military installations.

Ken Allan, a Navy spokesman, said a NATO fleet just outside the territorial waters of the island reported seeing a “catastrophic volcanic eruption” at 7 p.m. local time. The two-mile-long island is about 70 miles off the coast of Yemen.

“At this time, the entire island is aglow with lava and magma as it pours down into the sea. We do not have confirmation of how many people were on this island at the time of the eruption,” Allan said in an e-mail.

“The lava is spewing hundreds of feet into the air, with the volcanic ash also (rising) a thousand feet in the air,” Allan said.

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Harry says:

    OK, so the next time a hurricane/twister/quake/tidal wave rips though the US its God’s punishment, considering how many “acts of God” hit the US, you guys must really be higher up his list than the relative stability of the middle east. I bet the people of New Orleans are really comforted to know it’s all their fault, with logic like yours why bother helping them at all?

    [Harry, read more of this blog to get at least a working understanding of Ms. Bruce, take a pill to calm down, and then look up the words “facetious” and “sardonic.”–ed.]

  2. ahwatukeejohn says:

    What is Yemen’s record on supporting terror? You hear little about them. You have to be pretty bad to get the people of this world to view a natural disaster as punishment.

  3. I agree with only one part of Harry’s post, above, in that several prominent Islamic Imams DID say that Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma, now TWO quiet YEARS AGO were said to be the ‘will of Allah’ against the United States. Both sources of similar comments essentially admit that Allah’s will is totally capricious and erratic, based soley upon current events rather than any long-term insight or foresight, which any Deity usually has. (*Based upon only One Deity, God.)
    Not much of a reliable allah, eh?

    Never a word from the same sources about retribution against local Muslims, when the 2004 Tsunami in Indonesia, or the 2005 Pakistan earthquake happened, when hundreds of thousands died…

    A volcano is a geologic event only, a result of internal forces deep within our Earth; and we would be non existant without them!

    Allah cannot be happy, since “Allah” dont exist!

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