Ha! Apparently Columbia has always had a thing for small, murderous men.

Kudos to the Lizards.

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. St. Thor says:

    Columbia is not the only Ivy League school to provide a platform for kooks and nuts. In the early 1960’s Dartmouth College invited George Wallace to speak at its Great Issues course. That was the first invitation he had received north of the Mason-Dixson line up to that time. Later that school accommodated Bishop Homer Tomlinson by allowing him to crown himself King of Dartmouth on the steps its hallowed Webster Hall,as part of his travels crowning himself King of the World.

  2. Nutcases are a dime a dozen in academia, and that’s just counting the faculty – Noam Chomsky, Peter Singer, Leonard Jeffries, and the late Edward Said, to name a few. Representatives of murderous totalitarian regimes are a different story.

  3. PeteRFNY says:

    After the speech, they’ll probably offer him a tenured position.

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