Celebrate Diversity!

Two gay men being executed in Iran. For being gay. Picture courtesy of Homan, the Iranian Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual and Transgender Organization. Yeah, a blog from those people who don’t exist. And the holocaust never happened, and 9/11 was planned by the Jooooooz!

Most bloggers did an excellent job calling attention to and criticizing Ahmadinejad’s ridiculous statement about gays in Iran during yesterday’s speech at Columbia. At a certain point one does not want to be come an echo chamber, so I’ve waited until today to make a few points.

I’m still simply stunned by the absurdity of Ahmadinejad in New York yesterday and the finally hearing rejection and disgust from the Columbia crowd–but only when homosexuals are mentioned. Yes, of course monkey boy’s comments were absurd about the gays in Iran, but they pale in comparison to his comments about wiping Israel off the map. The fact that it took a revealing, but not surprising, comment about gays to enrage the Columbia crowd illustrates how deep and blinding malignant narcissism truly is.

Believe me, Teh Gheys are not at the top of the list for annihilation by Islamists. Oh, we’re on that list (certainly below the Joooooz!), so it is quite the moral abdication to passively, or even approvingly, listen to other equally fanatical and dangerous comments by the same madman.

Of those right out of the gate nailing monkey boy for what he is was Charles at LGF with a video example of what it means to be gay in Iran. The irony to all of this is the fact that the left has always had myriad of reasons to be solidly for the wr on terror and aggressive action to change the Middle East and quash Islamist regimes. But when push comes to shove, the left’s lack of depth and use of issues as mere slogans comes into full view.

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5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Talkin Horse says:

    Ahmadinejad made a tactical error in claiming he had solved the gay problem. He should have stuck to the Jewish problem, which would cast him as a more sympathetic character. His audience would have clucked their tongues and attempted to moderate the genocide thing, but I’m sure some reasonable compromise could have been worked out. Unfortunately for him, he crossed a line in his failure to embrace the gay lifestyle. He forgot who he was dealing with. Big mistake! We’ll have a brief window of opportunity, during which Mr. Bush will be perceived as less malevolent than Mr. Ahmadinejad. We should launch our bombing raid right now, today! By next week they’ll have figured out a way to blame it all on Bush.

  2. robert108 says:

    “But when push comes to shove, the left’s lack of depth and use of issues as mere slogans comes into full view.”
    I disagree, Tammy. I think the lefties and the jihadists have two things in common: Hatred of President Bush, and hatred of the American way of life.

  3. Ahmadinejad is correct. There are no homosexuals in Iran. Also, there are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!

    Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf

  4. Skeptic says:

    The KosKids are swooning for DinnerJacket, here is a diary entry from a Jewish lesbian (preserved at LGF (since KOS likes to remove entries after they get too much attention) Sally Kohn’s crush on Mahmoud )

    This diarist has shown that her Bush Derangement Syndrome is so severe that she swoons for DinnerJacket, even if he would have her killed.

    There are no words to describe the stupidity of some of the left. Killing gays and lesbians is okay as long as you aren’t President Bush?

  5. sue says:

    This photo is so stirring. I see it and can’t help but feel the fear in the hearts of these young men. I find it interesting that the same people who claim we are improperly pointing fingers at Iran are silent about his comments/actions.

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