Victim of Guards Gone Wild

Joe Francis. Loser.

Or the equally appropriate heading “Poetic Justice.”

‘Girls Gone Wild’ Founder Claims Abuse

CHICKASHA, Okla. (AP) – The millionaire producer of the “Girls Gone Wild” video series has accused guards of abusing him during his brief stay at an Oklahoma jail, a newspaper reported Friday.

Francis, 34, was held at the jail from May 17 to June 4 while being moved from a Florida jail to a federal facility in Reno, Nev., where he is awaiting trial next year on a tax evasion charge.

Guards at the Grady County Law Enforcement Center denied Joe Francis food and blankets and threatened to strap him naked to a chair for 48 hours, Francis’ attorneys alleged last month in court papers seeking his release on bail in a Florida case, The Oklahoman reported.

Yes, but did they shout, “Take it off! Take it off!” while throwing Mardi Gras beads at him?

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18 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Barry in CO says:

    I hate that guy.

    You know, I like naked women as much as the next guy, but this puke clearly takes advantage of girls that have had too much to drink- hell, he probably helps it along.

    Bad things should happen to him.

  2. artgal says:

    I’m glad to see somebody getting a taste of their own medicine. What a pathetic, blubbering f**k!

    Funny how every man who is responsible for exploiting, abusing and threatening women cries out like a wimpering sissy every time the tables are turned.

    Hey Joe, take this: ..!.
    (or do I need to spell it out?)

  3. Hangfire says:

    Joe Francis, what a scum bag. I hope he gets everything he deserves.

  4. TLindaman says:

    Joe Francis is an interesting case study in exploitation. As big of a scumbag as he is (and that is a pretty big one in my book), you have to wonder if he would even exist if there wasn’t the environment in which young women were willing to be so sexual.

    It’s my belief that women have gotten more sexually aggressive in the past decade or two, due in large part to modern feminism combined with the loosening of morals in the 90s. Without question, the 90s proved to be a decade where women came into power in so many ways, including sexually.

    Francis is merely taking advantage of a situation that presented itself. Let’s not forget that the Girls Gone Wild video series started in the late 90s (1998, to be precise, according to Wikipedia). Hmmm…now who was President in 1998 and what could he have done that would have made it okay for young women to be sexual. Darn this memory of mine…

    Now, does this excuse Francis? Not so much. He’s making tons of money off women being stupid and men being, well, men. (And, yes, I am a man, so I’m speaking from experience here.) And hopefully all sides will get smart on this and Girls Gone Wild just goes away.

  5. ahwatukeejohn says:

    I am an older guy from the mid west transplanted to California. The word I get from every young Cali male I know is that the way to treat women sexually is any way but respecting them. Most women today assume all men cheat, and out here it is an institution. Respectability and sexuallity have become oxymorons. TLINDAMAN brought up changing morality. I get a kick out of the looking glass way people today tend to act as if people alwase acted like they do today.
    50 years ago, young women in most parts of this country did not go around pulling their tops up for fun even after a lot of drinks, because that viewing was something they were saving for some one special. In an age where women assume EVERY man cheats (and most do, whenever they get the chance) who is special enough for a woman to be special for?
    I can understand why young people who, have probably never seen a couple who were special to each other in that most intimate way, would view sexuallity as a meaningless plaything.

  6. artgal says:

    Uh, TLindaman, women have always been sexual creatures, and we have always been very powerful – there are just some who have difficulty with the realization we are sexual and powerful on our own and not on a man’s terms! If I understand you correctly, you equate Girls Gone Wild with a basis for women’s sexuality – sorry, but we are far more imaginative, intuitive and nurturing than that.

    The whole GGW crap has nothing to do with women expressing themselves sexually as much as it has to do with YOUNG women being half out of their minds (chemically induced) with aggressive predatorial men calling the shots. Hardly a mutual exchange there. Underage girls were also involved. Sounds as though the description of ‘sexually aggressive’ needs to be applied toward the guys involved in producing this crap – ultimately, they’re the ones getting off on it, aren’t they???

    As for your comment “…you have to wonder if he (Joe) would even exist if there wasn’t the environment in which young women were willing to be so sexual.” So Joe ‘bares’ no responsibility in all this? He’s only a product of ‘the times’? All you did was just reinforce that worn-out cliche of how the man just does not have any self-control (guys being guys) – it’s all the young woman’s fault! Maybe that has more to do with the line of Clinton-thinking in the 90’s: it was never Bill’s fault – it was a young 20-something setting him up. Yeah, that’s priceless.

    Though I realize there are women making very stupid choices, I also expect men not to use those situations as a means of taking advantage of someone. Is that asking too much of guys?

    As much as I cannot stand Bill Clinton, I am not going to blame him for the emergence of GGW. If we are going to go down that path, then we must blame Nixon/Ford for Hustler and Eisenhower for Playboy.

    I prefer to blame Joe Francis himself for being an effed up loser-idiot.

  7. Talkin Horse says:

    If I may opine…I think GGW is merely another symptom of an era of gluttony, and these are the consequences of the attitude that every human craving must be immediately and excessively gratified. It’s not about sex per se; it’s the same thinking that gets us fast food on every corner, with double and triple and quadruple cheeseburgers, and obesity becomes a cultural dilemma. And don’t get me wrong…I like triple cheeseburgers and naked wimmin as much as the next guy. But the social structure that immerses me in these things and promises endless indulgence has not done me a favor. I know this because I see there are indeed consequences. But I wasn’t born knowing these things; I was born with appetites, just like the rest of us. Too bad the social structures of the day are hiding away this bit of wisdom, and hindering our ability to grow up.

  8. NeoWayland says:

    I am not condoning what this guy has done.

    But last time I checked, everyone is entitled to the rule of law and protection from officials who exploit their power. Even the unpopular.

    Especially the unpopular.

    Overlook bad behavior from police and prison guards this time and don’t be surprised if it happens to you next.

  9. helpunderdog says:

    The pendulum on the sexual revolution arc has swung to an irresponsible extreme. We have a youth that has thoroughly embraced rap culture with its ubiquitous sex, bling, and hedonistic irresponsibility (or even outright thuggery). Liberal faculties at all levels of education, the only real adult role models other than parents most kids have, aren’t helping the situation by passing out condoms and condoning or even endorsing such antisocial behavior. So young, impressionable peer-pressured girls think it’s cool to ape what they see in music videos. Objectivization is in, bimbo exploitation by men – how hot! They don’t understand the value of their sexuality, the power it wields, and its function in self worth.

  10. Erin Nemo says:

    Come to think of it, it is a huge deal that the girls are overwhelmingly drunk or drugged when posing. I forgot that detail when first thinking about this issue. In that case, Joe Francis really is the scum of the earth.

  11. ahwatukeejohn says:

    ARTGAL: women need to be encouraged to use their power for good.

  12. artgal says:

    AHWATUKEEJOHN: I am a firm believer that most of us do! Now, let me tag your ear and send you back into the wild 😉

  13. TLindaman says:


    I believe you have read my post incorrectly, which is most likely my own fault, so I will take this opportunity to clarify a couple of points.

    1) Joe Francis is a scumbag.

    2) I don’t deny women are sexual creatures with considerable power. My point was that women have gotten more sexually aggressive due to loosening morals, a lack of standards, and more importantly, a lack of shame. I can remember a time when Madonna was considered to be shocking to women because of her raw sexuality. Nowadays, the early Madonna videos that were “so dirty” are tame compared to just about any rap video on MTV.

    3) I don’t let Joe Francis off the hook for the GGW video series whatsoever. I don’t see it anything but needless exploitation of drunk, high, or just out-of-their-heads stupid young college girls who think exposing themselves and having men hoot and holler at them makes them sexually powerful. It doesn’t. It makes them tools of the Joe Francis empire, and it doesn’t speak very highly of the male of the species either.

    4) My comment about whether Francis would be around if he didn’t have women willing to be exploited was not a whitewash of what he’s done. He bears most of the responsibility for what he’s created, and God has a funny way of giving those who deserve it some well-meted God smackdowns. My comment was meant to introduce the larger point of my response about women getting sexually aggressive and being more “out there” with it. Clearly, my comment was not clear enough, and I apologize.

    5) I don’t blame Clinton for the GGW phenomenon. I brought him up as an attempt at humor to underscore the point about how societal standards have degraded. Again, my comment wasn’t clear enough, and I apologize.

    6) You’re not asking too much of guys to use their big heads for a change, just as I hope I’m not asking too much of women to have standards in their lives so they DON’T become part of the GGW machine. Men can be shallow, Cro Magnon-esque man-beasts when it comes to sex. And more and more, I’m seeing women trying to emulate that, which is NOT good. Bring out the best in each other, that’s what I say.

    7) Did I mention Joe Francis is a scumbag?

    Okay, now that I’ve cleared the air a bit, I think I’ll retire for a bit with a nice cigarette.

    And a blindfold. LOL

  14. jeweytunes says:

    TLindaman, good timing with your follow-up post, as I now feel disinclined to offer you a bullet with that blindfold. 😉

    Lots of good points have been posted. All this discussion about power, though, keeps pointing me back to the story of Adam and Eve, supposedly the first illustrations of various aspects of power (incl. who has it, how they got it, responsibility, accountability, etc). In it, God gave the male all power over all creation. Mainstream thought continues today to be that males: a) deserve all the power simply because God said so, and/or b) are divinely equipped, physically and psychologically, to hold it. Therefore, the world is a man’s oyster, including all the fish.

    ‘Scuze me, but who folded the first time a chick said, “Hey babe, have a taste of this”? Then followed that bold move by immediately going fetal and blaming her for his failure? And here we are, millennia later — still (according to many) the chicks’ fault for the guys’ lack of self-control, his failure often given a pass because, well, that’s just Divine “wiring” going on down there.

    “Women need to be encouraged to use their power for good” – by whom, exactly? By what example? The powerful men who don’t know how to do that themselves then blame the crafty [w]itches?

    Both sexes are responsible for controlling their base urges. None of the players here is innocent. And yes it certainly is an era in which all our urges are constantly bombarded by appeals and methods to indulge them. But the fact is that men haven’t held their ground with women flashing a little skin from the beginning of human history. It’s pathetic when they refuse to be accountable for their own actions, blaming the waitress for the rotten apple that gave them a tummy ache. J

  15. TLindaman says:

    Well, Jeweytunes, as a Christian myself (albeit a fairly recent “re-convert” as it were), I’ve never seen men as being the ones solely entrusted with the power. To me, men and women need each other as a balancing force in their lives. And when men and women act on their baser instincts, they don’t become balancing forces; they work to keep the gender differences unbalanced for everyone.

    You’re right that men have been weak and irresponsible. (I know I have. ) That’s why I’ve done what I can to break myself of those tendancies. Have I succeeded? Not completely. Have I progressed? You bet. Will I stop trying to overcome my baser instincts? Heck no.

    Oh, and as part of my Tammy-message-board work release program, I hereby make my mandatory reference that Joe Francis is a scumbag. 🙂

  16. nohillary says:

    Tammy’s not PC but apparently her “blogmaster” and several of those who post are. Hey, there’s a good book you small-minded, man-hating feminist-types should check-out: it’s called “The New Thought Police.”

    [Nohillary, no, not all comments are posted. I have a standard for these pages, and have found several of your comments to be crude, sexist, and juvenile, like this one with the ‘man-hating feminist types…’ whine. We’ve all read the New Thought Police. Now you need to read up on narcissism. Grow up, stop whining and post comments that advance or thoughtfully challenge the arguments here and you’ll get posted.–ed.]

  17. ahwatukeejohn says:

    My view of human sexuallity is to keep it out of the wild and use our humanity to be responsible with our sexuallity. In the wild the chosen mate does not generaly have to stay around to help provide for the offspring. Of course, in the wellfare state he does not either. The village picks our pockets whether we get to play or not.

  18. jeweytunes says:

    NOHILLARY – Forgive me if there is any appearance of narcissism by my assuming that you are largely referring to my post, but your misguided characterization of anyone here who demands personal responsibility is pathetic in itself. The *point* is the blatant hypocrisy and impotence in a male’s abdication of his so-called power to a simple lack of self-control. Unfortunately, sometimes the mindset remains that it’s okay to have it both ways.

    As been stated numerous times here, the female participants bear responsibility for their actions, too, beginning all the way back to their initial choice to put themselves in the position to *be* exploited. But to assert that it’s their fault that this guy got carried away – regardless of the state of “the times” – is ludicrous and indefensible.

    Personally, I am thankful to be blessed with wonderful, nurturing relationships with the many honorable men in my life. Take Jim’s advice and tone down the self-righteous ‘tude. J

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