
According to the British Medical Journal include reading in dim light will not hurt your eyes and shaving will not make your hair grow back faster. But then how do we explain those tattoo and motorcycle issues?

Revealed: The seven great “medical myths”

LONDON (Reuters) – Reading in dim light won’t damage your eyes, you don’t need eight glasses of water a day to stay healthy and shaving your legs won’t make the hair grow back faster.

These well-worn theories are among seven “medical myths” exposed in a paper published Friday in the British Medical Journal, which traditionally carries light-hearted features in its Christmas edition. Two U.S. researchers took seven common beliefs and searched the archives for evidence to support them.

Despite frequent mentions in the popular press of the need to drink eight glasses of water, they found no scientific basis for the claim…

Here’s the whole list:

* Reading in dim light ruins your eyesight
* Shaving makes hair grow back faster or coarser
* You need to drink 8 glasses of water a day to remain healthy
* Eating turkey makes you drowsy
* We use only 10 percent of our brains
* Hair and fingernails continue to grow after death
* Mobile phones are dangerous in hospitals

Oh, wait! There are actually 8 medical myths. Shockingly, Chuck Norris’s tears won’t cure cancer. Who knew?

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Dave J says:

    “Shockingly, Chuck Norris’s tears won’t cure cancer.”

    No, they cure an “ailment” that all of humanity is infected with: it’s called “life.” 😉

  2. pat_s says:

    A few more myths:

    Chocolate and fried foods give you acne
    Coffee will sober you up
    Cold weather can give you a cold
    Cracking your knuckles causes arthritis
    Too much sugar makes kids hyperactive
    Don’t swallow gum — it takes seven years to digest
    Feed a cold and starve a fever
    Wait 30 minutes after eating before swimming
    You can get the flu from a flu shot

    But it’s true that chicken soup is good medicine.

  3. josai says:

    One last myth, listening to Algore DOES lower your IQ. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanuhkah and may everyone have a joyous and prosperous new year!! Ciao.

  4. josai says:

    I meant DOESN’T everyone. Stupid me.

  5. JD says:

    My daughter tells me Chuck Norris nevers cries, so of course his tears can’t cure cancer.

    Be safe, everyone!

    Tammy, rest up ’cause we’re gonna need your insight to help get us through this next year.

  6. Tink says:

    Great, next thing ya know they’ll be telling us there’s no such thing as beer goggles.

  7. Mwalimu Daudi says:

    You left out the mother of all medical myths (and I don’t mean “you will go blind if you don’t stop ************”)!

    Here it is:

    Socialized medicine is a great idea!

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