
Happy Friday night everyone. Tonight is my last night this time around filling in at KABC 790AM in Los Angeles from 7-9pm PT for my friend Al Rantel. In Los Angeles, we’re at 790AM on the dial, and you can get the stream at Talk Stream Live (click on Al Rantel’s name) or the KABC site.

Hope you can tune in.


Al Rantel, for whom I’ve been filling in, has announced that he has been diagnosed with a highly treatable form of lymphoma and is now undergoing chemotherapy. I’ll read his announcement letter on the air at the top of the 7pm hour. If you like, feel free to leave your messages here for Al, and the KABC website also has a place for updates and where you can leave your best wishes. Al’s a great guy and considers his listenership his family. Please send your prayers and best vibes to him through this difficult time.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
17 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Kelly says:

    It’s so great hearing you fill in for Al Rantel. You show a bit of a different side when you’re broadcasting to the KABC audience and that’s been a lot of fun.

  2. PeteRFNY says:

    “The Thing With Two Heads”. Rosey Greer and Ray Milland. What a movie. We used to get together on Saturday afternoons in college and make popcorn, drink beer and watch it. You cannot avert your eyes from that film. It’s like a car wreck…and yet, a wonderful car wreck.

  3. DEM because I say so.. says:

    Tammy: Mark Levin’s show followed yours on KABC last night. He gave his opinion on the O’Reilly show regarding the interviews with the radio show personalities which of course included you.

    I’d like to hear YOUR opinion on HIS opinion please.

  4. DEM because I say so.. says:

    TAMMY!!! YOU’RE SO “BLOODY” RUDE!!!! LOL!!!! (England doesn’t know what hit them!!)

    I’d like to be a fly on the wall after the show in England is over!!

    Way to go, you “GREAT AMERICAN!!!”

  5. jiggy says:

    Tammy, I just heard you on KABC talking to the Brits and I have never been so proud to be an American after that show. That Turkish guy was floored that he was having a conversation with such an outspoken intelligent American woman and you never gave into his socialistic mindset. It was the fastest hour that I’ve ever listened on the radio. And your remarks about their dental hygiene was priceless. How I wish you could do it weekly. Thanks for a great show. YOU WERE GREAT!

  6. Suzanne says:

    OMG Tammy – you were great with the pompous Femzi on tonight’s UK hookup. I NEVER listen to Al when he hooks up with the UK because he defers to them waaaaay to much. But YOU! I could just see Femzi spinning. Amazingly, he calls YOU rude and claims YOU exemplify the bad image Brits have of Americans. It never occurs to him (or Mike Mendoza for that matter) that their comments about Bush being a comedy show are extremely RUDE and their comments about America are extremely RUDE. And that this UK hookup conveys to me what an ignorant bunch of whining peps the Brits have become.

    Thanks Tammy!!!!!!

  7. usaguys says:

    I will tune in… we dont get enough of you in Florida. I bought 110 of your books (thought police) for a school system I have adopted. I think I converted a few of the Liberal teachers. Truth does matter. I donate and help the kids there and I am trying to curb the Juv Crime in our area that is running amok. I call it American Terrorists. We are giving the Black community kids some hope and life lessons.. In our pilot program we plan to move this to LA County where the American Terrorists are worse.

    I am just amazed at how we are on the same page… I did nearly faint when you said you would vote for Hillary over Huckabee the other day…. As I mentioned on your Myspace message, you dont want me taking all my Stuff.. which is a lot…. and have to move to New Zealand if she is President. I thought I would leave so as not to see the NAtion destroyed before my eyes. At least in Huckabee, he would go hunting a lot with Dick Cheney.

  8. usaguys says:

    Oh and your header description…it B wrong… Half Italian.. etc… It should be Half Italian,, half Irish… 100 percent Troublemaker. THat is why we love you.

  9. pat_s says:

    How soon after Neville Chamberlain declared peace in our time should we have jumped into the war effort?

    All those years in the hot sun bearing the White Man’s Burden by looting the Third World must have made the Brits balmy in the crumpet. Before any Brit deigns to give a smug lecture on rudeness, he might do well to consider the extent today’s problems are the consequence of the colossal arrogance of the British Empire. They left behind incendiary mapping of the Third World and smoldering anti-West resentment which was inevitably going to blow up.

    We inherit the mess and the matriarch of their tabloid monarchy inherits a crown of stolen jewels. Blimey!

  10. Kathy says:

    Just started listening to you — you’re great — I am a Fred Head – and you asked who would I support if Fred drops out — Romney – I hope Fred says something really profound. Keep up the great job!

  11. dmg333 says:

    Tammy twice a day…


  12. DEM because I say so.. says:

    Al: It was YOU who taught me about conservatism. It was YOU who convinced me to vote REP for the first time in 2004 and then for AAAANOLD. But like I told you one time on the show, it was Tammy who taught me why I remained a DEM…”She said “I’m DEM because I say so!!!”

    Listening to Mark Levin, I have since changed my party to REP because he emphasized how important it is to have a say in the primaries. Today I received a “BILLary” DEM propaganda piece of mail with pictures of her hugging a “Latino” family. UGGGGHHHH!!! What a patronizing PHONY!!!

    I remember telling Tammy on her show one day how I received a letter from “BANCOMER” (a Mexican bank with a branch here on Wilshire) and it was in SPANISH!!!! I told Tammy that that they targeted me because of my Spanish surname.

    I want everyone to know that most of us AMERICAN/latinos are PRO “LEGAL” immigration…not “ILLEGAL” immigration. Anyone that knows their history knows that Cesar Chavez was against “ILLEGAL” immigration as well.

    Be well my AMIGO. I miss your PASSION on the air!!

  13. fiona says:

    Thank you, Tammy, for posting this here. We’ve suspected that something was wrong w/Al’s health since probably November, & have been very concerned. It’s such a relief that it’s treatable.

  14. bstndance says:

    Get well soon, Al!

  15. djd11 says:


    Your shows have been incredibly bold and brave, and I hope that KABC gives you much more air time.

    You have been blessed with an incredible mind and your insights are like lasers. Thank you for sharing all that you have with us.

  16. Kelly says:

    You’ve done a great job, Tammy. I’ve gotten used to hearing you twice a day and I’m spoiled now. 🙂

  17. mcharrison says:

    Lymphoma is one of the easiest cancers to treat, especially if it’s caught in the early stages. Al is in our thoughts and prayers.

    M C Harrison

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