For three days I’ll be filling in at Laura Ingraham‘s radio show from 9am-12pm ET. In addition to her affiliates you can also catch her stream at Talk Stream Live. I’ve filled in for Laura before and her audience is smart and fun and it’s always a great opportunity to introduce Tammy Radio to that national audience. I hope the Tammy peeps are able to tune in as well. It’s always makes me more comfortable knowing you’re there, too.

Hope to see/hear you there!

For those three days Tammy Radio will probably be a “Best Of…” If that changes and we have a guest host, I’ll let you know here.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
26 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. KatieSilverSpring says:

    Woo-hoo!! how exciting it is to turn on the radio for Laura Ingraham and find you!!

  2. Peep8 says:

    Good point, Tammy… We can tolerate McCain not explicitly stating he respects the sovereignty of the people, as long as he remembers how he got his rump kicked on amnesty… and it can happen again every time he hacks us off.

  3. S. Weasel says:

    Hey, you’re doing great! I change the channel on guest hosts as a matter of policy, but you suckered me in.

    Catching my eye on a Monday morning is not easy.

  4. perrault says:


    I’m listening to you on Laura Ingraham’s’ show (you are sounding Laura’s flavor, BTW). I dialed to call, but decided I didn’t want to get into an “uh-huh-unh-uh” dispute on the air. You have always intrigued me. I hope I can honestly introduce myself without provoking reflexive hostility and caricature.

    On the good side, I’m a lifelong 51-year-old conservative. I was recently considered an extremist, having declined to support George W. Bush and twice voting for a conservative 3rd party. When Bush was elected, I said, “Leviathan gets a night-manager,” and that proved accurate.

    Now, for the “bad” side: I was a Huckabee supporter and Blogger for 14 months. AND, I am a longtime McCain critic who is supporting McCain. I think he’s philosophically ambiguous, but sentimentally sound. I’ve made a few posts on McCain, but made a year’s worth on Huckabee.

    I’ve heard you decry him on television. I guessed that was largely motivated by his abortion and gay marriage statements, which I don’t ENTIRELY agree with, BTW. But, today you called him “a raging liberal.” Of course, I’ve heard all of this and conjectured about the animus behind it: Club for Growth, Rush, Coulter, Romney (whom I found a decent man but an odious candidate, BTW) “populist,” blah, blah, blah…But factually, such charges are misguided. And again, I’m not an illiterate dogmatist. Like everyone, I have dogma, but rationally systemetizing is crucial, for me.

    There may be no one I’d rather discuss this over a beer with, than you.

  5. Pathman says:

    Nice to have you subbing for Laura! Links in the Big Dog’s Chain: Tammy, Laura, Sean, Michelle…

  6. Kimj7157 says:

    I usually listen to Laura on the way home from work in the morning, so it was a delightful surprise to hear your lilting tone emanating from an unexpected place.

    The earlier the fix, the better. 🙂
    (You were terrific as usual.)

  7. infidel says:

    It is great to have you on Laura’s show here in Toledo. The weekend Tammy Radio show doesn’t air here during the winter because the station shuts off at dusk so this a great treat!
    THE perfect fill in for Laura is Tammy.

  8. norm says:

    Tammy, you did absolutely great filling in for Laura. I am a regular poster on her site, where I find the posters very bright and astute politicos. There are not a lot of them, but those there are a joy interact with. I have been a fan of yours ever since I heard you one day on a weekend talk about guns…..I am from the West and probably could be called one of those “gunnuts”…a label I proudly wear. What do you think about a segment on guns and gun control while on for Laura. Laura is a 2nd Amendment backer which is great, but her knowledge of guns and what they are for is seriously lacking.

  9. showme69 says:

    Tammy, you did a great job on the show today and I wanted to voice my support for helping animals in need but with one criticism. I’m all for helping pets. Our family has adopted a Lhasa from the local humane society and a Cairn Terrier from a local rescue group, but I can’t support the HSUS that you mentioned on the air, nor the ASPCA, that I see you have a link to on your site. I have been a life-long gun owner, life member of the NRA since 1984 and enthusiastic hunter. Both the HSUS and ASPCA oppose hunting and are right up there with PETA and Greenpeace. I’ll support local humane societies that only deal with companion animals, but would never support a national group that would like to restrict or out right ban hunting.

  10. ravenfan says:

    Great to hear your voice again on the airwaves around Baltimore and DC.

    Loved your comments today on “the boarder fence” going up, too. The whole Tammy experience on a day when I wasn’t expecting it just made my day.


  11. GenRach says:

    It was on Miss Laura’s show I found Tammy years ago..and Miss Tammy, job well done! To our new friend Perruault..believe me we don’t always agree with Tammy, but the one thing I have learned from Tammy – all are welcome in the US Of Tammy!
    Look forward to hearing you tomorrow..almost done, poding Laura now..Can you get pods too?

  12. CORWIN721 says:

    It was a treat to hear you on Laura’s show today.

    I’ve always wondered though, what is it like to be one of the last JFK Democrats?

  13. Ted says:

    I found you on satellite radio (don’t have it anymore)but from the start I found a political soul mate. I am a pro choice conservative, I just wish we could get you out here in Connecticut. I raised my daughter a feminist as any real conservative should and now it is time for the granddaughter to learn to become a proud woman! You are doing a great job on Laura’s show and I think that you are the straight talk express, you explain things so darned well!

  14. Bob Agard says:

    You did a great job filling in for Laura. I love your passion.

  15. Carl says:

    Well done. My wife (of 47 yrs) has been fighting the flu & your comments this AM subbing for Laura certainly helped her recovery. Great to hear someone that articulates our feelings so well.

    Your “Right & Wrong” book is a delight. Keep hammering, our government educated folks need lots of repetitions.



  16. el H says:

    Why alter my post, Tammy? People in Baltimore love you and you crap on them and me with your censorship! :o)

    You are no better than the people you claim to disagree with.

  17. LawoftheLand says:

    Listening to your discussion of motor fuel prices today (04/01/08) on the program (the Laura Ingraham Show) brought to mind an existing bill in the House that proposes, among other essential related things, “suspending Federal fuel taxes when gasoline prices reach a benchmark amount.” The bill in its entirety recognizes that it is the government which bears primary responsibility for the inordinately high price of fuel; if gas (diesel) prices are too high, the first action to take is suspend the fuel taxes, not compel the oil companies to lower the cost of their product.

    H.R. 2415, the “Affordable Gas Price Act,” was sponsored once again this session by a man of newly-found fame and respect, Congressman Ron Paul of Texas. I believe that the electorate would demand the passage of such a sensible bill if it knew that it existed. Please inform yourself about it, read the text and promote it; as law, H.R. 2415 would go a long way toward improving our economy and of course our security.

    You should be able to find the text of this bill easily enough using a search engine, or by going to Congressman Paul’s Congressional website (

  18. John Waynesworld says:

    Hi Tammy,

    You are doing a great job on Laura’s show. I only wish you were on the radio in my area (ATL).

    Why doesn’t anyone take a pundit to task when they complain that the extreme right wing is just as bad as the extreme left? Where is the extreme right in America? Who are they? Are the libs referring to pro-lifers or Closet KKK members?

    As you know, you are the official icon for Italian/Irish mixed people everywhere! I was the one who wrote you about our mutual heritage and also my meeting Reagan and his being so kind to me.

    Take care.

  19. pablum says:

    Tammy: I enjoy your show, whenever I can get it (and now I see I can stream it from the internet!). You are doing a fine job of filling in for Laura Ingraham (whom I also enjoy). I am so glad she thought to ask you to fill in.

  20. PeteRFNY says:

    Sounding good over the air in NYC (even if it IS on tape delay)! 🙂

  21. helpunderdog says:

    If you can’t find Laura’s show on the radio, find her online at:

    If the stream isn’t playing Tammy when she’s hosting for Laura (KRLA 870 AM for example), just click around till you find a station that is. I found her at KTIE.

  22. Ruth Anne says:

    Your radio voice is quite pleasant to the ears. The content is spot on.
    You do good work.

  23. Ruth Anne says:

    Your radio voice is quite pleasant to the ears. The content is spot on.
    You do good work.

  24. Ruth Anne says:

    Sorry about the duplicate post. Feel free to delete one and this, too.

  25. Michael M. says:

    Thanks for keeping the flame lit of protecting families from the crime of abortion. I don’t agree however, with your comments of calling children “not human yet” and that they are property of their parents. So many times are we tell our children and our friends, family, etc., the value of family and children and now we have these comments. So many times I hear how bratty kids are and how much punishment they need. Wouldn’t it be a change for once to hear that kids are cherished and annointed they are by our Creator?

  26. Laura’s good, but dug your pinpoint accuracy and focus. Right On!

    I know you are soon to rule the world,
    but do come by for a visit and a laugh.

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