Me: Hurricane. Big. Florida. Eventually. Now where do I send my bill? I just wonder how much this revelatory finding cost us. And I do have a question: why is this news? Oh yeah, more ‘scary’ for your life.

Scientists: Big Quake Likely in Calif.

LOS ANGELES (AP) – California faces an almost certain risk of being rocked by a strong earthquake by 2037, scientists said Monday in the first statewide temblor forecast. New calculations reveal there is a 99.7 percent chance a magnitude 6.7 quake or larger will strike in the next 30 years. The odds of such an event are higher in Southern California than Northern California, 97 percent versus 93 percent.

“It basically guarantees it’s going to happen,” said Ned Field, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Pasadena and lead author of the report.

The 1994 Northridge earthquake under Los Angeles’ San Fernando Valley was magnitude 6.7. It killed 72 people, injured more than 9,000 and caused $25 billion in damage in the metropolitan area…

For example, a 2003 report found the San Francisco Bay Area faced a 62 percent chance of being struck by a magnitude 6.7 quake by 2032. The new study increased the likelihood slightly to 63 percent by 2037. For the Los Angeles Basin, the probability is higher at 67 percent. There is no past comparison for the Los Angeles area.

Scientists still cannot predict exactly where in the state such a quake will occur or when. But they say the analysis should be a wake- up call for residents to prepare for a natural disaster in earthquake country… “A big earthquake can happen tomorrow or it can happen 10 years from now,” said Tom Jordan, director of the earthquake center, which is headquartered at the University of Southern California.

Ha! Genius. That sure narrows it down.

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. This is news like those coffee studies are news –

    “Coffee is great for your heart.”

    “Coffee may cause cancer”

    “Coffee may stave off alzheimers”

    I like coffee. I like living in LA. I like to ignore this sort of “news.”

  2. I want to do a study, government funded of course, on the effects of rain on the ground. I’ll need a few billion dollars to make sure my results are accurate, but I can give my preliminary results right now.

    The ground becomes wet.

  3. St. Thor says:

    If it is such a problem, why is USC still in southern California? Better yet, why is Tom Jordon still there?

  4. Dave J says:

    Living in Florida, the thing is, I’ll know about a monster storm days if not weeks in advance. The Big One will hit the West Coast with no warning.

  5. Rich B says:

    If we’re lucky it will hit somewhere near Berkeley and strike the idiots up there. I love Northern Kalifornia having lived up there as a child and a teenager but the left-wing nitwits in the Bay Area have got to go. Hopefully into the sea.

  6. kbiel says:

    Me: Sun. Nova. Earth. Eventually.

  7. Sparky says:

    MSM: “EVERYBODY PANIC! More after this immortant commercial information…”

    Commerical: “Viva…Viva…VIAGRA!”

    MSM: “Now back to our earthquake segment…EVERYBODY PANIC!!!”

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