**UPDATE: My segment for today has understandably been cancelled for extended coverage of Tim Russert’s death.**

Today is the last day for Fox News’ special America’s Election Headquarters” program which was geared to cover the primary battles. Not that’s over, Fox is shifting into new programming, beginning Monday with Laura Ingraham’s three-week stint hosting a new show called, I believe, “Just In.”

So today I will be on AEH’s last show, at about 245p PT to discuss the politics/topics of the day. I hope to see you there. Knowing you’re out there makes the world of difference 🙂

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3 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. MLR says:

    Don’t worry, I’ll be watching.

  2. pat_s says:

    I mean no disrespect for Tim Russert, but I really don’t understand the wall-to-wall news coverage about his death. He was not a head of state. The press makes too much of itself.

  3. PeteRFNY says:

    Pat – speaking as someone who works for a news organization, Tim Russert is one of the last of a dying breed – a news organization head who put the coverage FIRST. While Meet The Press may have been ‘the Tim Russert show’, he never tried to grandstand or make the show about him (a la The McLaughlin Group, et al).

    Sure, Tim was a Dem through and through, but at least he TRIED to be even-handed, and in most cases, succeeded.

    While the coverage may seem a bit excessive to some, I believe it is simply Tim’s colleagues bidding farewell to an era that is sadly being overtaken by the endeless streams of hacks like the Keith Olbermans of the world, or locked in the greasy grip of the elitest pigs (like the now-“retired” Dan Rather) who prefer an agenda over actual reporting.

    Knowing all that, Russert’s passing is indeed a big deal.

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