**This post will be updated throughout the show**


Slate: Why the Press Is Ignoring the Edwards “Love Child” Story

FT: Obama warns nuclear Iran would pose grave threat

That’s weird, because just a few months ago Barry characterized Iran as too “tiny” to pose a threat. You know, like how only “big” countries can be scary.

Drudge: Text of Barry’s Berlin speech

The last words of an executed convicted killer? “Vote for Obama.” Now Barry has the Trifecta of Endorsements: Hamas, Kim Jong-Il, and a guy who murdered his friend with a claw-hammer. One must note that if people like this love Obama, there’s a problem.

‘Wall Street got drunk’ says Bush
President Bush passing the buck on the housing debacle, and engaging in a little projection at the same time.

BBC: Iraq banned from Beijing Olympics

What happens as Socialist countries develop a citizenry with nothing to do, no accomplishments, and nothing to look forward to? You get “Talula Does the Hula,” that’s what.

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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. marleed says:

    According to a reporter from the Associated Press, the Almighty and Most Wonderful Obama-lama-ding-dong addressed a “enormous” “international” crowd of about 200,000 at the base of the Victory Column in Tiergarten Park in the heart of Berlin. My favorite sentence was: “People of Berlin, people of the world, this is our moment. This is our time.” My favorite photo (so far) is: ObamaGermany 2008 It was so inspirational that I’m sure I felt a shiver go up Chris Matthew’s leg.

    Another interesting fact that I’m not certain you’ll see much of in the MSM is that there was indeed a free concert before the speech. I found reference to it on SPIEGEL ONLINE. All of this while John McCain spent the afternoon at a German restaurant in Columbus Ohio. I doubt there was a shiver or maybe even a journalist anywhere in the eatery (unless they had their air conditioning turned up too high). But at least McCain doesn’t think he’s the second coming, and he won’t get us killed by underestimating the lunatics who are determined to kill us.

  2. DogOnCrack says:

    If this arrogant moron gets elected, it will be the doom of us all.
    I’m sorry if that sounds rhetorical but he clearly thinks he’s God.

  3. crossroads_gunner says:

    “People of Berlin, people of the world, this is our moment. This is our time.”

    Cripes, a shiver just went up my spine. That sentence rings very similarly with much of the feeling of this one, which for comparison’s sake in a vacuum, has been slightly redacted:

    “If Providence has deemed that the….people are not to be spared this struggle, then I am thankful that She has entrusted me with the leadership in a historic conflict that will be decisive in determining the next five hundred or one thousand years, not only of our….history, but also of the history of Europe and even of the entire world.”

    The entire document is found here: http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v08/v08p389_Hitler.html

  4. crossroads_gunner says:

    My previous post might suggest I am making a direct comparison between Hitler’s and Obama’s worldview, or believe that Obama as President would be another Hitler. For the record, I do not believe that Obama blames the world’s problems on Jews, nor do I believe that Obama would seek to take over the world as Hitler once sought to.

    All the same, my perception of the similarities between Obama’s Berlin statement is unnerving somehow.

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