**This post will be updated throughout the show**


New, ridiculous DNC ad focusing on the ‘how many homes do you have’ issue. They better come up with something better than this, or they’ll all be called back in from recess. It’s also a little silly when, after all, John Edwards’ 102 acre spread could alone hold 100 homes, and Mr. Teresa Heinz also has quite a few homes, worth even more than the McCains. But hypocrisy is the liberal stock-in-trade, isn’t it?

And finally we have an ad focusing on the Obama/Ayers relationship. Not from the McCain camp or the RNC, but a 501(c)4 group called the American Issues Project. It’s direct and powerful. And it’s about time.

CNN: Obama notifies candidates on shortlist

Politico: Hillary Gets Stiffed

IHT: Olympics board seeks inquiry into age of Chinese gymnasts

CNN: NASA warns about debris from destroyed rocket

Mark Halperin Blows Obama VP Story, Then Covers It Up

Texan Chet Edwards on Obama’s VP short list

Consumerist: Owner Calls For Chew Toy Recall After Dog’s Injury Results In Tongue Amputation

I guess the answer to the request for the blessing was “no.”

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10 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Shawmut says:

    From a distance Romney may look good. But, up close, you’d prefer he was in the distance. As Governor of Massachusetts, he was a drop-out. As a party leader, the MA GOP never dropped so low.
    No sooner was he sworn in for a four-year, he was campaigning for president from his New Hampshire vacation home. (How did he poll there?)
    I credit you with seeing in him what you want, but from the Bay State and MA Republicans he was a costly flop. He’s laced with hypocrisy.
    As to the economy, he was a take-over warrior. He created nothing. Name a real plan, and he’s as vacuous as “O Man”; and without prepared speeach, he’s even less dynamic.
    Would I wish otherwise? Yes. Absolutely.

  2. jerocat says:

    That Obama ad is perfection for me. On the other hand I saw for example Charlie Rose giggle and fawn over one of his TV guests when the guest spoke about meeting with Fidel Castro. A few Lefties will be turned on by it. Not the centrists.

    As for Romney, I know that he understands the genius of American capitalism and limited government. He also knows we must defeat our enemies. Both strengths stand in clear contrast to those of the candidate(s) for president on the left.

  3. bstndance says:

    The non-kool aid libs I’ve spoken with think the house attack is just plain stupid. That’s all they can come up with?

  4. marleed says:

    McCain may well end up being (by choice) a one term president, but it would not be prudent for him to make that pledge now for a variety of reasons. First of all it would cause him to be a lame duck almost before his inauguration, and we all know how much political capital and leverage a lame duck president has. It would also cause a great number of politicians from both parties to begin campaigning for the 2012 election immediately. (Deliver me from THAT possibility!) I found an opinion that supports mine here.

    If elected, McCain would be going on 76 years old at the point when he’d start a re-election campaign in earnest. He might well decide, at that point, that he doesn’t have another run in him. He may even suspect now that that’ll be the case.

    But the political realities are that one simply does not announce that at the outset. For one thing, it’s conceivable that McCain will feel quite energetic four years from now and want to run again. Having run on a one-term pledge would be awkward at that point. More importantly, he’d be an instant lame duck. That’s the case, anyway, for second term presidents. But one doesn’t want to start out that way.

    Indeed, if one Googles John McCain one term lame duck, one gets 37,000 results. Among them, this answer from a Republican primary forum way back in January:

    ”No, because I think then you’re the lame duck, you’re quacking on Inauguration Day,” he said. ”But look, I would point out that when Ronald Reagan won the Cold War, he was in his second term older than me. I think that’s pretty good, isn’t it? Look, I’ve got the vigor. I’ve been – everybody has seen me here on the campaign trail. We work 16, 18 hours a day.”

    I think McCain’s decision to reject a one term pledge is a good one!

  5. Idiot#3 says:

    I have a question for Barack. How many pairs of size 12EE Italian shoes does Michelle have stuffed into her closet? How many diamonds does she own? I personally don’t care how many shoes Imelda Obama has bought with her Chicago patronage money while her brother-in-law lives outside Nairobi like an unlucky goat, and Obama has my blessing to keep slamming McCain’s luck with women compared to his own.

  6. pat_s says:

    Fox News refused to run the American Issues Project’s William Ayers ad, but then goofs and runs it anyway. The ad is being challenged as illegal advocacy. What do they think this is, a democracy with freedom of speech?

  7. NavajoSierra says:

    I think the Ayers ad is really excellent. I have been waiting for someone to really start putting the heat on some of the more troubling aspects of B. Hussein’s life. Ayers is a guy who got away with murder. The candidacy of B. Hussein is a tribute to the death of intelligence in America, more specifically, the death of the capacity to think critically. Everytime I see the kool aid reference, I think of Jonestown. I believe B. Hussein is as nuts as Jim Jones, another messiah; it is really frightening that B. Hussein has come this far.

  8. Young American says:

    OK. Since we are living in bizarro land and the fact that B.Hussein is the nominee in the first place which makes absolutely no sense, I will go out on a limb and make this crazy prediction.
    Hussein had his veep picked but after McCain jumping ahead in the polls a few days ago, the Hussein camp panicked. They ‘ brainstormed ‘ ( ha ! ) and came to realize that the only way in hell Hussein can get elected is to have Hillary on the ticket.
    So as we speak B.Hussein is on his knees in front of Hillary begging her to join him. She’s making him sweat. Will she or won’t she. We will see. Hillary or someone not on the short list. Chet Edwards waiting behind the curtain in case Hillary says no.

  9. Dave J says:

    Obama picks Joe Biden and practically guarantees his own defeat. Countdown to Biden saying something hilariously stupid in 3, 2, 1…

  10. marleed says:

    Well, wasn’t that special? Biden it is! Up until about noon today (EDT), the “who will Obama pick?” mystery was mildly entertaining… Sometime after that it became painful. It was something like having a boil lanced or your wisdom teeth removed! Thank GOD it’s over. Congratulations, Joe!

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