**This post will be updated throughout the show**


I would take Laura Bush more seriously on issues of how women should be treated if she hadn’t made that trip to Saudi Arabia to legitimize that horrific, misogynist government last year. When she say down with several burqa-covered women I lost most of the respect I had for her. Here’s a link to the video of her comments.

Newsflash for the Left: Last time I checked, Christians never claimed being better than regular humans.

Iran considers lopping zeros off currency

Townhall: Obama’s Hurricane Response Mirrors Bush

NY Post: Rev. Strikes Again; Wright’s Crude Michelle Obama Crack

Newsbusters: Olbermann Pulled From Republican Convention Coverage

Oh noes!!! The Left has found out that Todd Palin, our favorite Iron Man Mr. Mom, made a bad decision 22 years ago!!!

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10 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. DogOnCrack says:

    It seems as though the Democrats are already hanging themselves with a rope of sexism over the choice of Palin.
    The thought of the Republicans beating them to the punch on shattering the glass ceiling infuriates them.

  2. syd says:

    TAMMY! You’ve never been to New Orleans? [clutching my pearls] You really to change that. So much good food and fun.

  3. Pathman says:

    Good response by Palin.

  4. Dave J says:

    Shock horror: Todd Palin got arrested for DUI umpteen years ago. The most experienced DUI cop I know once told me that the people most responsible for the public thinking one DUI on their record was the end of the world are…the defense bar, of course, as a means to scare their clients into paying an arm and a leg (and then most of the time pleading them to exactly the same sentence they would’ve gotten without a lawyer).

  5. jeweytunes says:

    I just read part of an AP story that mentions the necessity for Obama to be “gentle” with Palin because he has to pander for the women’s vote to win. It says for this reason the only criticism he’s made of Palin’s foreign policy views is that she shares those of McCain. Well, in that case, Obama has just solved the questions about her foreign policy credentials, himself — if Palin knows enough to form the same positions as the experienced McCain, then there’s no longer the risk of her being just a clueless broad if she has to take the helm. Thanks, Barry. J

  6. storytold says:

    As a conservative Christian,I am not about to cast stones at anybody. Jesus warned against judging others lest our own skeletons fall out of the closet. It’s amazing how these liberals can criticize Palin’s family while sweeping the Silk Pony under the carpet. But if this is worst revelation Sarah Palin can produce,we have nothing to worry about.

  7. PeteRFNY says:

    Alas, it appears there are more surprises in Palin’s closet. You have to wonder if McCain knew about these things…hopefully they won’t become major issues. Pregnant unwed teens will be an issue with the Bible-thumpers, not many others. Those are important votes, though…

  8. artgal says:


    Bible-thumpers are not the ones having an issue with Palin’s daughter; the left-wing lunatic fringe are all over the blogosphere taking great glee, calling the girl ugly names and questioning Palin’s ability to ‘control her household’. The MSM have already disclosed the father’s identity, talked to school officials, people in the community – the sort of thing that would never happen to Obama’s daughters if they were going through the same challenge. Of course, we would not know of such challenges in Obama’s household because Obama would not want his daughters to be ‘punished with a baby’, as he so eloquently put it.

    Amazing how the media is all over this in an effort to question both Palin & McCain’s judgement; yet, the moment one radio personality and journalist in Chicago tries to research Obama’s school records on his associations, the Obama campaign contacts the Dept. of Justice and threatens the man mercilessly.

    It’s not the Bible community making harsh, critical judgements on Palin or her daughter. It’s the open-minded, non-judgemental, tolerant jarheads on the Left.

    Frankly, I’m a woman who is about as queer as a football bat and have found genuine Christians far more unconditionally loving, forgiving and decent toward people in need or faced with life’s challenges moreso than anyone else.

    The idea Christians don’t face these problems within their own household is absurd – my born-again family was no exception. That is why the religious as well as the rest of us conservatives will rally around McCain & Palin even more.

  9. PeteRFNY says:

    Artgal – You are 100% correct. The thing I hate most about this is the ready-made ammunition for the MSM things like this provide, the one thing I always dread.

    I’m basing my comment based on things I heard at a holiday gathering. One of the families there are the type I’m talking about – church and little else. They kept harping on how a mother could allow such a thing to happen, etc. Made me angry and disappointed at the same time.

    I made sure to point out that all three of their kids were married off and having babies by the insane age of 19. Of course, that was “different”.

  10. mrfixit says:

    I can personally vouch for the fact that no matter how much preaching, dicipline, and love you put into a child, starting around age 13, it’s a crap-shoot. You can’t follow them everywhere, (I guess now you can track them via satellite). All you can really do is lead by example, value education, volunteerism, good citizenship and religion, try to instill your values in them, and in the end they may or may not reject it. Many of them do reject it, at least for a while.

    All you can hope for is that they don’t make a major mistake in their life that causes them to have an unnecessarily tough life, and that they will eventually come to understand why you stressed all that boring stuff all their life.

    In most cases the light eventually comes on. Every family faces some challenges. The bigger the family, the more likely it is that a picture perfect family will be elusive.

    Palin’s family sounds pretty normal to me. She can’t be held accountable for everything the other six people in her family does or says.

    On the political side, I’d rather have an obviously quick study in the second banana spot, than have an inexperienced person with lots of preconcieved notions in the top spot.

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